swagger? whats u mean
i like sion cos all his spells have a fun hook to them and he has tons of "skillshots" (missable abilities, at least) and they're all just really satisfying to use. his q and w have like a very visceral feeling to them and the e and ult are very goofy which i appreciate a whole lot
i really enjoyed poopy in lane when i played her but had a lot of trouble transitioning to teamfights so in the end felt like she wasn't gonna be for me.
but ppl figured out the iceborn gauntled thing so maybe i should try her again
don't trust ghost
personally as support i don't finish sighstone first, i'm more like upgrade support item to tier 2 and get regular boots and a pink on first back and then on the next one see if it's worth it to get sighstone or just finish up the support item
Doing gods work.Whenever someone locks in Yas, Nid, Zed etc, the two options they get are dodge or lose.
idk, i think sion looks fine. his spells have a really chunky feel to them that's really enjoyable his design is ok, nothing amazing, but detailed enough and he's huge so that's kinda coolYeah I need to try Poppy with that build too.
and in regards to sion. I just figured you liked the really good looking characters. Sion just looks like a big giant brutish thing
ehh, viktor is definitely fine but not one i'd say is in a top spotViktor is really good right now i played a few matches with and every time i was either top damage dealer or second. Only problems is a he takes a little bit to ramp up.
Yeah i need to play him more with different match ups, with the games being snowbally and ending quicker.ehh, viktor is definitely fine but not one i'd say is in a top spot
i blame all the dumbos trying to game the systemFrom what I;ve seen, mid is just super popular in the new queue.
ahri, lissandra, corki, lux, luluYeah i need to play him more with different match ups, with the games being snowbally and ending quicker.
What are good mid laners right now, i need to pick up some for the new season.
Congrats on gold.
Ok thank I will probably pick up corki lulu and maybe ahri. Lux i hate and liss i have played and i just don't really get and she want fun to play.ahri, lissandra, corki, lux, lulu
viktor is pretty good but he's really hard to play sometimes
syndra's kind of the same way, she feels pretty good right now but she's still kind of risky
er, what two options did you give him?
Watching my replay. Thank goodness for websites offering this service. Feels spooky trying to analyze one's own replay looking for defects
Uhhh. so I had about 3500 IP and just bought LeBlanc (3150 IP) and my remaining balance is apparently -2993. Wut.
What site?
went on a ranked winning streak for my last 6 games and finished placements at 7-3
gold 5, i guess at least i skipped the silver->gold promos, so that's nice
i'm not gonna do solo q anymore, i tried mid/top and got top so from now on it's group or nothing, this system is garbage if you're trying to play mid
idk, i think sion looks fine. his spells have a really chunky feel to them that's really enjoyable his design is ok, nothing amazing, but detailed enough and he's huge so that's kinda cool
i like how poppy looks more tho, i should play more poopy
ehh, viktor is definitely fine but not one i'd say is in a top spot
it's just some suggestions, play whoever u think is fun as ranked is more about being generally good at the game and comfortable with ur champions than chasing the ops (tho u can really get a lot of elo that way)Ok thank I will probably pick up corki lulu and maybe ahri. Lux i hate and liss i have played and i just don't really get and she want fun to play.
Nasus > Poppy.
yeah i never really worry about that cos at this point getting gold is kind of a trivial thing lolnice! so you don't have to worry bout ranked anymore since you'll get the Victor skin for hitting gold.
i don't like top lane overall, it's not really fun to play a mage top cos if your jungler doesn't know how to dive you're just inevitably gonna push your lane and get ganked. like if i'm sion i can set up the dive pretty easy but if it's up to someone else cos i'm a squishy mage then i don't feel so confident hehI dont suppose you're willing to settle for Mid primary / Top secondary? Pretty much any mage can go to Top. As long as the jungler or support goes Tank build you'll still have a frontline. And there's less traffic in top lane too. That's my plan to practice with my mid laners (in Norms)
yeah i never really worry about that cos at this point getting gold is kind of a trivial thing lol
but with dynamic queue there's almost no point in playing normals these days so i'll just probably see if i can casually get plat that way
i don't like top lane overall, it's not really fun to play a mage top cos if your jungler doesn't know how to dive you're just inevitably gonna push your lane and get ganked. like if i'm sion i can set up the dive pretty easy but if it's up to someone else cos i'm a squishy mage then i don't feel so confident heh
i may try mid/adc and play some kalista and do terrible but have some fun at least, idk
I go positive on Yasuo 95% of the time but you would force me to dodge or lose if I selected him? In ranked?
HOW THE FUCK DO 2 TEAMS BOTH NOT TAKE SMITE????In drafting I was telling Ghost not to ban Tahm or Graves because they could only ban one of them. They didn't ban any of them. We got both. So Graves, Janna and Tahm on the same team so already incredibly bullshit. Somehow neither jungler takes smite, so we start the game with duo top, and Aatrox gets level 1 cheesed and force out of lane super early. Clown Fiesta.
That feel when you dont know if your playing on your level 10 smurf or not.that feel when ur not sure if its ranked or normals
ehhh, i got very mixed feelings about that gameThat feel when you don't play league and instead play a good game like The Witness.
That feel when you don't play league and instead play a good game like The Witness.
In drafting I was telling Ghost not to ban Tahm or Graves because they could only ban one of them. They didn't ban any of them. We got both. So Graves, Janna and Tahm on the same team so already incredibly bullshit. Somehow neither jungler takes smite, so we start the game with duo top, and Aatrox gets level 1 cheesed and forced out of lane super early. Clown Fiesta.
Also, Morg took Fervor LOL.
Got placed on smurf. I still don't understand the placement system.
Got placed on smurf. I still don't understand the placement system.
Whenever someone locks in Yas, Nid, Zed etc, the two options they get are dodge or lose.
Zhonya is probably my favourite item effect I've tried so far. It's saved my ass so many times.