Lissandra is just the best. People really underestimate her one-shot potential. Maxing E second and using it for damage turns her into a pretty good assassin. I know pro play is a different world, but it really annoys me seeing ppl flash W and then go into stasis for 5 seconds EVERY teamfight. Why not flash R their carry and delete them? Death is the best CC, after all. :>
using e for dmg is pretty tough since u got little reach to the backline without it. flash ult won't get you to a well positioned carry
and self ulting is generally a better idea cos teams are running multiple maws/qss these days, and a lot of mids will run cleanse against you if you play lizzy
i agree that doing the same every fight is bad but with the current state of the game self ulting is usually the better idea in a teamfight scenario
Anyway, I decided I wanna buy Liss and Sion with RP when they go on sale this month and use my IP to get either Zed or Yas. Zed seems like fun and Yas cause I need more AD mids and I like no-mana. (Though one of my ranked games was carried hard by a mid Riven vs a Yas. He and their Garen tried to lane swap but it was too late and neither could snowball off my Trundle. I have yet to play Riven PvP but I'll keep that in my back pocket ..)
if you want to win dont buy either
just buy corki or maybe varus or talon
edit: or buy pant, he has a silly winrate mid lol