You're right!
Three of my sales reset!
Edit; Oh, I think it's all the Feb sales that got reset.
that's a cool lulu skin, go for it
it's got that cute little fang teethie there, i love it
so projecting
edit: lol had to be top of the page
whelp since i was talking about lizzy, here's a cool lizzy
this skin is so overdone but whatevs
Dem breast
Wait how do I do this?
my favorite is red lizzy but green lizzy is ok too, it has a really cool iron maiden thingie for her ult and everything's really spikey if you like that
the splash is also not as bad as red lizzy although both have those ugly teethy expressions that rito loves to ruin splashes with
i'd go for it, it's probably like what, 400? that's pretty good
Dem breast
The worst of us.Dem hips
That's not my fav Lulu skin though at that price it's pretty good. Same with Leona's.
Thx for imput, I went ahead and got it (406 RP, not bad). I have been meaning to play Lizzy more since she can go mid or top, but since she's a fairly advanced character and I don't actually get to mid/top much I've been putting off practice.
Lizzy is easy..
Compared to who?
Best Thresh Skinany stand out skins?
Meh 3-5 right now. Few really good close games that coulda gone either way though. I'm probably looking at a pretty steep drop.
Feels bad not being able to dodge yasuos tho
Pretty sure you get penalized pretty severely for dodging placements right?
Maybe more usefully, like, what do you find challenging about Liss? The main thing I think is difficult about her is using her hard engage potential effectively and that's probably just practice and distinguishing between when to self-ult and when to ult a carry. Otherwise she is pretty safe since W and E are great defensive tools.
So it doesn't count as a loss/10? Fucksake.No, there's no penalty at all IIRC. I think Newt mentioned a tiny mmr loss but I don't know whether that's true.
It's not worth it. The advantage of normal dodging is that you only lose LP, not MMR. If you're losing MMR that's pretty much the same as a lost match so you'll get placed lower anyways, might as well play and hope the enemy team is bad.Yeah riot said you'll take an mmr hit so I'm just not sure if it's worth taking my chances with them or just dodging.
Either way I just want to get these placements over. For as worthless as the ranking system is I do prefer having tangible gains and losses
It's not worth it. The advantage of normal dodging is that you only lose LP, not MMR. If you're losing MMR that's pretty much the same as a lost match so you'll get placed lower anyways, might as well play and hope the enemy team is bad.
Yeah in league some games are basically unwinnable. Trying to make a comeback is super tough.I carry the early game so hard with jungle.
Absolutely dominate all lanes and get two inhibs at the 20minute mark.
Then my mid laner decides to troll because brand accidentally took blue with the passive.
Suicides twice to 'teach' us a lesson with no god damn idea what a fed talon and kalista can do to our team comp.
Game goes from a 25minute win to a 50minute long game where we struggle to kill kalista while talon one shots everyone.
I go from an awesome kda to a complete shit one because kalista was too much for a fed udyr and olaf.
God damn infuriating.
I carry the early game so hard with jungle.
Absolutely dominate all lanes and get two inhibs at the 20minute mark.
Then my mid laner decides to troll because brand accidentally took blue with the passive.
Suicides twice to 'teach' us a lesson with no god damn idea what a fed talon and kalista can do to our team comp.
Game goes from a 25minute win to a 50minute long game where we struggle to kill kalista while talon one shots everyone.
I go from an awesome kda to a complete shit one because kalista was too much for a fed udyr and olaf.
God damn infuriating.
so projecting
edit: lol had to be top of the page
whelp since i was talking about lizzy, here's a cool lizzy[IMG][/QUOTE]
This reminds me, we're going to be getting a more traditional mage this year. The kind that are immobile and have a bit of 'power' behind spells. I'm really excited about that.
Say what you will of Ryze, but I loved Riot's descriptions of his rogue-like character and how he would have to be in a place where he pushes/forces out his spells. I hope the Cass rework similarly keeps her identity.
Hey guys, probably gonna host another in-house today from 6:30 est. I've seen a lot of new names around recently, so if you want to join, just join the NeoGaf chatroom on the NA server.
I carry the early game so hard with jungle.
Absolutely dominate all lanes and get two inhibs at the 20minute mark.
Then my mid laner decides to troll because brand accidentally took blue with the passive.
Suicides twice to 'teach' us a lesson with no god damn idea what a fed talon and kalista can do to our team comp.
Game goes from a 25minute win to a 50minute long game where we struggle to kill kalista while talon one shots everyone.
I go from an awesome kda to a complete shit one because kalista was too much for a fed udyr and olaf.
God damn infuriating.
did I miss Wu's skin being on sale? sup with this full price shit?
yea she's kinda tricky. not necessarily the most mechanically intensive champion but she's pretty unique compared to other mages/assassinsThx for imput, I went ahead and got it (406 RP, not bad). I have been meaning to play Lizzy more since she can go mid or top, but since she's a fairly advanced character and I don't actually get to mid/top much I've been putting off practice.
yeah, basically. the decisionmaking is her most difficult aspect. normally with any mid you can just pew pew/fish for cc and that's enough but on lizzy you need to know when you're an engager and when you're a peeler and also you need to know how to engage.Maybe more usefully, like, what do you find challenging about Liss? The main thing I think is difficult about her is using her hard engage potential effectively and that's probably just practice and distinguishing between when to self-ult and when to ult a carry. Otherwise she is pretty safe since W and E are great defensive tools.
her aa is ok, i don't think that's too bad. she's short ranged so she struggles a bit against poke but you can run corrupting pot if you're gonna need sustain or something. and she farms pretty ok, specially when stacking ap (roa into abyssal or zhonyas), i don't really have much trouble with itHer AA and range seem worse than most of the other mids I play. Ziggs, Annie, Lux, Morg, n Ahri I seem to have a much easier time farming with than her. That and her E positioning for a kill/gank
The only mid I have a harder time with is Swain and that's because his point in click spells and AA have different ranges on them which is annoying.
that lulu skin is great, also iron solari leona is pretty cool tooI need help.. Lunar Revel shop was too good... D:
I have Forecast Janna and Koi Nami, so if anything I'd pick Leona (although I prefer PROJECT) or Lulu.
Thoughts? (Have 1010 RP)
didn't look at it too hard but that sounds nice.The Soraka rework on PBE might make her less disgusting to lane against. She will heal less with consecutive heals but she will give some mana if she hits her Q inbetween heals.
The worst of us.