I wish I had better games. Some I see I'm being outplayed, but then there're others like getting a Heimer vs Zed mid where our Heimer apparently had 5000 ping (so he stood by base towers after a bit), and we were doing okay in bot except their jungle and then mid came by for a visit on two separate occasions (of course nobody warned us) while Kindred was busy doing a whole lot of nothing and Garen only trash talked us and always used his TP to go back to lane. Meanwhile, the enemy team worked together and coordinated ganks while our team... well, we were all in our lanes fearing for when people would roam in and kill us.
Some hilarious things happened there, though, such as when I caught a stray Malhpite in our jungle, kept my CC going and finally ulted intending to leave him to somebody else, but he was low on health and died to my ult (but not until he had spent his own attempting to escape). Then I walk to mid, notice Caitlyn's there and don't go in because most of my abilities were on CD and only Kindred was around... and of course Kindred goes in, dies and blames me for "sitting around doing nothing".
Like, what's the thought process? If someone loses in lane because they keep getting ganged up on by the other lanes without any allies ever coming by, let's leave them be and whine that they're bad while they obviously can't do anything but get pushed for free? It wasn't even like we were getting ganked due to overextending, since our deaths were always very close to our own turrets... AFAIK that'd actually be a ripe target for our jungler's ganks, but of course Kindred was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't even like she was actually ganking the other two lanes... she was just farming camps for what seemed like forever.