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League of Legends |OT11| going


Story Time:

Played a game last night with a Teemo top. In the first 5 minutes of the game he overextends and gets ganked 3 times by the enemy Lee Sin Jungler. Naturally, this means his deaths were my fault. (I was also Jungling). Teemo then spends the next 30 minutes raging in chat to both teams about my incompetence and telling the enemy team to report me for feeding. (I ended 1/6, he was 2/11... go figure?)

The game ends in a loss and I report him. Less than 2 minutes later I get a pop-up notifying me a player I reported was disciplined.

Never had that happen before, feels good.


I wonder what the system would look like if, instead of auto-fill, it would assign you as "flex" and automatically place you at the bottom of the pick order, below the players who got their primary/secondary role.
Newt is basically right on the math. The new system doesn't guarantee you a higher chance of getting your best role, and if your main was something people hate to do like ADC then it is not too improbable it wouldn't help you much.

The main thing the system was supposed to do is completely eliminate the games where you got one of your worst roles. Which makes sense. I recall vaguely seeing a Riot post somewhere that said that if you looked at a Diamond I player by role, sorted by effectiveness in that role, it was like:

* Diamond I
* Diamond II
* Platinum II
* Gold something
* Silver something

So you can see why, from Riot's perspective, it was much more important to get rid of the bottom three cases than to make sure people can choose between the top two cases.

Again since they put autofill in it's all going to go out the window and we'll be back to the pick order anarchy, which would be pretty disappointing if I were good at the game but fortunately I am not.

That's a contradictory way of looking at things. D-queue doesn't help you get your main role more, but if it's a role that nobody plays and you always got anyways, then D-queue doesn't help you anyways?

So what you're trying to say if it was a contested role like Mid, that you probably do get to mid more than not? (Except in cases where you pick Support as secondary, which Riot did say they were looking at so you can get your main role more). When you're looking at it from a lens of 'it doesn't help you get your role more if it's a role nobody wants', then of course it'll seem like D-queue isn't doing anything.

And again, the autofill only affects D2+ because, even though Riot doesn't outright say it, Support is one of the more wanted roles at high elo, and not alot of people queue for it. So factually the autofill system will never affect the majority of the playerbase, and for those people to complain about autofill, which will never affect them....a bit funny to me.


That's a contradictory way of looking at things. D-queue doesn't help you get your main role more, but if it's a role that nobody plays and you always got anyways, then D-queue doesn't help you anyways?

So what you're trying to say if it was a contested role like Mid, that you probably do get to mid more than not? (Except in cases where you pick Support as secondary, which Riot did say they were looking at so you can get your main role more). When you're looking at it from a lens of 'it doesn't help you get your role more if it's a role nobody wants', then of course it'll seem like D-queue isn't doing anything.

I am trying to say that, from looking at the design and the promises Riot made, it's very clear that their design goal was not "make sure you get your one main role more," it was "make sure you never ever get your three worst roles." That's why literally the first thing you do is lock in your two best roles and you have a 100% chance to get one of them but no ability to specify which of those you prefer.

It is possible the system is causing some people to get their main role more, but as Newt noted, it's not guaranteed. And that shouldn't be surprising because it wasn't the goal of the design! If you're mid/support and you get support 90% of the time but never get the other three roles, from the perspective of new champion select that's a success. You are guaranteed to be playing at your level.

And again, the autofill only affects D2+ because, even though Riot doesn't outright say it, Support is one of the more wanted roles at high elo, and not alot of people queue for it. So factually the autofill system will never affect the majority of the playerbase, and for those people to complain about autofill, which will never affect them....a bit funny to me.

Like I said, it doesn't matter to me, I still get all the benefits of new champion select.

It doesn't surprise me that a lot of people are complaining, though, because a lot of people play ranked with aspirations of getting to Diamond. If ranked in Diamond is going to be fundamentally different and you are going to need to be able to play your three worst roles, then people are probably going to care about that. If Diamond is going to go back to pick order, then people are going to start wanting to do pick order at lower ELOs as well.


