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League of Legends |OT11| going


i actually like the ghostblade cost increase, it just makes it even more clear that bork is the better choice if you absolutely need a 2nd damage item on irelia

maybe wit's end, we'll have to see


i'm so confused. Diana doesn't build Triforce?

Diana builds Nashors. Along the way, she acquires Stinger which is now weaker (but cheaper).

but meh, I'm bronze so there is a 100% chance I dont know what I'm talking bout. plus, I havent played Diana since Zyra's rework went live


^ lol

Alright watched a stream of #1 Diana and learned some things. Mainly, I need to practice 'solo' and get my farm up (my last hitting is nowhere near this guy). Also, I figured out he only plays Diana mid. I play her in the jungle too so my CS stats were bound to be way worse.

Still was able to see his build order which is helpful


it's for the most part an ok list, but it is kind of weird sometimes

i kind of wish they had that for overwatch instead of the four shitty general categories that put mei in the same position as hanzo. really wish you had like assassin for like tracer and reaper and genji, flanker for like pharah and mccree and d.va, healer for lucio and mercy, etc.
it's for the most part an ok list, but it is kind of weird sometimes

i kind of wish they had that for overwatch instead of the four shitty general categories that put mei in the same position as hanzo. really wish you had like assassin for like tracer and reaper and genji, flanker for like pharah and mccree and d.va, healer for lucio and mercy, etc.


Mei is a specialist though, just like Hanzo. They specialize in one or two things. Assault specializes on mainly attacking, etc.

So the 4 categories do what they do.


Wow last hitting is really easy I had no idea. All I have to do is be aware of my champ's 'attack damage' (which I had displayed all this time on the portrait thingy). Left click minion to see health status, once it gets below that amount its okay to last hit

it's for the most part an ok list, but it is kind of weird sometimes

i kind of wish they had that for overwatch instead of the four shitty general categories that put mei in the same position as hanzo. really wish you had like assassin for like tracer and reaper and genji, flanker for like pharah and mccree and d.va, healer for lucio and mercy, etc.

yeah this is true




Wow last hitting is really easy I had no idea. All I have to do is be aware of my champ's 'attack damage' (which I had displayed all this time on the portrait thingy). Left click minion to see health status, once it gets below that amount its okay to last hit

I guess that's okay as a crutch for now, but eventually you should just be able to eyeball it.


Wow last hitting is really easy I had no idea. All I have to do is be aware of my champ's 'attack damage' (which I had displayed all this time on the portrait thingy). Left click minion to see health status, once it gets below that amount its okay to last hit

only do this for a little bit, long enough to get the feel for how much of a minion's health bar your auto attacks and abilities are going to do, then you will have an innate feel for it. Note that this changes when dealing with caster minions, siege minions, and melee minions.


I feel like they could make it easier and make the minion, tower, etc glow for the player when it can be last hit. But guess they probably feel that would make it too easy



Man, I would be so excited about this list if I wasn't spending all my time playing Overwatch now.

I can't tell if this is a wish list or just inaccurate, because some of these are pretty weird. Pantheon is no Diver, nor would I consider Ekko a hard carry melee.

I also love the "miscellaneous champions we made for some reason" category at the end, half of which are just "guys who have one ability we pushed the shit out of." I get not knowing what Singed or Urgot is but I'm a little surprised they gave up on Kennen. He should definitely be SOMETHING, right.


I feel like they could make it easier and make the minion, tower, etc glow for the player when it can be last hit. But guess they probably feel that would make it too easy
They should do this for bot games like they do with tower agro. I'd love to practice last hitting on midlaners.


I find this a bit hard to believe.
I'll be happy to screenshot the timer next time it goes high. It can happen for me even during the evening EDT, for anything other than X/support or support/X.

Duo sometime improves it and sometimes it still goes 4+ minutes if I recall correctly.
Man, I would be so excited about this list if I wasn't spending all my time playing Overwatch now.

I can't tell if this is a wish list or just inaccurate, because some of these are pretty weird. Pantheon is no Diver, nor would I consider Ekko a hard carry melee.

I also love the "miscellaneous champions we made for some reason" category at the end, half of which are just "guys who have one ability we pushed the shit out of." I get not knowing what Singed or Urgot is but I'm a little surprised they gave up on Kennen. He should definitely be SOMETHING, right.

