i like school boy ekko, it's not mindblowingly great but it's got a nice color to it like that whole line does
at least very appealing to me since teal and pinkish red are colors i like using a lot
I love that proto belt sounded like this insane thing that was going to legitimately break a bunch of Champions then you see it in game and you're like wait that item is hot garbage
i knew it wasn't gonna be such a big deal because the build path is super weird for a ton of mages. like no mage ever is gonna want to have a kindlegem in their inventory
i think riot just played it super safe which is good cos that item could potentially warp the entire game but they'll need to start buffing it eventually, i guess
Guys, guys...guys.
Civilization 6.
I basically have 4 months to beat this game now.
yeah i hope civ 6 gets a nice regional discount for south america
i just bought stellaris and should probably play that before, but never played a grand strategy game so a bit scared to
meanwhile i miss overwatch so damn much ;_;