pbe patch, no ori splash. the fk is this shit -__-
Kircheis Shard
Unique passive - Energized Strike magic damage lowerd to 40 from 50.
Live value is currently 30.
Rapid Firecannon
Unique Passive Firecannon bonus magic damage changed to 50-160 from 50-150
Live value are currently 50-200
Statikk Shiv
Unique passive - Shiv Lightning damage increased to 50-120 from 50-100
live value is currently 30-100
Phantom Dancer
Unique Passive - Lament damage reduction reverted to 12% from 16%
shiv sounds strong next patch
I'm not saying she's bad vs tanks but armor + HP does help.
I gotta say, maybe doing what Zky said and making her more item dependant could work I guess. Not that it matters since she'll probably go crazy with Duskblade, fuck that item.
idk, it doesn't give her cdr and doesn't give her enough arpen to compensate for the dmp she's gonna be hitting against
i forget at how many offensive vs defensive items she's doing, but i think she's normally 2-3 (not counting boots)?
i feel like making it 3-2 would hit her ability to easily dive turrets (that's what her ult heal is for) and also would also hurt her natural scaling cos dmg is just more expensive than tankiness
The slow isn't used for utility, it's used to snowball harder. She has a stun she can use, Riposte being something you can just throw is dumb.
hmm, yea, maybe you're right
lol fuzzy are you secretly playing d&d with our personalities