I think they said it's a list of not only how they see champs but also how they WANT some champs to be (I took that to mean they plan to balance/ change some champs to reflect the role they want them to be). So some are ultimately goals for roles they think they should fit. Like Shy being a Juggernaut ... really? I know they said last year that they planned to rework her INTO a juggernaut but as she is I wouldn't call her that. She has no form of CC in her kit other then her ult and unlike Garen she relies on AAs. And Yorick is nothing but a pain in my ass, IDK how he's one to ..

And yeah, was reading it look for Kennen and was shocked to find where he ended up. I guess I see why though, he's a battle mage who can be played ADC (?) and he's also a disruptive champ annnnd w/e else you wanna throw in there. He seems like a fun champ.

I tots see why Cho is listed there though,


The reddit whine on autofill is hilarious. Gold players are saying they get auto filled and that their champ selects have regressed to pick order.


Well to be fair, the fact that autofill has to exist basically means that new champ select was a failure. Just revert back to the old system.


Those swain nerfs
Feels bad mang
Wonder how many yasuos will still build trinity :v
You know what ima build it on shen cuz i have had it with his slow ass punching speed


Well to be fair, the fact that autofill has to exist basically means that new champ select was a failure. Just revert back to the old system.

It's an awkward situation where it's pretty damn swell for 90+% of the community and dogshit for the top ~2%. Gonna be tough to come up with an appropriate solution that doesn't look like a middle finger to likely your most dedicated players

Riot Tryndamere actually touched on something similar regarding reddit's uh... opinions.

Thx for the vote of confidence - TLDR: true story.

That being said, we still encourage all Rioters to "engage deeply" on any particular community rather than simply being focused on macro data because there is a huge difference in being able to FEEL the pain & anguish that a portion of the community will have vs. the tendency to look at stats simply being like "hey, no big deal that we have downtime that only hits 1% of our players, because it's 1%"!

If you're in that 1%, that downtime (or other issue you can about) can feel really shitty.

One danger of a community like Reddit is the "cry wolf" scenario. When everything is a catastrophe, on a relative basis, nothing is a catastrophe and thus the incredible outpouring of emotion on minor issues can desensitize Rioters to the feedback. When the average is also very negative (like normal US news =p), it also can oftentimes train people to not look at it because it's depressing and not really very valuable.

That's a bad thing that we try to coach people on, but it's a normal human failing.

Anyway, that's one of the reasons we really appreciate when you guys take the time to be really rational, thorough and thoughtful in your feedback. There's a lot of things going on all around the world in League and sifting through the "noise" is important for us to do a better job of serving everyone.
Well to be fair, the fact that autofill has to exist basically means that new champ select was a failure. Just revert back to the old system.

It's still better than the old system where you only have a 20% chance of getting your role

Those swain nerfs
Feels bad mang
Wonder how many yasuos will still build trinity :v
You know what ima build it on shen cuz i have had it with his slow ass punching speed

Swain nerfs aren't bad, it's still loads better than his old heal
nah old system was def higher than 20% imo. it wasn't uncommon for people to let you play your preferred role in my experience

Eh, way back when you really had to know 2-3 roles before you got to the higher echelons of ranked in a consistent matter. There's definitely a lot less complaining about roles in Ranked now than then.


Well to be fair, the fact that autofill has to exist basically means that new champ select was a failure. Just revert back to the old system.

I disagree. It's still an improvement to the vast majority of players, and even among the top 1%, there are a lot who benefit from it. By new champ select simply existing, you eliminate the games where you get 3/4 support mains on the same team. Remember how you disliked those situations?

Autofill is essentially regression to the old champ select for up to 3 people for the worst case scenario (5x the same role distribution).

I haven't fully formed my opinion on autofill yet since I'm not directly affected by it, but even with autofill I think new champ select is better than old champ select since it in most cases work better than old champ select. In the worst case (autofill), it's a neutral change compared to old champ select.
I disagree. It's still an improvement to the vast majority of players, and even among the top 1%, there are a lot who benefit from it. By new champ select simply existing, you eliminate the games where you get 3/4 support mains on the same team. Remember how you disliked those situations?

Autofill is essentially regression to the old champ select for up to 3 people for the worst case scenario (5x the same role distribution).

I haven't fully formed my opinion on autofill yet since I'm not directly affected by it, but even with autofill I think new champ select is better than old champ select since it in most cases work better than old champ select. In the worst case (autofill), it's a neutral change compared to old champ select.

I would say that it's not only a neutral change but a superior one, because atleast then 4 other people get their roles and there isn't any bitching about 'Oh I want top/mid/bot'. Yeah you end up supporting, but it's for the greater good.

