Ghost is Bad
lata bitch
I thoguht he was one of the good guys.LOL
rip in fucking pieces tyler1
Well that's lame.
Enemy team had a 3-man, whilst my whole team were solo queue. I know it's a low chance of happening, but that it did... sucks.
the way it's posted about it seems that it's quite the common occurence
Best Riven India-I prefer top(I got top)
*I say nothing, look at their stats, they're all horrible in all rolls*
Some rando-You can take mid
Me-Ok I take mid, you take top, and you get bot, everyone wins.
I'm expecting the worst.
If I don't lock in, and I'm in a series, does that count as a loss?
If you leave a lobby when you're in your promos, it'll count as a loss, but you'll only lose the dodge lp (so 3 if it's your first dodge of the day). If you honestly feel every lane will lose, you might as well dodge to avoid losing like 18 lp or whatever.
So you won't lost a match in the promo series? or you lose the match and the 3 lp?(Ie if I have 0 games played in a series, now I'll have one of those count as a loss?)
Only asking because I didn't lock in a placement match last week and it didn't count as a loss, so I'm wondering if Riot changed the system.
Bye fucker. Just today I had a game where someone was threatening to run it down mid.LOL
rip in fucking pieces tyler1
Just laned Yi against fucking Yorick. How is he allowed to be a champ? I mean, I know he's getting reworked but until then just delete this annoying shit with his bugged ghost. :/
Stupid question: who the fuck was Tyler1?LOL
rip in fucking pieces tyler1
I'd imagine laning with yi was part of your problem and your experience would have been much different with other champs. Yorick is kind of a lane bully but he's mostly worthless
Stupid question: who the fuck was Tyler1?
Stupid question: who the fuck was Tyler1?
Stupid question: who the fuck was Tyler1?
Hahah finallyLOL
rip in fucking pieces tyler1
Stupid question: who the fuck was Tyler1?
Stupid question: who the fuck was Tyler1?
Is there a video of tyler1 finding out he's been permed?
closest I've seen is right before he shut down his stream for good
oh here we go
He doesn't seem too beat up about it
Probably. Someone like gross gore is way more toxic than I am. He only got banned for calling out Krepo.The question is: would Newt be able to get away with his below the line trolling if he was streaming and got a decent amount of viewers?
I'm gonna miss tyler.
Us ADC mains, our hearts are weak. RIP tyler.
Us ADC mains, our hearts are weak.
My days of super toxicity are long over. I only troll in champ select these days.
Probably. Someone like gross gore is way more toxic than I am. He only got banned for calling out Krepo.
I don't post a lot of these anymore but goddamn I love Illaoi. I got a couple of good ganks from Voli (well 1 technically) and then was just timely on some TPs. At roughly 30 minutes Draven, Thresh, Teemo AND Jax (yes all 4) were chasing me down. I had pushed their top T2 and warded so I could see if they would come so that i could pull back quickly...but with Thresh's mobi boots and Jax leaping on wards to close the gap, ol' slew-footed Illaoi couldn't get away. I made it to the bushes near the river after flashing and decided I was going to make my stand. The calvary was between the Baron pit and blue buff, so for about 7 seconds it was me by myself vs the 4 of them.
Well then, let's see what you've got, I said to myself.
I got the CC chain you'd expect from Jax and Thresh but my tentacle's didn't have a single fuck to offer them. E-->R-->W-->Q-->W-->W-->Q--> and so on. I think they simply believed they could make the kill happen by forcing it. They learned they could not. Broken bones taught good lessons on this day. What a champ. If only she had a decent alt skin.
freest game of my life but comcast murdered rengar and graves is garbage
i only played illaoi once and it was during that weird xerath game mode but she seemed fun even if i had no idea what the fuck i was doing
her combo is very straight forward. You want to E first (grab their spirit) if you can because if they run they'll get slowed and if they don't you'll have an extra tentacle created if you ult. You want to be in the middle of the action so you do what you need to do to get there (W leap in, flash in, walk in...whatever you need to do) then ult so you can get as many tentacles as you can. Then start hitting the leap (W) because it triggers the tentacles to slap and the Q for your main tentacle. W's cooldown gets very low (especially with 40% CDR) so you just keep spamming it and forcing those tentacles to slap. Every time they hit an enemy you get life back. Sort of like a Darius.
It's harder to get in with her because she has no way to displace enemy champs like Darius and no easy way to gap-close to position the ult like an Amumu or some such, so you just do what you can. But if you can get into good position, you'll either kill everyone or force the quick enemy retreat. If you can pincer them with the ult or combine it with some other CC...look out.
yeah it was weird cause it was that dominion map game mode with the big xerath (rip dominion) and i'd never played it before so it was a combo of having no idea wtf i was doing with the champ and objective, was fun though i figured her out mostly i think during that game, pretty funny damage sometimes.
also she came out when i was on a hiatus for a few months so i never really saw her played since she kinda stopped be ing played i guess when i started up again
I understand. I'm a big fan of hers. But I usually only pick her if I'm last pick and have an opportunity to evaluate the kiting potential of the enemy team. Like if I'm against a Graves + Ahri + Pony, I'll just play something else. If the comp mostly has normal levels of mobility, it's showtime.