rito is a company, they might be a nicer-than-most company, but since they're a company, they're always gonna try to make more money
so u have to expect to never find net positives in their sales structure cos they're always gonna be a "but"
"Do you feel Riot always prices things to best benefit their players" would be a ridiculous statement to agree with, even if their pricing is super reasonable compared to your average f2p
set it up to use her Q to farm when you have trouble. Her free mana passive makes this easy. Make sure you line them up when you Q farm. A couple of hits and they will be playing pretty passive against you, making it easier for you to AA. Then for her E..you just E in to where they are or where they might dodge to, W and combo the rest. Or R if you have it.
She's really all about her Q harass/poke. The range is deceptively far. At least, that's how I play her lol. I could be bad and wrong.
i feel that's kind of double edged thing tho as you can end up pushing the lane if u overuse q and while she has aan escape most junglers will just flash stun you and chain it with the other mid and you'll never get to dash out.
but yeah, make good use of the passive to get free poke+shove and prep your minions so you clear them with one big q.
she's great if you're duoing with your jungler, she's pretty good in 2v2s, to assist ganks, counterganks and dives, that amount of easy-to-land cc and the ability to drop turret aggro is super strong
if u have a duo jungler just permashove from the side of the jungle they're in and bait ganks so you can 2v2 easily
except against kindred cos kindred is kinda broken