never once in all of my games have i heard anyone complain about deadmans plate
it seems pretty universal that people love the item and don't see it as problematic in its current state
you gotta give tanks SOMETHING to stick that also synergies with their class. they did that well with deadmans.
graves doesnt count because from the base dmg of qr he does about 1k dmg
CongratsDamn, not silver
Gold 2
Yeah. Seriously. Deadmans is like the only decent armor item for all the junglers I play. The other ones just aren't as good or useful. Nerfing it will leave a pretty big hole in armor itemization.
Here just give you account to my friend he will derank you real quick.No, silver is a lot more fun, srs
ohmwrecker is the item i always forget about, zzrot i remember because of all the zz top puns when it came out.I sometimes forget Zz'rot Portal exists.
she's probably on their shortlist, but ppl have been doing triage for a while and it hasn't been her turn yet
There are some limits on the type of content you’ll see in your shop. You won't see:
Legacy skins
Limited skins
Champions/skins released within 90 days of Lunar Revel’s launch
i think ppl are kind of seeing the situation the wrong waynever once in all of my games have i heard anyone complain about deadmans plate
it seems pretty universal that people love the item and don't see it as problematic in its current state
you gotta give tanks SOMETHING to stick that also synergies with their class. they did that well with deadmans.
she does, but she also needs a big rework and rito likes to do those things together so they'll wait for one until they've nailed the otherHope so. She needs a VU bad. She has such a unique gimmick, she deserves better IMO at least.
Here just give you account to my friend he will derank you real quick.
This guy got boosted to gold 1 then he started playing ranked and went all the way to bronze 4. It was amazing.
i think ppl are kind of seeing the situation the wrong way
something doesn't have to be super op/broken/annoying or whatever to be nerfefd
the way rito sees it, dmp is overtuned so they have to nerf it a bit so it stops crowding out other items
that's it
i think ppl are kind of seeing the situation the wrong way
something doesn't have to be super op/broken/annoying or whatever to be nerfefd
the way rito sees it, dmp is overtuned so they have to nerf it a bit so it stops crowding out other items
that's it
don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it's overtuned either, as i don't really pay much attention to bruiser/tank items.but it's not overtuned and it's not crowding out other items. i still see first item sunfires on most tanks in toplane. junglers tend to be the first item deadmans if playing a tanky orientated jungler, or elise as a hybrid (and that's not even built first).
i still contend that dmp is one of the most balanced armor items that they've ever had at this point. another sweep needs to be done on the other armor items or heaven forbid the AD items, not nerfing an already solid item until nobody wants it anymore ever like frozen heart.
i don't think the comparison sticks cos tank itemization is still more or less functional with dmp being the one outlier (again, rito's words, not mine) while ap itemization is completely warped by fqc/roa/abyssal right now.It's like FQC or maybe ROA for tankys zky. Maybe it is a bit too good (maaaaayyyybe) but that doesn't stop all the other items from being pretty underwhelming even if DMP is nerfed. Treating a symptom rather than a cause.
To look at it another way nerfing FQC didn't really change AP itemization much at all (it still sucks and is gonna suck til fixed) and nerfing DMP will be basically the same thing.
Here just give you account to my friend he will derank you real quick.
This guy got boosted to gold 1 then he started playing ranked and went all the way to bronze 4. It was amazing.
I really dont like boosting, basically with him he got cocky and thought he was good and tried to play ranked and was utter shit. I dont really understand why you would want to get boosted unless you really want to be in normals and say look at my rank im better than you as you go like 0/18/0.That's great. I'd like to think it was a wake-up call that let him know that boosting doesn't work right?
Didn't deadmans used to be way more strict about losing momentum? I seem to remember that bring the case and maybe they could just bring that back if they're concerned about it
in what way?
Yeah i have a few friends who think they are hot shit at league but suck. Like i dont care if your bronze but dont act like you a fucking yasou main because you win a norm match with him even though you lose the next 10 with him.i love stories like that![]()
i imagine this is gonna be the followup to the nerfsi never said buff other tank items. i said make them have a place in the game outside of their already niche situational uses. people aren't NOT buying frozen heart because it has bad stats (it has pretty good ones), they're not buying it because a frozen heart in this meta, situationally, doesn't offer you the same usefulness as something like deadmans plate. same with randuins.
When do we get our Lunar Revel store or whatever?
And man, I really want the Jinx firecracker and the Teemo panda plush..dammit Riot
no steraks is the "build it on everything" item
if you want any item that needs looking at, it's that item
These last years, riot has so much money that I look at it like an experiment. What can a company do when it suddenly has a LOT of money and isn't developing a game that could have a sequel / non-skin dlc. It is really fascinating to see how they are now spending money for cinematics, skins, overhauls, and little details that only such a big sack of money could allow them to do.
"This is the only item that feels good," "Riot should just buff all the others," etc. Those are all pretty direct recognitions that the item is just better in its category than the alternatives and preferable even for classes like tanks that the item is not designed to be appealing for -- it's a juggernaut item, tanks have gapclosers of their own and a whole suite of armor items that are supposed to be useful for their purposes.
Set your expectations to none!
It is indeed nice with that effect. It will still be even after a slight nerf though."People only like it because it's OP" is a cop out answer. Dead Man's actually gives something tangible with its movement speed. You can see it, you even get that nice "whomp!" sound with you get the on-hit effect from using it. It's a satisfying item to have.
I'm normally not one to get that pissed off but whenever someone else on the opposing team says "ez" or "easy" or any variation of it in the post game lobby after a loss, it fucking drives me up a wall.
Just finished a hard fought 50 minute game that we ended up losing, I say "gg" then someone else responds with "ez". Told them to go **** themself. I'm probably getting reported for that one.