Vincent Alexander
Newt would've played a hundred times better with both eyes plucked out and a vice grip on his nuts than the guy I got stuck with.You played with Newt?
Newt would've played a hundred times better with both eyes plucked out and a vice grip on his nuts than the guy I got stuck with.You played with Newt?
I'm loving me some Sion mid!
It's like "HEY! Does your team have a non-tanky top, you're early pick mid and don't feel like being dicked around by an assassin? Lock in Sion! People are gonna assume you're top and try to counter pick for that with a fighter like Fiora or some ranged champ like garbage Gnar instead of a tanky champ a lot of the time! Ooooor as they're picking their mid they will assume you're support and think it's safe to pick w/e assassin they want. What they don't know is that they're gonna be facing YOU, a sion who will build tank and rush a ZZrot to take away their roaming, keep them in lane and tilt them off the face of the map because they're likely playing a champ who is useless if they can't get ahead by killing other lanes or their lane enemy!
Laugh as you make the enemy Talon curse like the child he is in All Chat because you simply ulted away to safety after over staying at low health! Fuck up his day and keep him from getting ONE kill!"
That being said, I got Talon from the Hextech boxes so Imma be learning me some Talon soon. Also went back to AD runes on Sion. Gives you better last hits.
I think Fiddle mid could have the same fake out effect cause everyone expects him to JG.
Another game where this is put to the test.
It was so damn funny in champ select, I was first pick and locked in Sion mid (I qued mid cause I wanted to try Talon but I was first pick and don't know his counters ... didn't want to get counter picked). Enemy first pick takes some time and decided to lock in Riven to counter pick me. Our ADC and JG are next, everything's running smooth ... then out top Locked in Singed and you could tell their gears were turning cause of how they paused for so long. Then our support locks in and they don't know wtf to think and last pick Annie mid (Love Sion vs Annie Mid. your non stop pushing and harass makes her normally miss-out on farm. You're so tanky she can't poke you outta lane and if she harasses you she misses out on farm or the tower eats it. At 6 if you're not really low then Tibbers doesn't do shit)
Her and Riven decided to lane swap but by then it was too late, already had my ZZrot and was working on armor + Riven wasn't doing well up top so she couldn't do anything but get soloed by me or push when I was roaming bot.
Sion mid ... loving it!
I think Fiddle mid could have the same fake out effect cause everyone expects him to JG.
convinced i will always confuse gromp and krug
Our Hecarim was disconnected for like 12 minutes...
Our Hecarim was disconnected for like 12 minutes...
I gotta say, I understand what the theory was behind the Swain rework but he just feels awful now. The buffs on PBE are nice but ultimately I feel like he got a big zoning tool in exchange for most of his actual power. Like his R literally got an 80% nerf (from one raven per champ per 0.2 seconds, to one raven per champ per second). Such nerfings have rarely been seen in this land or the next.
I guess the theory is that the PBE buff will give him back some of the survivability he lost with the R nerf, but I still feel like he's a way less effective champ than he used to be right now.
Just make all Runes free. Actually no, just get rid of them all together.
My favorite thing that tyler1 said was telling Annie Bot "stop talking before I verbally assault you"
I'd like to see Runes get removed. Not only are they an unnecessary burden of knowledge to players(I wonder what runes my opponent has? I'm a new player, what are runes? Why does that guy have extra health than me? etc.), but they're just...unnecessary. In combination with masteries, it's really just unneeded fluff.
But it's good that the tier 2 runes cost 1 IP now. Best change Riot could make.
Legit half of my team's kills and the most DMG in the game.
how did you even get malz or was that blind pick
how did you even get malz or was that blind pick
No reason to get rid of them. For example I enjoy the option of scaling mr vs cdr vs flat mr blues andd how it effects the way I play. I understand people not liking the ip sink that runes are but I'll never understand people wanting get to get rid of them altogether.
How to play against a Braum and Who counters him? I think he is the new support I am having tough time dealing with.
Vayne. Try staying at max distance from his Q. Your W still sets off when he Ws. Roll out of ult. Roll out away from Qs. She's hard to play well though, at least for me.
Depends on the support.As a support I meant.
As a support I meant.
Depends on the support.
Who do you play the most, do you think?
As a supp? Morgana easily. her shield blocks his passive and the slow of his q and his ult. if he is still coming at you throw your q at him. her q will still stun him when he shields.
I play Sona and Morgana the most, and it seems that he totally doiminates Sona on lane.
I still have hard time playing against him as Morgana, he does have few CC and when tends to change it up when my Shield is on CD (it has a long CD)
Q tends to help alot, but his ult is very scary.
Crashdown: just lemme put in into perspective for u skarner
Crashdown: my Dad
Crashdown: makes more money
Crashdown: than ur entire family
Crashdown: and extended family
Crashdown: in one month
Crashdown: than they do in a year
Crashdown: stop typing
ierd GAF: oh
ierd GAF: when you put it that way...
Crashdown: i have
Crashdown: more net worth
Crashdown: than the city u live in
Crashdown: i was born into this ****
Crashdown: hows that make u feel?
Crashdown: i dont have to do ****
Crashdown: for the rest of my life
Crashdown: but sit on here
Crashdown: and talk ****
Crashdown: to randoms
Crashdown: hows that make u feel bud
Crashdown: ?
ierd GAF: sad
Crashdown: i have more bitches than u can ever dream of
Crashdown: im wat u call a statistical anamoly
Crashdown left the room.
I know this is a lot but it is a legitimate gold mine. Some of it was too good not to share. I have nothing but respect for this guy now
Edit: actually i just trimmed it down to the really good part. Everything before was jsut typical toxic gibberish we all know what that looks like
I know this is a lot but it is a legitimate gold mine. Some of it was too good not to share. I have nothing but respect for this guy now
Edit: actually i just trimmed it down to the really good part. Everything before was jsut typical toxic gibberish we all know what that looks like
I know this is a lot but it is a legitimate gold mine. Some of it was too good not to share. I have nothing but respect for this guy now
Edit: actually i just trimmed it down to the really good part. Everything before was jsut typical toxic gibberish we all know what that looks like