Peanut Butter
Who does everyone think will end up being the most busted mage after this mass rework/update/whatever?
VladWho does everyone think will end up being the most busted mage after this mass rework/update/whatever?
That's ultimately gonna be the case with every tank so I'm not sure what you mean. Thats just part of putting together a halfway decent comp. Maokai can burst down squishies and sion puts out boatloads of aoe damage, both have good to great utility. Don't think you can't carry a game if you're not putting out fat dps bc that's a lame mindset and gives you a pretty poor perspective on the game
Who does everyone think will end up being the most busted mage after this mass rework/update/whatever?
Probably.ryze as usual
Malz is already shit so i dont think they can mess him up anymore.Every one of the group reworks has had a few failures in, so it's almost a certainty that given the scope of the changes a few will really miss the mark. Any bets?
I think they'll fuck up Malz and Cass.
Malz is already shit so i dont think they can mess him up anymore.
Im more wanting to see all the ap items, like if they do that blink dagger thing it would be stupid on so many people.
Malz is already shit so i dont think they can mess him up anymore.
Who does everyone think will end up being the most busted mage after this mass rework/update/whatever?
Mordkaiser laughs at not making crappy champs crappier.
Fiddle and Syndra are getting minor changes as well, most likely passives that aren't shitI hope they change a few neglected ones like Fiddle and Syndra.
He was good for a while then they nerfed him when they buffed all the adc which didnt make any sense.Mordkaiser laughs at not making crappy champs crappier.
I know but his kit is toxic as shit and fucking boring to play against.Malz is much stronger right now than you'd think.
It's the same as Skarner and WW. Really strong because of their point and click bullshit early on but then useless because of QSS buys later on. Unlike WW though, his other abilities give him a strong early game by continuously pushing.I just looked at Malzahars kit
It's like the same it's been for the past 2 years
am I missing something that made him toxic or
He was good for a while then they nerfed him when they buffed all the adc which didnt make any sense.
I know but his kit is toxic as shit and fucking boring to play against.
i think so too
he's probably the least healthy of the bunch they're working on so they'll have to compensate for taking his toxic shit away and for removing wota too, so i think he'll be super broken
Hold me
Pray to the rito gods
They deliver the best Swain rework ever
get rektlarger image
Really? Bimmy?it's a cool idea to have each dragon respawn actually be a different dragon
let's say you kill Jimmy the dragon, and his brother Bimmy spawns in his place. Then you kill Bimmy, and his second cousin Marco spawns. Marco the dragon. But they all look different.
Really? Bimmy?
Is that the best you could do?
That actually sounds like a pretty interesting change. You know when Dragon is up, but not which Dragon is up, so you can't just afford to let the enemy team set up for it since you don't know what kind of buff they'll get from it.Each dragon gives something different and spawn randomly (ala Dota 2 runes).
Wtf is going on here