Test of Spirit (E)
Mana cost reduced to 35/40/45/50/55 from 35/45/55/65/75
Missing E no longer roots for .25*
For enemies that are vessels - "Teammate killing a tentacle within 5 seconds of you hitting it as a Vessel will still count (tentacle assists are now possible)"*
Somehow i don't think this is gonna be enough
illaoi buffs? why
cos she's crap
yep we lost. man whole time in lobby I'm yelling get tank, get a tank. The guy that wa ssupposed to be tank changes his mind last min and goes Kindred.
And I couldnt go tank cause I was mid
yeah i hadn't noticed the garen mindlessly going forward like a crazy person
that's pretty funny
I wonder if kiting back and protecting Jinx was the best way to go. I thought creating a buffer zone vs the frontline would be best after you got Banshees but it didn't go as planned. The Vel ult is really strong. :/
Read the thread title and realize this thread was made by zkylonhm i might buy Lux. she counters many supports and can go mid
lux or malahazar....
hm i might buy Lux. she counters many supports and can go mid
lux or malahazar....
What if i play support nid how would you feel about that?dont play support lux or i'll hate u
dont play support lux or i'll hate u
Just played my first two games of Nami support and she's so fun. I'm running windspeakers and her heal is crazy.
Is Akali no longer a thing? Her play rate is just over 2% (top+mid) and I haven't seen one in ages. I didn't think the E nerf would hit her that hard.
Weather not you can smite a champ it depended on what upgrade you get like chilling smite or challenging smite.formed a team for party bonus and we went against one that had Daruis. Finally got smart and got thornmail (I was on Zac) and we finally won the final team fight, aced them, and won it.
I'm thinking I dont like Cinderhulk cause I cant smite enemy champs. I do much better when I can smite the enemy.
Any advice? Was playing Zac but I have this issue as any mage-jungler
Jungle enchantments are separate from machete upgrades. You can get the blue smite and still have Cinderhulk
Is there someway to get challenging/chilling smite with a mage jungle item? I'd love it if runic echoes could use smite on enemy champs.
What upgrade where you taking?no wonder im a shittly mage jungler I had no idea. I'd say LOL but this isnt funny
Its all good that why we are here.For mage junglers 'all this time' I literally was taking Tracker's knife.
For my Warrior junglers (Vi) I'd go Warrior and so on the recommended path I always grabbed an enemy smite. So I've rocked with her
Thanks yall. ugh... sadness
What if i play support nid how would you feel about that?'s bad but it doesn't make me actively hate ur guts
The damage is already done.pls god don't play supp nidalee
She was good then they nerfed her which kinda gutted her at least to my understanding.Its kinda weird how there is a good amount of fanart for Akali considering the fact that no one plays her.
Akali is still good, she is just sooo bad early game. They absolutely stomped on her early game.
Doesn't help that pinks are like 20 cents.