Rengar or Khazix
Rengar or Khazix
All Duskblade is gonna do is make a couple champions stupid and get them nerfed beyond repair
hmm whats the lux systemm :>
Rengar or Khazix
Yeah, looks decent enough. The enemy team apparently had a decent Ez, but your team got fed from their top, support and jungler.
That reminds me I hate games which are decided by which team has feeders that refuse to play more conservatively, resulting in them turning their lane foe into a roaming monstrosity that just wrecks the whole enemy team by themselves. I find that kind of game really boring redardless of whether I'm on the winning or the losing side.
I just had one of those tonight.
That Ahri and Trist did ... SOMETHING in the jg that allowed them to hit level 2 super fast and she blasted me down for first blood. I'm like " ... OK, IDK how she hit level 2 so fast buuuut Imma have to play like a bitch now until I feel strong". JG ganked her right after that though.
She was so tunneled on being super aggro she would tower dive without minions pushing against me. She used her level advantage to go all in on me in the middle of the lane, I run back past my tower ... she's taking tower hits and ends up dead between the 2 mid lane towers as I get away with just a tiny bit of health (Might be BM but I walked right next to her body and Backed ...). She does this twice. This allowed me to get more CS and gold ... so once I hit a good power spike I'm able to take her down 1v1 AND tower dive her.
Hell, I was their prime target at the end of the game. It took their whole team to take me down the 3rd time I died. I'm not even sure how I became 2 levels above everyone on my team or how everyone on my team is at least 1 level above them. The end was redic, I could just Q->R into their group and W as I AA their beefy Dunker Dude ... they would all try to kill me as MF unloads her Ult and I still walk out free as a bird.
It's time to duo againwhat do I have to do to skip a division riot
now silver V
You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team.
alltheducks joined the room.
Griswoold joined the room.
INC Wolfërino joined the room.
kitkat6916 joined the room.
kitkat6916 : hi, i'll just go afk, enjoy the 4v5 its ur turn this time, gl hf
Griswoold : ??
It's been a while since I'd seen a Jayce. Almost forgot how much they're like Riven, Zed and Yasuo players.
Code:You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team. alltheducks joined the room. Griswoold joined the room. INC Wolfërino joined the room. kitkat6916 joined the room. kitkat6916 : hi, i'll just go afk, enjoy the 4v5 its ur turn this time, gl hf Griswoold : ??
I don't speak French mate.
Edit: Now I see it. Holy shit - and he's still playing? #tribunalthings #riotlyte #rankedlivesmatter
RitoCosty, go Mafia Graves on this guy:
One small thing the dynamic que could use is a thing that tells you who has first pick/ban when your doing the "letting your team know your pick" phase. Unless there is a sign?
So has anyone considered that the reason mid is so hard to get is because everyone is using it to force their primary roles, causing an unusually high saturation of mids queued?
I mean mid was already popular, but there's probably a whole magnitude more people queuing for it than if they allowed people to only pick a single role.
So has anyone considered that the reason mid is so hard to get is because everyone is using it to force their primary roles, causing an unusually high saturation of mids queued?
I mean mid was already popular, but there's probably a whole magnitude more people queuing for it than if they allowed people to only pick a single role.
So has anyone considered that the reason mid is so hard to get is because everyone is using it to force their primary roles, causing an unusually high saturation of mids queued?
I mean mid was already popular, but there's probably a whole magnitude more people queuing for it than if they allowed people to only pick a single role.
I don't speak French mate.
Edit: Now I see it. Holy shit - and he's still playing? #tribunalthings #riotlyte #rankedlivesmatter
RitoCosty, go Mafia Graves on this guy:
i found this awesome artist but like 80% of what she draws is porn
how difficult..
it's bad but it doesn't make me actively hate ur guts
The new voice changer with Japanese VO support is live (in beta, though)! I'm really glad, since I never found how to run the previous one on my Mac.
Gotta say Madoka Lulu's just too good.
It's been a while since I'd seen a Jayce. Almost forgot how much they're like Riven, Zed and Yasuo players.
Code:You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team. alltheducks joined the room. Griswoold joined the room. INC Wolfërino joined the room. kitkat6916 joined the room. kitkat6916 : hi, i'll just go afk, enjoy the 4v5 its ur turn this time, gl hf Griswoold : ??
Who's the artist? For..research
i like the fact bans are distributed now but why do the last three players get the bans?
shouldn't it be the other way around since there's no pick order anymore
I don't think it would matter either way. Maybe it's just to give the bottom three players something to do.
I would expect pick or ban for a decent while. Too much passive power, which is particularly noticeable on stuff like the movespeed that's too easy to find.
yeah but like
first two players have to blind pick and also don't get to ban a counter or anything
last player gets to last pick and ban whatever they want
that's not so great
I don't think it would matter either way. Maybe it's just to give the bottom three players something to do.
me: gl and hf
top: we need the luck
top: and no it won't be fun
Why do you even play this game? This is a NORMAL.
I got a Yasuo mid in this champ select. Didn't dodge, just played it out. Right before his pick, the other team floated Azir, then picked Yasuo.
The faithful shall be rewarded.
It's time to duo again
I got a Yasuo mid in this champ select. Didn't dodge, just played it out. Right before his pick, the other team floated Azir, then picked Yasuo.
The faithful shall be rewarded.
Why do you even play this game? This is a NORMAL.
So, considering the Cait skin is going to the vault, did her skin will be on discount later anyway?
I'll be the first to admit, I try-hard in normals.
Try hard in normals so that you're good at the game for ranked.
If you go into ranked without ever trying hard in normals, then you're going to suck.
It has nothing to do with trying hard. If you're starting the game assuming that you're going to hate the experience of playing it, then something is wrong with your life.
It has nothing to do with trying hard. If you're starting the game assuming that you're going to hate the experience of playing it, then something is wrong with your life.
0-3 in placements so far.
I really hope I get bronze. It'll be a lot of fun.