Ghost is Bad
renekton of mid... pre-nerf syndra?
.ryze is the renekton of midlane
renekton of mid... pre-nerf syndra?
.ryze is the renekton of midlane
What would be better on Swain
Deathfire keystone or Thunderlords.....
someone do the math for me.
It depends a bit on how much AP you're gonna get. DFT doesn't scale with levels after all.
I haven't done any math but my gut says Thunderlord's is better.
Yeah it probably is for that extra burst, especially since the reduced effectiveness of deathlords on DoTS
You can proc thunderlord's with a single Q now too, right? That's great for short trades.
Riot turning into a buncha memers
Swain did go from ~37% winrate to ~57%, top winrate in the game, after all.
fuck it I'm taking Renekton mid
Hehe I'll be playing all day long tomorrow with the ip bonusAnyone playing URF today?
Riot turning into a buncha memers
OP champions either get banned and picked by shitters thinking they're OP which clouds how good they actually are or fly under the radar because they're not popular at the time or there are bigger problems requiring bans - hello Lucian and Nidalee - and just shit on the few games they show up, taking up months until they ultimately get too popular to ignore and actually nerfed.Given the choice, I've always preferred overbuffing new champions/reworks than letting them sit in the doldrums for a while (e.g. Illaoi). OP champions get played,which gives Riot more actionable data, which leads to better champ definition down the road.
I believe their balance team is all Plat and above so for the most part yeah. That said, they do nerf curb stomping champions as well.Talking about data taken. What ELO does Riot look into? Is it Plat and above or everything?
I believe their balance team is all Plat and above so for the most part yeah. That said, they do nerf curb stomping champions as well.
lol reddit is saying the ult never actually hit, that was just the W
She's poopHow is the new champ? I want to buy her but since I dont touch mid lane I am not sure if I can use her support or in another lane
she's awful as support
she doesn't do damage
she can't buff her team
all she has is her wall, her e slow is negligible and her w doesn't help much after laning phase
Pretty sure everyone said she looked underwhelming from a strength standpoint when she was revealed. We had discussions about how it's hard to balance champions without a scaling ult, how her passive was boring and weird, etc etc.
nice try "prophet"
she's awful as support
she doesn't do damage
she can't buff her team
all she has is her wall, her e slow is negligible and her w doesn't help much after laning phase
What CC does she have? The knockup is 1 second (compare to Nami's 1.5 seconds) and the slow is both small AND ultra short range. Not building as a tank and getting enemies in your slow field range is asking to get nuked.She's the new Vel'Koz/Zyra support. When you want to take kills and do more damage than your ADC, you pick her. Her level 3 burst and CC is pretty damn strong. She can help snowball a lane.
Not saying she's a good support overall, but a coordinated duo can really catch opponents off guard. It's tiltworthy.
Maybe it only works in lower ELOs.
What CC does she have? The knockup is 1 second (compare to Nami's 1.5 seconds) and the slow is both small AND ultra short range. Not building as a tank and getting enemies in your slow field range is asking to get nuked.
If anything, I think Riot could reduce her ult cooldown a lot. That's one of the most unique parts of her kit, it doesn't do damage, and the cooldown is absolutely massive.
I think the bolded are what I question. The knockaway is slightly mechanically demanding because of the double button press, meaning you have to land a skillshot and then aim it properly while simultaneously running away.She has incredible disengage. She's incredibly strong against a gank. Her slow field + knocking away a target deters most ganks. Her speed up on worked ground means she can get away easier. If she's 6 she can stand between the opponents and her ADC and ride the wall away while making it safe for her ADC.
And her knock up is a knock away, a very important distinction. You can lay down the rock field then if they're still chasing you land an easy knock-away.
It's fine if you don't think she is. I don't think she's that great either. But she's most definitely not garbage and works really well with hyper carries (since her disengage is quite strong) and champions that have early power spikes like Lucian (her burst is also really powerful).
But she's most definitely not garbage and works really well with hyper carries (since her disengage is quite strong) and champions that have early power spikes like Lucian (her burst is also really powerful).
To be clear what we're agreeing to disagree about -- are you disagreeing on terminology, saying her slow field / poke is disengage?That's fine, agree to disagree.
Nah, Syndra was like that and doesn't have that problem. It's more like they had individual ideas for her kit but didn't really mesh together. Why does worked ground not affect the rest of her kit? Things like that.I dunno, I'm bummed. I love the concept and the character. She must have been hugely broken at some point in design to come out the way she did.