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League of Legends |OT11| going


Oh yeah, support mains in other roles was the absolute worst, but I guess the same thing still happens now.

Anyways, I'm just kinda annoyed at Riot's half assed approach. Like make a fill mode, restrict diamond+ to a premade of 3...

Just bring back the old system.
You're missing the point. All I'm saying is that this new system doesn't really make you get specific roles more often.

Saying you have a 20% change of getting a specific role in the old system is naive.

You're right, in the old system people will bitch when you ask for a role and you're last pick, they'll prod and say 'Well looking at your match history, you suck, and since I'm first pick, you get to support. After all, Riot has ordained that pick order is king.' Two people will call for mid, and one of them will troll because they couldn't go mid, or you'll have double jungle because the person who got ADC isn't good and instead of supporting, the other person would rather jungle.

You definitely get get your role more often in this system. I can easily say that over 90% of the games I've had, I've gotten top. In the old system? Well, I had to learn all the other roles somehow. I'd often play support, or jungle, with ADC here and there.

Point is, despite what you say, if you pick say, top for primary and mid for secondary, you're going to get those specific roles every time. Saying "The new system doesn't let you get specific roles more often" is misleading, when you only get those specific roles UNLESS you're D2+ where the autofill system will put you in support here in there.

Which is why there's not an easy solution to the problem. Riot can't just create more high elo support players. I think if it's between 30+ min queues and having to fill once every 3-4 games and getting sub 10 min queue times, the latter is infinitely better.

Honestly I don't even remember how pros handled pick order but I assume everyone just gave them their role which is still just as easy to do now

Yeah, wayback when when you had a known name, usually they would get their role of choice. And yeah, there is no easy solution to high elo queue times/roles because it's such a small population, 2% more or less. The amount of support, even smaller.

The issue with Reddit and people who are complaining, is that they are not a part of this 'elite'. You have tweets by Bjerg or whoever poking fun at other pros getting stuck with support, but honestly even the most mediocre supporting pro is a load better than the best gold support player.

What it boils down to, is that the issue is being conflated by people who are bitter about the changes and want to go back to the good old days. Coming from experience, the old system is markedly worse. Yes, I'm not denying there were games where everyone got their role and it went well. But there was a larger number of games where people would bicker and complain, games that started out with 'I'm not going to let you mid, you have losses in your match history', or bitter bans because the person who called jungle only plays shaco.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. And many of you know, I'm probably one of the biggest critics of Riot, I've voiced my concerns in the past, I criticized wayback when the ADCs were really homogenous, I've criticized that only a few mages are picked, and I will continue to criticize their inaction of nerfing champions like Yorick to the ground(Until the eventual rework, hopefully coming soon.)

I can say with good faith that the Dynamic Queue system is the least problematic thing in the game right now. You have the old guard who hate the new, you have the snipping ferrets over at reddit parroting the old guards hate. But I like this system. I tend to get top or mid, and the queue times at Plat 2 have been less than 2 minutes on average. And that's great.


Well maybe you're all nice and dandy, but I have to deal with 5-10 minute queue times.

Other members here have been talking about that too, and they're like silver.

In the old system, I got like sub two minute queue times, and I got my role more than 80% of the time.


Oh yeah, support mains in other roles was the absolute worst, but I guess the same thing still happens now.
Nah, considering the support shortage, getting multiple support mains in the same game should be really rare compared to before. They will get more evenly distributed thanks to the new champ select.


You know why there are so few supports to go around? because all the people like me who likes support as a secondary role refuse to queue with support selected as secondary because it's a guarantee to have support games 90% of the time


Well maybe you're all nice and dandy, but I have to deal with 5-10 minute queue times.

Other members here have been talking about that too, and they're like silver.

In the old system, I got like sub two minute queue times, [/b]and I got my role more than 80% of the time.[/b]

No you didn't

I seriously hate to be this guy but I feel like we gotta just wade through the bullshit on this one. you're getting your role quite a bit more this season than last.

You know why there are so few supports to go around? because all the people like me who likes support as a secondary role refuse to queue with support selected as secondary because it's a guarantee to have support games 90% of the time

This is big too i know a lot of people don't mind support but it's like you're either a support main or don't play it at all in the current state


Either way, I don't think dynamic queue/new champ select is a terrible experience or anything. After the tweaks it will be okay.

It's just not a good representation of what a ranking system should be like. It works better for normal games.
Well maybe you're all nice and dandy, but I have to deal with 5-10 minute queue times.

Other members here have been talking about that too, and they're like silver.

In the old system, I got like sub two minute queue times, and I got my role more than 80% of the time.

You saw me a few weeks ago

I was gold 5

I'm now Plat 2 on my promos to 1

And I've never had long queue times in all the solo matches I've done. If it's such a problem in silver than....that sounds more like a glitch in a system then what is intended, no? After all Riot said they did hotfix it because queue times were abnormally long.


No you didn't

I seriously hate to be this guy but I feel like we gotta just wade through the bullshit on this one. you're getting your role quite a bit more this season than last.
Nah, you're talking a bit out of your ass here man.