Oh i see, so its a recurring thing then. I started playing like 2 months ago so thought this was some new thing they added

Yeah, this is the fourth time they've done it (started last Fall). Was done previously for their Harrowing event (or maybe it was Black Friday), Snowdown in December, and Lunar Revel (Chinese New Year). This is the first time they've done it without it being tied to something else.
I am trying to say that, from looking at the design and the promises Riot made, it's very clear that their design goal was not "make sure you get your one main role more," it was "make sure you never ever get your three worst roles." That's why literally the first thing you do is lock in your two best roles and you have a 100% chance to get one of them but no ability to specify which of those you prefer.

It is possible the system is causing some people to get their main role more, but as Newt noted, it's not guaranteed. And that shouldn't be surprising because it wasn't the goal of the design! If you're mid/support and you get support 90% of the time but never get the other three roles, from the perspective of new champion select that's a success. You are guaranteed to be playing at your level.

Uh, the whole point of choosing your primary/secondary is that your primary is biased when it comes to what role you get. I can safely say that the majority of games I've always gotten my first picked role, while very rarely getting my secondary. The only time it really isn't guaranteed with is support, because there is a huge disparity in population of support players compared to the other roles. It's why back in the day, it was commonly said that if you want to rise in ranks fast, you pick support. Because back then that was the role that nobody would want to do, and that everyone breathed a sigh of relief when someone typed in chat 'Support pref'.

And yeah, when you say something like 'it's not guaranteed', that was true then as it is now. Except now it's 9 times out of 10 that it's more or less guaranteed*, while back then it was closer to 6 times out of 10 that it was guaranteed.(*Barring D2+). I can throw out vague statements too and be correct~!

Like I said, it doesn't matter to me, I still get all the benefits of new champion select.

It doesn't surprise me that a lot of people are complaining, though, because a lot of people play ranked with aspirations of getting to Diamond. If ranked in Diamond is going to be fundamentally different and you are going to need to be able to play your three worst roles, then people are probably going to care about that. If Diamond is going to go back to pick order, then people are going to start wanting to do pick order at lower ELOs as well.

The kicker is that the people complaining will probably never get to Diamond 2. And if they did, and only go there knowing one role, then that'll separate the good from the even better. Even though I 'main' top, I understand how Mid, jungle, bot, and support works that if I were to play those roles, I could do it as good if not better than the majority of the player base who *only* know those roles.

That's also the reason why pros are annoyed at this system-Because before they were allowed to have their hand in the cookie jar, but now they're being told to take it out. They always want their role, and they'll kick and scream if they don't get it. Compared to way back when in solo queue, where people would call for roles, if you had 2 mid mains or 2 top mains, one of them was going to fill something in, and they had to shut up and deal with it or lose the game. And they were able to play other roles competently when faced with these situations. Now though? They've been spoiled far too long that they're complaining that Riot isn't doing enough. If anything, the D-queue has been a crutch for higher elo players than not in these situations. Before it was high queue times and they complained, and now that there's a remedy for that, they continue to complain.

It's all very humorous. People want to live in the wild west of solo queue, but that's because they've forgotten how base it used to be. If you were to bring back solo queue, pick order style ranked back, in a few weeks people would be back to bitching about roles and pick orders. Which they were then too, which led to the creation of D-queue.

Also here's my shop I guess, anything I should buy?


funny I thought I already had you since we've played together a few. you may or may not remember me since I come and go so much though!

for instance, last weekend we apparently ran a normal together (actually weekend before that).

