I haven't played since season 2 and I just got back in and everyone except nunu got a remake.
Jesus. Even Twitch looks cooler.
I started playing late season 3 and the game is wildly different even compared to then so it's probably gonna be a whole new game for you
pets aren't slavesWtf does Ahri pet even mean? If Ahri existed you would want to enslave her?
You're messed up man.
ok!Pretty sure Ahri would enslave you
ASol is pretty fun
it is pretty good yeabest skin :^)
when is the broken as fuck ryze rework coming out?
Damn. Where are these from?stuffs!
Damn. Where are these from?
One day they'll remember to turn her into a good champion
Damn, I'm in love. I especially like that Leona. Wait no...that Nidalee. Lordy Lordy Lordy.
^Looks like a good back-and-forth, then suddenly your team started rolling them. That had to feel good.
To be fair it'll probably be god awful on release.
Then they'll give his Q +4 damage or something and his win rate will jump 12% because he's ryze
Someone get me completely out of plat elo. I can't stand it anymore.
Diamond 5 is worse. Honestly. At least high Platinum players are trying to win.The only place I've encountered a higher proportion of trolls was Bronze.
I finally got into Diamond 4. Hopefully the trolls are done.
I feel like I've just hit a wall. I feel like I do well in alot of my games and am just not improving at all
It can be tough to recognize your own flaws. If doing well is just referring to kda, look for ways to press the advantages you're gaining from winning lane, successfully ganking, etc. Outside of drastically improving your farming big concepts like that, game management I guess you could call it, are probably the easiest way to improve imo
Diamond 5 is worse. Honestly. At least high Platinum players are trying to win.The only place I've encountered a higher proportion of trolls was Bronze.
I finally got into Diamond 4. Hopefully the trolls are done.
arena for this eu lcs is hype as fuck