Stone Ocean
Karma's a reformed bitchI like his stream but I don't want to play with this dude lmao.
Karma's a reformed bitchI like his stream but I don't want to play with this dude lmao.
Lemme just sit in bot lane auto attacking turret while their whole team is MIA in late game, they won't Baron or anythingHis decision making is like bronze.
4 people ran bot to save him from a gank. He gets a kill.
He stays in lane with 200hp for 3-4 waves while their bot lane backs.
Lee literally runs from base, goes back bot to just kill him.
What the actual fuck.
If I was ADC that game was probably an easy win.
I'm going by hypotheticals here lol.Wouldn't he just run down mid and feed 20 times? Or has that changed?
Wouldn't he just run down mid and feed 20 times? Or has that changed?
Yeah you want to max E on him.Aaah, that's helpful! I've always W,Q into them, but yeah, if I E into them & save Q for escape I can approach safely but still get away fast. Thanks!
Yeah it is tyler1 what do you think.If he doesn't get adc? Really?
people keep saying she's an earthbender
that's boring
Now what if she's like Gaara
Now that's cool
people keep saying she's an earthbender
that's boring
Now what if she's like Gaara
Now that's cool
She bends stone to her will so I'd say earth bender. BUT I feel like she could have bleeds/ dots/ slows like Gaara's sand so I added that in there.
I mean, shattered rocks can cut you up something bad.
She's gonna spend 20 minutes dancing to lift a small rock and throw it as a skillshot
and it flies incredibly slow
like this
You paid to watch a Shyamalan movie after The Happening, you deserve nothing but scorn and mockery. Like being forced to watch The Last Airbender 2I still can't believe I went and payed money to watch this shit.
You paid to watch a Shyamalan movie after The Happening, you deserve nothing but scorn and mockery. Like being forced to watch The Last Airbender 2
30 minutes? I lost my shit the moment "Sokka" said his first lineThe hope was still there :/
To be fair though after 30 minutes in when me and my friends realized it was terrible we ended up making fun of it the whole way through. I wouldn't mind watching the sequel if I can talk through it the whole way.
She's gonna spend 20 minutes dancing to lift a small rock and throw it as a skillshot
and it flies incredibly slow
like this
30 minutes? I lost my shit the moment "Sokka" said his first line
Another Kindred asskicking. I keep getting some really bad teams when I play her. Like, no ganking opportunities anywhere. I'm doing something fundamentally wrong, I just don't know what it is. Really exasperating. I keep falling in behind in farm, not getting early kills, trouble picking up jungle marks, seemingly little damage...all her strengths and I can't seem to put it together for even a single match.
Their E damage is legitimately stupid. You can do a lot with a pretty narrow window. Also you can out duel pretty much any jungler in the game without too much effort so don't be scared to look to invade.
I want to know how you're getting to play them so much though I never see them make it through bans
Their E damage is legitimately stupid. You can do a lot with a pretty narrow window. Also you can out duel pretty much any jungler in the game without too much effort so don't be scared to look to invade.
I want to know how you're getting to play them so much though I never see them make it through bans
you're making costy very happy
Well I think I won't play League anymore at night. Pretty sure my speeds are getting throttled at night by my ISP.![]()
get fucking rekt lmaoI like his stream but I don't want to play with this dude lmao.
i've been forever annoyed by ur avatar's really shitty transparency and i've been fooling with cleaning it up a couple times but never quite got itI actually had "her" throughout that entire thing and went back and changed it to make sure i didn't get scolded
Trundle's new splashes are on pbe. They're all pretty plain but i actually really like traditional trundle
yea the trundle skins aren't the most creative (wish they did some cameos on the lil slugger splash) but the art's really good, specially on traditional
also viktor's ult duration is extended. at this point i'm super confused at how viktor will work now, so i'm just gonna be hoping all these changes are for the best
i've been forever annoyed by ur avatar's really shitty transparency and i've been fooling with cleaning it up a couple times but never quite got it
finally found the right refine edge settings and voila
it's not 1000% perfect but it's so much better holy shit