We played last week? Lol. I know we've played a few times with Dobker (Mudkira), that's how I remember you.



fuckin OOF. what did I do to deserve this

Never lucky. I ended up getting this:

Pretty meh for me. I already have Arctic ops Varus which I prefer to Arclight. Already have Gravelord Azir which I prefer to Galactic. Cutpurse TF but I have High Noon which is my favorite one. Debonair Ez but I have Frosted and Ace of Spades which I prefer. Might get the Jhin one though.
That's like the worst kassadin skin too. I'd take the illaoiaoiaoi skin off you tho

but it's purple and looks awful. and yea I have a better skin or better option for literally every one of those characters except her. Feels real bad. Illaoi needs a new skin. One that doesn't make her fucking purple.


lcs on weekday sucks

now and forever

i feel it actually sucks cos i like playing support, i just don't want to go support like 80% of the times. what i wanted out of the system was slightly longer q times in exchange of playing mid most of the time, while defaulting to support when q times would get really long. for me the acceptable number was 70% mid 30% support and i'd be cool with waiting like up to 10 minutes in q if it means i get that

but yeah after i saw i was forced to support like 6 out of 8 games i went fuck it and started going mid/top and playing like 40-60 i guess?

time to learn top zky >:)

That hash post is hilarious.

duh. That's why you're complaining.

No, just because you say it doesn't make it so.

Then what's the problem?

But what's wrong Hashy? I thought you wanted to go into the old system?

Man, I've seen salt, but Hash is on a whole other level of pity.
i like dynamic queue, playing with my friends getting skins, but i swear that post is the best thing to come out of the whole dynamic queue fiasco

this is about the level they expected tbh. They're not going to waste time making more statements. The air was cleared and now they're working on making the improvements they promised.
i'm not sure i would say the "air was cleared" but at least they put the final nail on the solo q coffin

there definitely should be more statements down the line and this should be a conversation rather than recurring promises of "it'll get better" since that's kind of exactly what got us in this situation in the first place?

btw read ur article, good read, g2 vs og is a nice rivalry to foster

First three I open are Irelia (only skin of hers I don't have), Zyra, and Orianna, my three ranked mains.

Seems the shop is finally tailored to my playstyle.

Also tempted for that Kindred skin, but I also like their new one that just came out...
good ori skin, go for it
Just my opinion that they're slowly strangling the game. Hell, I was right about Halo, Runescape, and WoW (dying) before they died, let's go for the fourth game.
Ok then just leave you dont need to be toxic and shitty in the community. If you want to be like that just go on reddit and hang out with deadnames.

No one is forcing you to play league


Ok then just leave you dont need to be toxic and shitty in the community. If you want to be like that just go on reddit and hang out with deadnames.

No one is forcing you to play league

Nah, need to get better before I quit. With every game that I like, I make it my goal to get the highest rank. So I need to get to challenger first. Should be doable within the next year or so.
Ok then just leave you dont need to be toxic and shitty in the community. If you want to be like that just go on reddit and hang out with deadnames.

No one is forcing you to play league

I was like talents wayback when, when I took my sabbatical from League. Back then though I was right, when I used to criticize the fact that ADCs felt too homogeneous, and later in the year they went back and made over a lot of them to give them more unique of an identity. But before the makeover, I had come to that conclusion if they continued down that path of homogeneity, that the game would be ruined, and thus lead me to quitting.

And thus, i can safely say that D-queue isn't going to kill the game, nor is it strangling it. It's just a road bump because people like to parrot what others say. People like Hash just scream and people parrot him because mobs are easy to form.

There's 3 solutions here-
1-Bring back solo queue. Goes back to the wild west of pick order. People will complain just as much. Things will be the same in high elo because pros will inevitably still be stuck in a role they don't want to do if there isn't a support main there. Bitching will continue.

2-Remove the autofill, high elo queue times go back to being long, pros will continue bitching. The parrots will think that queue times are affecting them too in gold or silver, and they'll parrot these views.

3-Keep Dynamic Queue. Like the other 2 options, people will still complain. But Riot can continue fine tuning the system, and if they keep their word, decrease the times you get your secondary role. They've already done things to help queue times, so it's not farfetched to believe that they'll continue to finetune it.

