Well, finished placements. The dream team botlane.
Also, forgot to mention. Ez is insane right now. Play him.
Ez blue build?
Well, finished placements. The dream team botlane.
Also, forgot to mention. Ez is insane right now. Play him.
what's a blue build and how is it different from just a regular ez
Blue Ez relies more on his poke as opposed to his auto attacks, with a bigger focus on raw damage as opposed to DPS. It's called blue build because all the items you buy have a blueish hue.what's a blue build and how is it different from just a regular ez
The first season when I was silver was the worst. Silver I was the biggest challenge. So much attitude, so much desperation. So many matches were just flame fests. You got a mix of the gold V people that couldn't drop from gold and didn't care anymore and the super desperate silver 2 and silver 1 guys that would flip out at the drop of a hat.
Not sure if I'd have the patience to do that again.
So because of that free starter pack from Amazon, I decided to test out the ping again for NA. I get 105 to 109 from England, which is completely playable.
Now I'm on NA, trying to level up the account. Gonna take a while.
two questions, how do you deal with a volibear??? and how do you deal with a naut top? cause.. idk guy doesnt die. guy deals damage. idk. I don't understand how for a fucking tank volibear deals so much damage.
I already see how this season is gonna go, I'm in this game with a katarina in mid with runic echos, wanna kill myself.
I went down 15 ms in League with my new internet
I think I might actually be terrible at jungling now. What else can a top lane main do? Support?
You have no idea how much I need to hold back the urge to avatar quote most of your questions.I think I might actually be terrible at jungling now. What else can a top lane main do? Support?
That's what I do. I play tank supports. Braum is my main man, 78% win rate.
Botrk sucksEnemy team has tanks and a tanky ekko and our vayne doesn't bother to build bork.
Yeah it would be neat to play with everyone else on gaf.Everyone from other regions should do this!
Level up accounts and we all can play inhouses together!
How can you get the win rate on normals? I know my precentage rate with champs on ranks on op.gg, but is it also possible on Normals?
Enemy team has tanks and a tanky ekko and our vayne doesn't bother to build bork.
I wouldn't do that either. That build relied on Shiv Cannon and that's gone.Don't use Bork, just build AS and Crit. Vayne's proc does true damage anyway, and she has to kill one target at a time to be effective.
That's pretty good ping from Australia to NA.I went to 12ms on my new internet
CKOne: dc
CKOne: im ion toilett
CKOne: cya
CKOne: inga,e
CKOne: ingame :*
I wouldn't do that either. That build relied on Shiv Cannon and that's gone.
Honestly just go normal IE ADC shit IMO. Botrk still has a place as a 3rd~4th item if they aren't stacking armor but the nerfs just make it a shitty thing to rush.
Shiv and RFC proc damage doesn't stack anymoreWhat's wrong with having Shiv an RFC?
Sticking with Cait and Jinx in Bronze,I am seeing Lucians and MFs but no Ezreals.
I wonder who is the best ADC so far, I want to climb to silver as fast as possible
Sticking with Cait and Jinx in Bronze,I am seeing Lucians and MFs but no Ezreals.
I wonder who is the best ADC so far, I want to climb to silver as fast as possible
So Dynamic Queue probably has me back in.
Haven't played properly since November, since then I've pretty much just been playing ARAMs.
Anything major that I've missed?
Caityln is like the second most difficult ADC in the game after Draven lol. Don't stick with Cait. Play something strong and braindead like Trist.Sticking with Cait and Jinx in Bronze,I am seeing Lucians and MFs but no Ezreals.
I wonder who is the best ADC so far, I want to climb to silver as fast as possible
A custom full GAF game on both sidesWhat are the in-houses btw? Custom games where everyone is from GAF? Or just GAF premades for normals?
Caityln is like the second most difficult ADC in the game after Draven lol. Don't stick with Cait. Play something strong and braindead like Trist.
Where is the new team builder? I'm on EUW. Is it on ranked only or something?