Got a Heimerdinger support who trolled and didn't get any vision items because he didn't get his role.
Sometimes you wonder what the point of queuing up for 2 roles is when there are people who do that
Got a Heimerdinger support who trolled and didn't get any vision items because he didn't get his role.
how do u mikaels death mark
Fuck, I always forget that isn't a thinghow do u mikaels death mark
Vlad q is broken in lane. I don't know how to deal with a range resourceless ability that constantly deals missing health damage on a 9 second cooldown. And that's without cdr.
This is the mage update one not the live vlad.
No it doesn'tWait, Transfuse will do missing health damage? The fuck?
No it doesn't
Killa is just had at reading
His Q does 100pc more damage and heals him for missing hp when he has 3 stacks of it
Basically they gave him some of his E inro his Q
Sometimes you wonder what the point of queuing up for 2 roles is when there are people who do that
Yes. Especially on resourceless champs.
Depends on whether you need the CDR early or late. Champions like Panth or Riven might want the flat ones while junglers and mages might want the scaling onesWhich is better, Flat or scaling?
Zyra plants and Q deal less damage and her plants have less HP at level 1, if anything her jungling is worse, not better.
Zyra plants and Q deal less damage and her plants have less HP at level 1, if anything her jungling is worse, not better.
I hadn't considered her passive will just start placing shit as you wait for monsters to spawn making her first camp way easier, I'm dum dumHappy to say you, sir, are wrong. Initial clear is stupid good and speeds along nicely.
I hadn't considered her passive will just start placing shit as you wait for monsters to spawn making her first camp way easier, I'm dum dum
Seeing stonewall's video she can have like 5 plants at Gromp, those new Q spawning mechanics are dirty what the fuck
Which is better, Flat or scaling?
Champions that are in dire need of CDR and can use abilities like Riven and Renekton are mostly using flat CDR.
Mana based champs are more likely using scaling as they cannot support constant usage of the skills in fear of getting no mana so they scale it instead so the CDR ramps up when they have the sufficient mana/regen.
It also comes down to your personal preference. Taking CDR runes will make you remove some essential runes in lane like magic resists or even your quintessence runes.
General rule of the thumb is resourceless = flat, has resource = scaling.
Depends on whether you need the CDR early or late. Champions like Panth or Riven might want the flat ones while junglers and mages might want the scaling ones
Champions that are in dire need of CDR and can use abilities like Riven and Renekton are mostly using flat CDR.
Mana based champs are more likely using scaling as they cannot support constant usage of the skills in fear of getting no mana so they scale it instead so the CDR ramps up when they have the sufficient mana/regen.
It also comes down to your personal preference. Taking CDR runes will make you remove some essential runes in lane like magic resists or even your quintessence runes.
General rule of the thumb is resourceless = flat, has resource = scaling.
That makes sense. So far I've only purchased the basic runes that went on permanent sale a while ago (mpen reds, armor yellows, mresist blues), as well as three ap quints and a set of armor reds (for use with tank supports, so I can use lower-tier life yellows for more survivability).
What other runes should I be looking into for playing mostly support, and slowly picking jungle up? Giving up mresist blues for CDR would be rough early on, but it'd also make it easier for me to get good CDR even if I choose to skip an item that grants it in favor for another one (maybe boots, for example).
Typical Supports go for Flat HP Yellows, Flat MR Blues, Flat Armor Reds then AP Quints for people like Janna/Lulu. HP Regeneration quints for Soraka or Armor Quints for tanks.
For jungle it's actually better to have CDR/Scaling AP/Flat AP but mostly CDR for their blues as monsters don't deal magic damage. The only mandatory rune for jungle is flat armor yellows and Flat AD/Atkspd Red for sustain and increase jungle clear.
Buying runes is a long process. I suggest buying specific runes for a specific set of champions like your mains first. I myself haven't bought all I need yet. I got to high elo just with the same basic runes you are rocking right now. I bought all the champs I want then haven't bought any since and just bought runes all day long. It doesn't help that they're so expensive.
So is Aurelion Sol just garbage or can no one play him well yet
So is Aurelion Sol just garbage or can no one play him well yet
So is Aurelion Sol just garbage or can no one play him well yet
So is Aurelion Sol just garbage or can no one play him well yet
ASol's ult is one of the least satisfying ults to come out in the last year/year and a half or so
ASol's ult is one of the least satisfying ults to come out in the last year/year and a half or so
I think someone called this earlier in the day.
Easy fix-
Make it so enemy camps only give 25% of experience to an opposing jungler. Thus this creates the situation where the exp given isn't much, thus it's not 'worth it' if you get caught out, and then it becomes a battle of attrition for the buffs themselves and not for the experience-it doesn't become a spy vs. spy where both junglers are constantly in the enemy jungle.
I think someone called this earlier in the day.
Nah the easy fix is to not go through with the change, there's no reason for it
lol syndra didn't even get a thread
such a bummer
rito whyyyyyy
don't need the timer, it's unnecessary
don't need the timer, it's unnecessary
Whwre my swain changes at?
Whwre my swain changes at?
His Q is an aoe area that shoots things within that area, 200% damage to minions and monsters(?).
His E now scales with 100% ap
His ult now heals only 15% from minions/monsters, but shoots out 5 ravens at once.
well now it feels like less of a nerf, it's still a sizeable nerf to her q dmg but it's much more acceptableDark Sphere (Q) AP ratio increased to .7 from .6
Scatter The Weak (E) cooldown lowered to 16/15/14/13/12 from 18/16.5/15/13.5/12