This season.

85% ADC
Last season.

87% ADC

Maybe we can even go with this being random variance in the 2% difference, which is fine. Still though, the new champ select is not really getting me my role more than the old one.
Huh so, looking at my own matches, last season I had a 71% winrate with Swain, this season I also have 71%. And last season was before the buffs~(28 games with Swain last season compared to 39 with Swain this season)

That's amazing. Truly I am the best Swain in the world.


It's not even worth bringing up though reddit just got me salty

No point in digging through profiles that was kinda shitty


Nah, you're talking a bit out of your ass here man.

This season.

85% ADC
Last season.

87% ADC

Maybe we can even go with this being random variance in the 2% difference, which is fine. Still though, the new champ select is not really getting me my role more than the old one.

That's a really high role rate for last season. I can see why it might not be possible for new champ select to exceed that. At least they are even, I guess.

edit: nvm
Your picks were a lot more top loaded last season. In total you were around 70% adc last season vs 79% this season. I'm not saying there aren't arguments to be made against the system, just that for you in particular that's not one of them


Either way, my argument is that there's not a huge improvement. In the old system, people still got their roles pretty often. I didn't check your math, so I'll just assume the 70% is true. I think 70% primary role rate is pretty damn reasonable to me.

I don't even have a problem with new champ select. The problem is Riot is trying to glue the system with dynamic queue like they're interchangeable or something. The only thing I can really compare it to is the old system after all.

Overall, it just seems Riot tried to fix something that wasn't broken. If people want to play in big premades, why can;t ranked 5 or normal draft be the primary option? Why ruin the solo q experience?


all i can say is that as a mid/support player i got mid A WHOLE LOT more under the old system to the point i went from being interested in trying to see how high i could get playing solo to never play solo again

so eh
all i can say is that as a mid/support player i got mid A WHOLE LOT more under the old system to the point i went from being interested in trying to see how high i could get playing solo to never play solo again

so eh

now and forever


time to learn top zky >:)


70% main role is good, sure. You will get a mix of your secondary/third/fourth/fifth in the rest of the 30% of games though. If you're getting 80% main and 20% secondary now, that's even better IMO.

I think the main improvement is that you won't get the random roles you can't play well.

But yeah, New champ select combined with old solo queue would be fine. We almost have that in diamond+ in the close future, only difference is autofill and that you can queue as 3 rather than 2. They might as well revert it to 2.


70% main role is good, sure. You will get a mix of your secondary/third/fourth/fifth in the rest of the 30% of games though. If you're getting 80% main and 20% secondary now, that's even better IMO.

I think the main improvement is that you won't get the random roles you can't play well.

But yeah, New champ select combined with old solo queue would be fine. We almost have that in diamond+ right now/close future, only difference is autofill and that you can queue as 3.
Again, yeah I realize it's almost there, but it really just feels like a half assed fix in order to improve the queue times.
That hash post is hilarious.

They did so because humans don't like change.

duh. That's why you're complaining.

Doesn't that seem more believable?

No, just because you say it doesn't make it so.


Then what's the problem?

Now I have to start playing them again? Randomly? With a day's fucking notice?

But what's wrong Hashy? I thought you wanted to go into the old system?

Man, I've seen salt, but Hash is on a whole other level of pity.
As someone who plays normal matches 90% of the time, the rhetoric surrounding dynamic queue, role selection changes, etc is all kinds of entertaining.



Man, I wish Lyte was here right now. Always made me feel better seeing his twitter getting ravaged.

Edit: Not like death threats or any harassment, I'm talking more about people posting reddit memes.


Well either way, I expect Riot to release another statement. Ive never seen this much backlash from the community before.
Well either way, I expect Riot to release another statement. Ive never seen this much backlash from the community before.

this is about the level they expected tbh. They're not going to waste time making more statements. The air was cleared and now they're working on making the improvements they promised.


You say that, but I really don't see them not bending to the pressure somewhere.

Anyways, I guess I shouldn't be that invested. From my perspective Riot changed the queue from two max to three max which isn't a big deal.


So I started playing ranked again as of two nights ago and so far it has been a disaster for me. The first game I played Fiora top and we lost because our mid picked Twisted Fate and he fed Pantheon super hard which enabled him to roam and go ruin bot's day. The second game I played top again and we lost because bot got stomped and their MF got fed. The third game I playing top again, but our Garen who must have qued Jungler/Top refused to Jungle and started whining in champion select that he wanted to top lane so he just locked it anyway and we lost because I can't jungle and didn't have the build or smite to even try.

Sucks cause I'm just starting out so this will probably leave me in Bronze hell.

Happens, but if you are good enough, you will get out of it. It took me months yoyoing between B5 and B2 until i started to actually contribute and become more of a team player. Now I miss Bronze to be fair because S5 hasn't been kind to me,

Sooner ir later you will play with better people so all you had to do is dominate your lane and help others.


I don't post here much since I don't feel I really fit in here, but I want to chime in with a counterpoint to the "more people are playing ranked, so it must be successful."

