you're welcome nat
What the hell are Riot thinking with that Viktor laser change? Look at how long it takes to detonate, even a bot can dodge it.
might require some tuning, but they don't want viktor to be a burst mage the way he is now, which is instant aoe insanity.
the idea seems to be to combo it with stasis field or team setup if you want massive burst, while keeping the damage high allows you to have really strong waveclear. or yea, get rylais
it might be down to tuning, maybe it's not 1.25, but 1s, idk
i think the idea is solid, i love viktor, but he's dumb, this is a healthier direction for him as a more dps thing rather than burst. you deal a bunch more dmg than before so ppl need to gtfo your laser if they wanna live
Yeah, I think this is insightful. "Assassins" would be a lot more fun to play with and against if they were more, like, "tricksters." Ekko was kind of supposed to be a big investigation into taking assassins in that direction. I am not really sure how they feel about the results -- on the one hand it's not like Ekko is worthless, but on the other hand it's kind of too good and he mostly builds in a way that other assassins don't. Also Fizz is already a super tricky, relatively low-burst assassin I thought.
This actually speaks to why Talon is such an unsatisfying assassin even when he's good -- suicide bomber is actually not what assassins generally do in League.
yea trickster is a good word for that style of gameplay, the whole i'm shaco and i'm annoying as fuck is an aspect that i think could be made more relevant, although i bet it's pretty annoying
Items seems right but it's tricky -- like, they already tried encouraging CC champs to itemize for better CC with AP ratio slows and such and they seem to have more or less given up on that. But yeah, if you want assassin trickiness to scale with feeding then they need tricky items to buy. Maybe the Hextech stuff can provide some of that? But I guess not for AD assassins.
idk, it doesn't have to be items, it def could be inserted into reworks. take akali shroud, like, imagine if it was on an ammo system and she can have up to 3 at the same time but they don't last nearly as long as now and maybe you get ammo on kills
lol, measure once, cut twice. It's a skill, not a talent! (Alternate metaphor, look in the mirror and take three things off.)
is that like a tyra banks thing
How many balls for nuSyndra's ult?
the max remains at 7 but it's gonna be much easier to get there specially after lvl 13
I thought the system was if someone on your team got the S then whatever champ you're playing gets tagged or whatever for the year for a chest? Or do you have to actually get the S on the champ?
i'm playing ahri, you're playing thresh. you get an s-, i get a d cos i suck and fed
this gives me a chest for ahri if:
- we're on a premade
- i own ahri (important, you can't earn chests for free week champions you don't own)
- i'm below my monthly chests limit
- i didn't already unlock my ahri chest for this season