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League of Legends |OT11| going


11 p.m. EDT, day of a new champ release. You'd think people would be playing silver ranked. Estimated queue time: Under 2 minutes.

Actual adc/mid queue time: 5 minutes, then reset, then 2 minutes, then I got mid instead of adc.

Is adc ultra popular now or something?

I honestly think it has to be an account based bug somehow or something. It's like always the same people have problems with queue times. I get sub 2 minute queues in plat like 8/10 times queuing jungle/top and I play in the middle of the night. Always solo so idk maybe that helps


Neo Member
Woo, mastery rank 6 on Jhin accomplished.

Also I've been getting mid a lot more lately even after having it set to my secondary role.


I honestly think it has to be an account based bug somehow or something. It's like always the same people have problems with queue times. I get sub 2 minute queues in plat like 8/10 times queuing jungle/top and I play in the middle of the night. Always solo so idk maybe that helps
You're plat instead of silver though. Maybe I'm secretly in low-priority queue and don't know.
My problem with Taliyah's kit is that it has these design choices that make it so awkward and unsatisfying. Her passive needs to charge up but falls off almost instantly so you lose speed momentarily when going from one wall to another, plus you need to be super close to a wall for it to turn on and we all know how pathing can be frustrating. Her weird Q and W delays basically makes it so you need Ryilai's yet part of her kit's budget is spent on a trash slow on her E that will never be as good as the Rylai slow. Worked Ground is a really cool mechanic that falls flat since it doesn't interact with her other abilities. Her ult feels clunky and leveling it doesn't really do much beyond giving some extra range and a less bad cooldown.

I can't really tell if she's good or not but boy does it take a lot to make me actually hate using a champion.
Her AP ratio's are horrible which makes her damage lackluster. It also isn't consistent given the fact that it is super easy to dodge or miss two of her spells. She feels like she was meant to be more of a "Support" mage like Lux or Morgana, but her damage and utility just cannot compare to either of them.


I think she'd be fine with a little boost to her ratios. I would kinda like if her Q wasn't so weak on worked ground too since she quickly fills up an area later on so that can easily kill her poke (maybe 2 or 3 shots?). Doesn't seem too shabby to me otherwise.


Is tank Ekko still successful at high ranks? It boggles my mind that he's been nerfed once or twice and is still dominating in low ranks.

*edit* He's apparently only 51-53% in silver-plat, but he still feels so oppressive to play against. Ultimate with 110-70s cooldown or less, guardian's angel, possibly banshee's veil. Super annoying to kill.


I had 3 minute queue time without getting a game yesterday as Supp/Mid. That was enough time for my (D5) friend to log in so we went for a normal instead.

Have queue times gone too far? y/n





After playing Taliyah, there are indeed some oddities with her kit (speaking as a low silver player so take my opinions with huge grains of salt):

  • Her Q does low damage (40% AP unless you hit multiple rocks, and multiple rocks do reduced damage).
  • Her Q feels really weird since most non-dash mages are constantly moving, but you need to aim it like a Lucian ult -- either sitting still or straight-line retreating.
  • Her Q requires an unblocked straight line route to the enemy, with no dash to get it.
  • If you position yourself midlane to get an unblocked straight line route...you're opening yourself up to Lux / Ahri / Vel'koz / Brand / whatever midlaner has better straight-line skillshots.
  • Her W locks her in place whether you're knocking up or knocking sideways. It feels really weird and opens you to punishment.
  • Her E has SUPER short range. Maybe she's supposed to be built tanky?
  • Combined with the above, and her apparently being designed to rush rylai's...she has high mana costs with 110 for both W and E.



Between his true damage, mobility, and CC, tank ekko is pretty stronk at all elos.

I feel like we've been through this before, but ekko doesn't have any true damage. He just has great cc, amazing mobility, good base damage, and %missing health damage which has been abused with tank builds in every kit riot has ever put it on since I've played (elise, fizz, khazix)

From what I've seen of Taliyah her Q damage is absurd if you hit the full thing, but that's probably not gonna happen often. I wouldn't be surprised if riot was just scared of her damage potential. Dealing 50%+ of an enemy's health with a 4 second CD basic ability is probably not something they want to see.
Taliyah is amazing. She's one of those champs who feels incredibly satisfying when you use her kit to the fullest potential (think: LeBlanc, Yasuo). I don't think her damage is underwhelming in the slightest. One full Q at level 1 does half health with a thunderlords proc. She can 100-0 at level 3 if she lands a full combo.

But yeah, her damage is completely reliant on hitting the W. If you're 3/0 in lane against a mobile assassin you'll probably still lose a 1v1 once they get their ult lol.

It doesn't matter though, because she'll be strong in team fights with E creating a massive danger zone and ult having huge utility.

Side note: using Q one worked ground as sort of an AA reset is super satisfying.


My winning streak ended yesterday. 11 wins in a row with either TF or Cho. Went straight from S5 0LP to Silver 3 promos. Now I just need to win the next 2 games. And another 11 after that.