And yeah, it only affects D2+ players more or less, so that's an extremely small percentage who are affected by it.


sucks really hard that ppl on overwatch are the same as in league and refuse to support

like overwatch actually did an incredible job in making lucio and mercy really fun and unique to play and really engaging too. you're not just holding click with mercy like in tf2, you're jumping around the map and making huge plays by reviving your team at the right time and whatnot. and with lucio you can actually deal good dmg and push ppl off cliffs and wallrun and stuff

but ppl are still shitty and i have to play support or tank like 70% of my games

i get the impression you might get to play tracer more often in hots than in overwtach...

Man, I would be so excited about this list if I wasn't spending all my time playing Overwatch now.

I can't tell if this is a wish list or just inaccurate, because some of these are pretty weird. Pantheon is no Diver, nor would I consider Ekko a hard carry melee.

I also love the "miscellaneous champions we made for some reason" category at the end, half of which are just "guys who have one ability we pushed the shit out of." I get not knowing what Singed or Urgot is but I'm a little surprised they gave up on Kennen. He should definitely be SOMETHING, right.

yea some are weird. i can see panth as equal parts diver and assassin and i can see ekko kind of fitting a similar category to fiora, at least ap ekko

shoot me ur bnet user and we'll play later

oh boy, I gotta buy Ahri soon.
you should always buy ahri

always be buying ahri

The reddit whine on autofill is hilarious. Gold players are saying they get auto filled and that their champ selects have regressed to pick order.
haha oh reddit

I disagree. It's still an improvement to the vast majority of players, and even among the top 1%, there are a lot who benefit from it. By new champ select simply existing, you eliminate the games where you get 3/4 support mains on the same team. Remember how you disliked those situations?

Autofill is essentially regression to the old champ select for up to 3 people for the worst case scenario (5x the same role distribution).

I haven't fully formed my opinion on autofill yet since I'm not directly affected by it, but even with autofill I think new champ select is better than old champ select since it in most cases work better than old champ select. In the worst case (autofill), it's a neutral change compared to old champ select.
I would say that it's not only a neutral change but a superior one, because atleast then 4 other people get their roles and there isn't any bitching about 'Oh I want top/mid/bot'. Yeah you end up supporting, but it's for the greater good.

And yeah, it only affects D2+ players more or less, so that's an extremely small percentage who are affected by it.
very good points!


Well in the gold system I'm pretty sure I got my role more than I do now. I play the second least popular role in the game, at least from what Riot posted.


I don't think adc is that unpopular. My friend chooses adc/top (D3) and gets top more often than adc.

It might be a high elo thing though. Adc might not be as popular in gold or so.

I would say that it's not only a neutral change but a superior one, because atleast then 4 other people get their roles and there isn't any bitching about 'Oh I want top/mid/bot'. Yeah you end up supporting, but it's for the greater good.

And yeah, it only affects D2+ players more or less, so that's an extremely small percentage who are affected by it.

Yeah that's true too. It's only neutral for the ones who actually autofill.
I don't think adc is that unpopular. My friend chooses adc/top (D3) and gets top more often than adc.

It might be a high elo thing though. Adc might not be as popular in gold or so.

Definitely. It's why the autofill system seems to be biased towards Support at higher elos-because support is just not as popular in the highest echelons. It's why Support tends to get faster queue times than anything else.

As you climb in the ranks, obviously the population of each role dwindles, which means that Support goes down to an even lower count.


You're missing the point. All I'm saying is that this new system doesn't really make you get specific roles more often.

Saying you have a 20% change of getting a specific role in the old system is naive.


Definitely. It's why the autofill system seems to be biased towards Support at higher elos-because support is just not as popular in the highest echelons. It's why Support tends to get faster queue times than anything else.

As you climb in the ranks, obviously the population of each role dwindles, which means that Support goes down to an even lower count.

Which is why there's not an easy solution to the problem. Riot can't just create more high elo support players. I think if it's between 30+ min queues and having to fill once every 3-4 games and getting sub 10 min queue times, the latter is infinitely better.

Honestly I don't even remember how pros handled pick order but I assume everyone just gave them their role which is still just as easy to do now

You're missing the point. All I'm saying is that this new system doesn't really make you get specific roles more often.

Saying you have a 20% change of getting a specific role in the old system is naive.

Problem with this thinking imo is sure maybe I don't get jungle quite as often as before, but now I never get random ass other roles that I'm totally lost in. Pretty sure my adc win rate was sub 20% last season and support/mid wasn't much better. I'm pretty sure that's the main reason I climbed so easy this season is I'm not just a guaranteed detriment to my team every 3rd game
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