I used to play team builder exclusively. When it disappeared, I played normals - while new champ select didn't allow you to guarantee the champ you wanted to play (or avoid joining team compositions you didn't like), it seemed to be the best alternative for a more casual player like me. But matchmaking nowadays is completely screwed up in normals. Games are complete stomps either way and many games feels like there was nothing I could have done (given my ability) to affect the outcome of the game. I actually had a traumatizing (heh) event where I had just purchased Kindred and played my first game as her as a jungler, no premade party. I went to gank the enemy mid viktor, got immediately bursted by his combo. That game seriously caused me to never played kindred jungle again. I still haven't, to this day. I later found out that I had been matched with a diamond viktor (while I had finished my placements into bronze), which helped me finally realize why games were so stompy both ways. I was contemplating giving up the game when a friend suggested that ranked matchmaking was less lopsided, and the queue times were better, so I gave it a try. And it turns out that the games did feel more fair, and my queue times were lower - although still much longer than before dynamic queue/new champion select.

So yeah, I'm one of the low level players who now plays more ranked than before. Because all the other options are terrible.

As someone who have been traumatised as Kindred Jungle, I think the problem is that Kindred is very difficult champ to learn and be good at if you didn't know the basics of being an ADC and a jungler. I had to stop playing her because I was too awful. but try tankier champs will help.

But yeah the matchmaking is a bust at the moment. the problem I keep facing is not so much that I keep playing against High ELO players but that i am placed against premades and as a solo Q player, this have been a nightmare, especially in ranked.
ADC and support being unpopular in low elos and popular in high elos is because the game basically completely changes. In silver you have this mentality that no one will peel for you and you'll just get dumpstered on as ADC while people think that supports are just ward mules that have to deal with suicidal adcs who pick Vayne and feed the hell out of your ass.

In higher elos there's more trust to go around, you can expect your ADC to just pick Lucian or Ezreal every game, etc.


I wish they'd push that 3 man max change to all ELOs.

Not even salty about not getting my primary role. As long as I'm not support, if I really want a role people are pretty willing to switch, probably like 50% of the time. Which means I get the role I want like 80% of the time, which I'll take.

But being the solo player in a four man or against a four man is soul crushing.



First three I open are Irelia (only skin of hers I don't have), Zyra, and Orianna, my three ranked mains.

Seems the shop is finally tailored to my playstyle.

Also tempted for that Kindred skin, but I also like their new one that just came out...


Added! My ign is NaotaFakuza

funny I thought I already had you since we've played together a few. you may or may not remember me since I come and go so much though!

for instance, last weekend we apparently ran a normal together (actually weekend before that).



That Taric skin is kinda tempting for 300 RP. I'll probably pick it up since I have some leftover RP. It will be the first skin I get through the shop.

edit: Anyone know what happened to the random champion shard thing?
First three I open are Irelia (only skin of hers I don't have), Zyra, and Orianna, my three ranked mains.

Seems the shop is finally tailored to my playstyle.

Also tempted for that Kindred skin, but I also like their new one that just came out...
Oh, this thing's happening again?

Too bad I already have Mech Sion. Outside of him I don't think i care about any other Sion Skin and he's my 2nd most played champ. (First is sill Diana though I have all but the Fire Skin for her. 3rd is Trundle I think and I have 2 good ones for him ...)

Yup, Sion Skin ..
Can't say I'm happy about any of these.
I mean .... I wanted a legacy Poppy Skin back when I played her before the nerfs but would have preferred any other legacy Poppy Skin over this one :/


You know why there are so few supports to go around? because all the people like me who likes support as a secondary role refuse to queue with support selected as secondary because it's a guarantee to have support games 90% of the time

Yep. I used to willingly play support in about 40% of my games.


Bleh dont care about any of these. Only really play Eve and Vi and both those skins are awful, guess i would have gotten Poppy and Morg if i got 70% on any of them

EDIT: So is this it, will i get some other discounts after june 23rd? Didnt even know this was coming


Bleh dont care about any of these. Only really play Eve and Vi and both those skins are awful, guess i would have gotten Poppy and Morg if i got 70% on any of them

EDIT: So is this it, will i get some other discounts after june 23rd? Didnt even know this was coming

No after June 23rd the personal discount store will disappear for another couple of months.


Newt is basically right on the math. The new system doesn't guarantee you a higher chance of getting your best role, and if your main was something people hate to do like ADC then it is not too improbable it wouldn't help you much.

The main thing the system was supposed to do is completely eliminate the games where you got one of your worst roles. Which makes sense. I recall vaguely seeing a Riot post somewhere that said that if you looked at a Diamond I player by role, sorted by effectiveness in that role, it was like:

* Diamond I
* Diamond II
* Platinum II
* Gold something
* Silver something

So you can see why, from Riot's perspective, it was much more important to get rid of the bottom three cases than to make sure people can choose between the top two cases.

Again since they put autofill in it's all going to go out the window and we'll be back to the pick order anarchy, which would be pretty disappointing if I were good at the game but fortunately I am not.
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