Speaking as someone who is terrible at the game, I'm having fun with Taliyah. Her kit feels nice. Q is a bit dissatisfying when you whiff half the damage but when you nail it, it's probably one of the best feelings I've had using an ability. Just like pow pow pow in a nice rhythm and you've chunked your enemy down a ton. Chasing someone down with the move especially feels great. E is cool, but I need to wrap my brain around using it a little more. Just couldn't figure out how to best utilize it. I know that a combo exists with her Q (which is hard as hell to use imo) but it's just a bit awkward to otherwise use if you're ever doing stuff that isn't escaping a gank (which Taliyah is amazing at, completely dodged the enemy jungler like every time).

Annie felt really bad to fight once she hit level 6, though. That damn bear.
I feel like we've been through this before, but ekko doesn't have any true damage. He just has great cc, amazing mobility, good base damage, and %missing health damage which has been abused with tank builds in every kit riot has ever put it on since I've played (elise, fizz, khazix)

From what I've seen of Taliyah her Q damage is absurd if you hit the full thing, but that's probably not gonna happen often. I wouldn't be surprised if riot was just scared of her damage potential. Dealing 50%+ of an enemy's health with a 4 second CD basic ability is probably not something they want to see.

Oh, missing% health damage? Sheesh. That's the other side of the true damage coin. Yeah, any champ that has a mechanic like that can be dangerous if not checked(That is, they can build complete tank and still be able to outdamage full offense characters.)

Edit-Ew I unlocked Taliyah through the reroll system. Ewwwww get her off. Remaining champions-Illaioaioi and Bard


Oh, missing% health damage? Sheesh. That's the other side of the true damage coin. Yeah, any champ that has a mechanic like that can be dangerous if not checked(That is, they can build complete tank and still be able to outdamage full offense characters.)

Edit-Ew I unlocked Taliyah through the reroll system. Ewwwww get her off. Remaining champions-Illaioaioi and Bard
Brad makes funny noises; I recommend him.


So apparently Qtpie is actually a pretty toxic player. He searches as fill, expects everyone else to give up their role, and if they don't he'll just troll pick (like support Fizz etc).


Tyler1 doesn't sugarcoat his toxicity. Tyler1 is the best.

Oh 100%. People call him out on it occasionally. He doesn't troll necessarily and doesn't do anything technically against the rules, but he picks fill only to shorten queue times. Honestly though of he were on my team I'd rather have his fizz or gp support than his bard.

What he does definitely feels like he's cheating the system because everyone in the lobby knows what they're in for if they leave him support


There is a fundamental problem where streamer goals are just not that aligned with average player goals. Streamers want to be funny, make plays for themselves, do the unexpected. Most ranked players mainly just want to win. As long as a streamer doesn't get stuck in, like, low Diamond it's actually better for him to be lower ELO because it means lower queue times which probably correlate directly to higher income. So winning is not that important and trolling may even be more profitable.

I think Aphro is even an example of this and I wouldn't ever call him toxic. But if you watch his stream he'll throw maybe half his games by just showboating and doing something stupid trying to run up the score bot lane. Then he'll try to pull it back and win. I actually started to wonder if he did it on purpose to play from behind more. (C9 has the same problem.)


No, that's not it at all. They're just playing on smurfs so they don't really give a shit. Of course they tryhard on their mains.

That doesn't make it okay though.


No, that's not it at all. They're just playing on smurfs so they don't really give a shit. Of course they tryhard on their mains.

That doesn't make it okay though.

I could see it being a bit of both. I can't imagine qt playing a real support even off stream but there's definitely an obligation to be entertaining.

If he'd just suck it up pick his role and play something else in queue there wouldn't be a problem
No, that's not it at all. They're just playing on smurfs so they don't really give a shit. Of course they tryhard on their mains.

That doesn't make it okay though.
Yeah, people picking stupid shit just to show off because they didn't get their role is annoying. Sure, they're trying to win instead od running down mid, but I can't imagine how being the ADC of a support Fizz must be fun.

I love Qt but it's really easy to forget people are stuck with him when he picks something like Yasuo bot lol


Bloodfury Renekton going on sale tomorrow FUCK yes. Another one off the list.

Classic ✔️


Outback ✔️

Bloodfury ✔️

Rune Wars ✔️

Scorched Earth ✔️



Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
First time in ages ive seen a champ come out and no-one ban it or play it in ranked games, played 15 or so since she came out.


Yeah AS has been op and still nobody was interested

Weird releases lately. I've played with a Taliyah mid and sup. The mid was a nonfactor and the support at least won lane but transitioned into pure uselessness


Yeah AS has been op and still nobody was interested

Weird releases lately. I've played with a Taliyah mid and sup. The mid was a nonfactor and the support at least won lane but transitioned into pure uselessness

As someone who mains support, tell me about Taliyah and Aurelian Sol being picked as supps?


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
As someone who mains support, tell me about Taliyah and Aurelian Sol being picked as supps?


Ao was pickeda a bit when his stun was 2s but since its nerfed not at all, im seeing Aphro play Taliyah a bit but not to any great effect, i am also a support main.
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