Another Sion Mid game to close out the night.
Proud because late game my ping was spiking so damn high I had to walk in loops as I mashed W to make sure I didn't die :/
I some how did a loop with my ult even though I know that's not what really happed in the damn game. Crazy.
Ended it with a fully charged Q that the enemy team ran into as they tried to cut us off from the JG.
Also, I counted and 2 of my 3 solo kills were from ghost (one was in a laggy mess from my Q). Hard for Riven to out play "I'm simply faster than you and can run you down regardless of where you hop/ dash". It also saved me from one gank (I ulted to save myself from a 2nd gank when it became time for everyone to suddenly storm mid)
Was shocked that the Mao fed her so hard in lane. He's like, a great counter to Riven cause she spams skills and that procs your passive super fast. Just gotta play it safe ... even more when they have ignite.
Tower dive or tons of minion aggro. Either way it requires a lot for Trynda to kill himself like that.
He said "I'm gonna need a gank ... I can't keep up with the poke" after like the 2nd or 3rd time she killed him. IDK what happened up there but it was non-stop and she was slippery AF when she left lane.
I still wanna try Raka mid cause it did fuck up my Diana hard once some time ago ...