A little story of the lunar revel skins:
How do you check people's win rate at champ select?last night, i was 4th pick on blue side. our fifth pick "mained" yasuo and said he was going to play it. his kda was 1.3 and his winrate was bad, so i banned it. the guy behind me banned zed, the other champion he plays.
Hmm, maybe it's both?
This person still got some good deals on champs they do own (GREAT Ahri deal. Wonder if they play a lot of Riven given they got 2 for her) and maybe they played Ashe and Lux for free weeks and did well with them (My 3rd highest mastery champ is Lulu ... because I played her hard for a free week when I got bored of Janna. Only recently got her with money for half off)
Been trying to find out as much as I can about this.
I remember doing the Snow thing. I had just gotten LoL on my comp and had not played a real game at the time. Got to the screen and just opened the tabs cause buttons and when I realized they weren't free I completely forgot about them. But now I have like 21 champs and a level 5 Trist as my only level 5 champ so far, hoping this results in better dragon trainer chances.
I have a photographic memory. This user doesn't own Ashe or Lux.
Rough that you can't remember things in great detail like I can, Zky.
That's me, I played lux maybe once before, played Riven a lot but realized I suck with her, yes I bought the ahri skinman this user got lucky
i understand where you're coming from, i just thought i'd segue from that to a story about how a yasuo/zed main didn't become a frothing-at-the-mouth jerk when he didn't get his champions. like if anyone's gonna do it, it's gonna be that guy, but he didn't. it was so refreshing i actually went through the lobby with a leblanc on my team (and i really didn't want to hit 40 minutes in queue/lobby time cumulatively as rex pointed out last night while i was still in queue)
Bronze is easy enough that I can just play mid or jungle and carry the game
Worst post of this page.
Sejuani every time.Which Jungler?
Yasuo is such a hate magnet. IMO he's pretty balanced, and can be counter picked rather reliably. It just feels like shit when a good yas outplays you, or to be more specific, a fed yasuo blows up your team. I think yasuo would benefit from the ekko treatment, and had clearer windows of power.
Yasuo is such a hate magnet. IMO he's pretty balanced, and can be counter picked rather reliably. It just feels like shit when a good yas outplays you, or to be more specific, a fed yasuo blows up your team. I think yasuo would benefit from the ekko treatment, and had clearer windows of power.
Part of the problem is that Yasuo is designed to be a melee ADC, and ADCs don't really work if they have strongly defined windows of power because the point is supposed to be that they can emit constant sustained damage if left alone.
hes a 'light fighter'
I don't know what that means. I think it might be Riot code for melee ADC. Does it include Tryndamere and Yi?
Yes, it does and yes, it is.I don't know what that means. I think it might be Riot code for melee ADC. Does it include Tryndamere and Yi?
losing games to such bs even when I am positive everytime. I am playing with people who think with a bronze mentality :<.
Yasuo is such a hate magnet. IMO he's pretty balanced, and can be counter picked rather reliably. It just feels like shit when a good yas outplays you, or to be more specific, a fed yasuo blows up your team. I think yasuo would benefit from the ekko treatment, and had clearer windows of power.
huh, I've never heard of a "light fighter" in league before
Yasuo is an excellent champ. It's just that he's a magnet for baddies, which is what people hate. I ban Yasuo just so no one in my team plays him. Not risking it for the 1/10 chance a teammate is actually a one trick pony who can 1v5 with him.
yea you don't notice how tunneled visions some players are till you get out bronze for yourself and watch the pros play every week.I think this is what is happening to me since I got placed there.
huh, I've never heard of a "light fighter" in league before
I don't think I can use bot as a secondary role. I literally get it every single time. Even though it is probably my best secondary role I can't be forced into it every time. Guess mid is my new secondary. I'll need to specialize in one or two champs if I'm going to make it work.
I thought they were going to do more to prioritize primary roles. I literally wait for a match for about 10 seconds. I'd happily wait longer for jungle.
are noot and ghost lolgafs power couple
they're certainly a couple
i understand where you're coming from, i just thought i'd segue from that to a story about how a yasuo/zed main didn't become a frothing-at-the-mouth jerk when he didn't get his champions. like if anyone's gonna do it, it's gonna be that guy, but he didn't. it was so refreshing i actually went through the lobby with a leblanc on my team (and i really didn't want to hit 40 minutes in queue/lobby time cumulatively as rex pointed out last night while i was still in queue)
Lolcouple of hooligans if you ask me
i've never heard of heavy and mid fighters from the mouths of rito?it's Riot's class language.
we have marksmen to encompass ranged shooter class
we got fighters right to encompass a 'melee' class who want to stay in fights and deal constant damage
this is contrasted to assassins who aim to go in and get out
and tanks who want to disrupt/soak/engage
but fighters range from mundo and garen down to fiora and yasuo so we have the designations heavy - mid - light, depending on how much tankiness vs tricks they have.
heavy fighter: mundo
mid fighter: jax
light fighter: yasuo
yeah, for sure. light fighter = yasuo, fiora, tryndamere, yi, riven.ive never heard of heavy/medium fighters from riot, but i know for sure 100% ive heard them use the term light fighter
fk morg
in case anyone missed it from reddit, rito made 1.628 billion in 2015
according to that site that's a bunch more than clash of clans, and it's about a third the sales from physical games copies?
that's pretty insane, rito is ridiculously rich
and at a time like this one can only wonder
in case anyone missed it from reddit, rito made 1.628 billion in 2015
according to that site that's a bunch more than clash of clans, and it's about a third the sales from physical games copies?
that's pretty insane, rito is ridiculously rich
and at a time like this one can only wonder
why are syndra skins so crappy
Well now that a chinese company owns them, I expect some changes.These last years, riot has so much money that I look at it like an experiment. What can a company do when it suddenly has a LOT of money and isn't developing a game that could have a sequel / non-skin dlc. It is really fascinating to see how they are now spending money for cinematics, skins, overhauls, and little details that only such a big sack of money could allow them to do.
The reason why you can take that kind of approach in Masteries is two-fold:
1. You can't stack them - so overpowering a lot of them at the same time has little risk.
2. We know you are 99% likely to have minimum one - so overpowering a lot of them at the same time has little risk.
When you blanket buff all the armor items across the board - what you're actually doing is weakening physical damage dealers in general and increasing the power of the tank class. This approach is extremely dangerous in the item space because characters tend to stack similar item types.
tencent's owned rito for years and nothing's changed for bad. if anything rito was a much worse company before lolWell now that a chinese company owns them, I expect some changes.
she's probably on their shortlist, but ppl have been doing triage for a while and it hasn't been her turn yetYet Eve and every skin of her's still looks like trash ... huh.
i agreeThese last years, riot has so much money that I look at it like an experiment. What can a company do when it suddenly has a LOT of money and isn't developing a game that could have a sequel / non-skin dlc. It is really fascinating to see how they are now spending money for cinematics, skins, overhauls, and little details that only such a big sack of money could allow them to do.
never once in all of my games have i heard anyone complain about deadmans plate
it seems pretty universal that people love the item and don't see it as problematic in its current state
you gotta give tanks SOMETHING to stick that also synergies with their class. they did that well with deadmans.