can you wait 30 minutes so i can get home and watch
he's killin it atm
can you wait 30 minutes so i can get home and watch
Killing Lux right afterwards trying to steal blue
I loved that kill, she was so intent on trying to steal the blue she didn't notice you ward on her and then walk up and smack her in the face
that's not irelia
wtf man
if you're not going to play the only toplaner that matters then i don't care about ur games :<
I see irelia played mid
she's not a top laner anymore <_>
edit-ooh mecha sion skin shard. So once I get the 1520 essence, I can make it permanent right?
ugh i threw a game so hard by chasing someone halfway across the map, feels bad
Did they up the drop rate or just reset? There were no drops for a while because it was limited to 12 per month. Once the month ended they started dropping for me again.i've been getting so many key frags since they upped the drop rate
what is breezy's ign
also should i change my ign to hiten ur butt and go back to 100% irelia
being so deep into dks3, i kind of feel like buying ashen lord aurelion
In ranked tonight I had a Yasuo top (we begged them not to go Yorick...they picked Yasuo) followed by a Nunu top + Zed mid.5 yasuo mids in a row
kill me
Do you like Aurelion? I haven't seen him much at all and I tried him and he just felt awkward
lee sin straight fuckin you guys
oh wait theap yasi mean azir is feeding
problem with changing regions is that it changes the language to that region's and so i'm stuck with dumb argie voices when i switch back to latin american server
so i gotta repatch the voiceovers every time and that's just really annoying so i keep two separate installs of league because rito is dumb and doesn't let me choose my language
Here, easy fix in just a few steps:
* Downside: (?) You get NA news on landing page.
I have been using this since Season 3.
Taric ult was hard for me to use. I didn't get the hang of it until late in the game.
i tried this but it got reset
i'll try it again, see if it works
You pulled of a great ult during that last teamfight that was about to win us the game.
Unfortunately, the Kayle decided to tap into his inner James Harden and not defend our open Nexus from Lucian. I knew I should have stayed back.
That GA buff is pretty good right? A minute off the CD and 300 gold cheaper in exchange for 15 mr
no i have a sudden infestation of yasuos.