There is no winning move here that would completely abate the reddit crowd.


I was like talents wayback when, when I took my sabbatical from League. Back then though I was right, when I used to criticize the fact that ADCs felt too homogeneous, and later in the year they went back and made over a lot of them to give them more unique of an identity. But before the makeover, I had come to that conclusion if they continued down that path of homogeneity, that the game would be ruined, and thus lead me to quitting.

And thus, i can safely say that D-queue isn't going to kill the game, nor is it strangling it. It's just a road bump because people like to parrot what others say. People like Hash just scream and people parrot him because mobs are easy to form.

There's 3 solutions here-
1-Bring back solo queue. Goes back to the wild west of pick order. People will complain just as much. Things will be the same in high elo because pros will inevitably still be stuck in a role they don't want to do if there isn't a support main there. Bitching will continue.

2-Remove the autofill, high elo queue times go back to being long, pros will continue bitching. The parrots will think that queue times are affecting them too in gold or silver, and they'll parrot these views.

3-Keep Dynamic Queue. Like the other 2 options, people will still complain. But Riot can continue fine tuning the system, and if they keep their word, decrease the times you get your secondary role. They've already done things to help queue times, so it's not farfetched to believe that they'll continue to finetune it.

There is no winning move here that would completely abate the reddit crowd.

Just make the autofill a tick box. If people really care about queue times, they'll tick it. Queue times is actually something I don't really care about. I regularly get 30-40 minutes queue times and I do not care, I just watch streams while I wait. If Riot removed the Auto fill thing, and made it so I can get mid more than 50-55% (70% sounds good) of games, I'd be happy.


even if u disagree with their choices i think you can respect riot for trying to fix a system that made a lot of ppl feel left out and that's always been known as flawed and frustrating and shitty

Nah, need to get better before I quit. With every game that I like, I make it my goal to get the highest rank. So I need to get to challenger first. Should be doable within the next year or so.

you can definitely criticize the game without being just a huge negative force that hates before he thinks

like honestly dude, you just called an artist a sjw because uhh dynamic queue?

that's pretty dumb, i don't want any of this gamergate 4chan garbage corrupting my dear league thread, if you disagree with what riot does with something you're super free to shit on them as much as you want, but that's not the angle you want to be doing it from
Just make the autofill a tick box. If people really care about queue times, they'll tick it. Queue times is actually something I don't really care about. I regularly get 30-40 minutes queue times and I do not care, I just watch streams while I wait. If Riot removed the Auto fill thing, and made it so I can get mid more than 50-55% (70% sounds good) of games, I'd be happy.
Ticking autofill would be pointless because the people that would choose it are the people that likely already fill to game queue times, so basically it would be just a placebo.

Not like autofill is a good solution, mind you, but making it an option would change jack shit-o about queue times which is the biggest issue right now.


Wow just added up how many times I've gotten mid this season over adc. I've gotten mid 124 games, and adc 123, and at the start of the season I queued as Mid/Jung for about 5 games. I only got jungle twice out of those 5 games which means that when queuing up for mid/adc, I'm just as likely to get my secondary. Nice.

It's weird that ADC feels like the easiest role to climb as, guess it's because if you adc, it means that 2 people are guaranteed not to feed instead of just 1.


Attack speed per level lowered to 1.5 from 3.3
Lightslinger (Passive) second shot can no longer critically strike

The Culling (R) [previous damage reduction and change to allow R to crit REVERTED.]

Guess who's getting gutted.


God bless

And Syndra buffs, neato

if she only got some ap ratio buffs i'm gonna be a bit disappointed. it's an alright buff, but eh

i wanted the feeling that i was becoming some ultimate being thing

lvl 9 powerspike+upgraded ball vfx gave me a taste of that

it wasn't great, but having 2s more ball duration is much more lame
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