He was actually on my team and we did win lol
Next game I played against a taric/fiddlesticks combo talk about sad
Should've responded "good job on using your money to win. lol scrub."
He was actually on my team and we did win lol
Next game I played against a taric/fiddlesticks combo talk about sad
But everyone tells me Yasuo is bad
that dudes a ddoser lol
that dudes a ddoser lol
The stun of concussive blows (4th hit?) can be blocked with your shield. You gotta play around your cooldowns. Most people don't know the cooldown on her Shield, so just give your ADC a heads up at the start of the match to be more careful when after you use your shield.
About his ult, that's his biggest engage (and disengage) next to proccing his passive. So if you avoid it with your shield or he misses or you guys avoid it entirely. You can turn on him easily .
Braum is still pretty weak to poke, even though his shield can nullify a fair amount of it. That, and nerfs to Relic Shield make it easier for him to get bullied out of lane. He doesn't have any ranged harass other than his Q, and it's pretty mana hungry early. His E also has a large cooldown, so try and bait it out, then engage when it's down. His all-in is still pretty dangerous though, especially if you go against a Lucian/Braum combo, any AA'ing ADC, or are squishy in general. Be mindful after 6. I've secured so many kills on to squishy supports by letting the Jungler walk up and engaging with Flash + Ult + Q.
Morgana, Zyra, Karma, & Lulu all do well against Braum. How well the Braum fares depends on how good he is about dodging skillshots.
This thread so quiet now that Zkylon has gone AWOL
That is all for now
The heart is the strongest muscle.Thanks. I'll take those advice to heart next I play against him
The heart is the strongest muscle.
Thats very Naruto of you
Very inspiring.
what happened to zkylon
Who's is League's equivalent of Naruto?
I found a VGA cable lying around in my garage, and finally manage to hook up my laptop to the monitor I bought off my friend. Having 2 monitors, holy SHIT this is dope.
Going from a 12-inch laptop to a 20-inch monitor (Compaq S2022a), oh my god so much space. How did I get by with my tiny laptop for 2 years. Geez.
I use a 42 inch TV as my monitor for watching streams and my 27 inch 144hz monitor to play games on
I just got a 27" 144hz monitor myself. Damn it's huge. I think I need a bigger desk to not be so close to it lol.
I watch streams on my TV via chromecast. Ita pretty nice seeing league on 60". My wife isn't a fan fan though lol. She asked if nightblue does anything but play games. I usually throw him on Sat morning before she wakes up.
Who's is League's equivalent of Naruto?
Naruto is okay but I prefer more classic anime like Seinfeld and Cory in the House.
Speaking of which, which league champion is most like Seinfeld?
He even comes with his personal laugh trackSinged, he's about nothing and if you follow him for long enough you realize you wasted your life.
Hm, have angler jax, snowday syndra and urf kench shards. Do I get rid of the syndra shard to get the other two, or dump other two for syndra. Decisions
Just lose my first Sion mid game in a while.
It was all because we were ahead and after the team took baron they decided to waste it by trying to take elder drag even though the full team was alive. So of course we get aced and mins after out top goes AFK.
We had a Sej top and Cho sup so I wasn't building straight tank, the Top was. (and Cho didn't seem to know that you can use R on minions to stack it ... so many Chos don't do that, I know it's low elo but that shit's simple. You shouldn't be waddling around looking tiny at level 18 as cho )
In ranked?
The Fuck is going on?
Black wind, I know your tendency to create your own meta, but do you premake games with other Black-winds?
Easy current meta match-ups: Yasuo, Poppy, Darius, Liss, Voli, Lux, Ahri, Malphite, Moikai
Yeah, I dunno about Poppy losing to Cho either lolPretty sure a Darius is suppose to destroy Cho. His only purpose is to wreck melee champs in 1v1s
Congrats on the promotion Newt!
I stopped playing for a while to have more time and because queue times were so long.
I figured I'd try again tonight...Monday night, 9 p.m.? 9+ minutes of queue time with 2 restarted queues in silver IV.
I really wonder what the player counts are like.
Congrats on the promotion Newt!
I stopped playing for a while to have more time and because queue times were so long.
I figured I'd try again tonight...Monday night, 9 p.m.? 9+ minutes of queue time with 2 restarted queues in silver IV.
I really wonder what the player counts are like.