God damn it another game where I shit the bed early on. I don't get it. How come I can gank so easily with my other picks? Like, this is quit LoL depressing for me.
Who were you playing?
God damn it another game where I shit the bed early on. I don't get it. How come I can gank so easily with my other picks? Like, this is quit LoL depressing for me.
i think this is my third take on it
i'm pretty bad at rendering and specially in like very low res pictures like those
finally i can rest
Who were you playing?
Happy to say the next match I helped get a double kill bot around level 4 and then a solid killing gank top. Enemy bot lane ending up intentionally feeding at the game became one of those dragging clusterfucks you only find in low elo normals so even though I ended up with good KDA and damage I'm not reading into the mid-game onwards too much. Just happy to finally have played a really solid early game.
I dunno. I remember when I was practicing Braum when he came out ages ago and going something like 3-17 in 20 matches. I thought I was playing like shit but on closer inspection I had some really questionable team comps and picked him into some really bad match-ups because I was trying to play those 20 matches as quickly as possible. Since then I'm something like 9-2 when I pick him into the right comp.
I'm seeing lots of really bad comps I wouldn't have picked Kindred into. When my team's comp looks better at the loading screen, I win. When it looks their's is better, I lose. I might be reading too much into all of these bad matches.
Happy to say the next match I helped get a double kill bot around level 4 and then a solid killing gank top. Enemy bot lane ending up intentionally feeding at the game became one of those dragging clusterfucks you only find in low elo normals so even though I ended up with good KDA and damage I'm not reading into the mid-game onwards too much. Just happy to finally have played a really solid early game.
I dunno. I remember when I was practicing Braum when he came out ages ago and going something like 3-17 in 20 matches. I thought I was playing like shit but on closer inspection I had some really questionable team comps and picked him into some really bad match-ups because I was trying to play those 20 matches as quickly as possible. Since then I'm something like 9-2 when I pick him into the right comp.
I'm seeing lots of really bad comps I wouldn't have picked Kindred into. When my team's comp looks better at the loading screen, I win. When it looks their's is better, I lose. I might be reading too much into all of these bad matches.
how does a botlane die 19 times
We died. Lets try again. How did they kill us? He only has a BF to my pickaxe! We got em this time! Only 2 levels ahead thats bs. Jungle why you no help they can just dive!
how does a botlane die 19 times
Hey now maybe the bubble was a fluke and the Nami isn't good! It could work!I faced a Lucian who tried that yesterday.
I just died because I got bubbled? Let's try to dash into Nami and hope she won't bubble me again. She's squishy so she should die. Janna can surely provide enough damage and shields this time.
Kindred is so good. She's mostly seeing success in the higher ranks though, so if you're feeling you don't have great success with her don't feel bad. If another pick works better for you then it's probably a better pick for you.
25 mins Q time in silver, even while restarting it.10 minute queue in bronze wooo
Lmao yeah that is weirdI have a friend who's in bronze 5 and he gets super long queues in ranked even when he restarts. His MMR is so low he's essentially in reverse challenger.
thanks!I like your new avatar zky
Just boot Stardew Valley or something while you wait
did someone say coop vs ai :^)get on my level gaf, I'm 100
since I haven't been playing a whole lot has purged my past games.
why does she have heels like that
first game of this week was, good smashed a yas's face in.
Does your rank ever start to decay if you don't play? I haven't played ranked afters my placements because I got placed higher than I should. How long would it take me to rank down from silver II to around bronze II(this seems to be about the average rank of players I get matched with in normals)?
If you're plat or up it decays. Below it doesn't.
Thanks. How many game losses do you think it will take to rank down a division? Does it speed up your lp loss if you are losing a lot?
Good fucking riddance. He was starting to get fans that would do the same troll shit he does, he can gladly fuck off.LOL
rip in fucking pieces tyler1
rip in fucking pieces tyler1
rip in fucking pieces tyler1