This shit doesn't seem very fair.
Probably premade 4 vs premade 4. You are the MMR corrector having much higher MMR than the gold premade to adjust for the sub level 30s.
This shit doesn't seem very fair.
Both abilities go to wasteso if nocturne puts his E on Fiora, and she riposts the proc, BUT nocturne spellshields the riposte... what happens?
can i get a short summary on the udyr thing
I won my last game with a uydr who carried 8/2 but he didn't build anything that you guys are talking aboutudyr: get ready for the perma ban.
don't play league with significant other it leads to divorce
my wife stopped mobas at HoN thank god.
Lol! Bronze really does have its own meta.bronze players typically don't pick up on the latest hot thing until it's almost nerfed into uselessness.
Lol! Bronze really does have its own meta.
Hell we still banning jax,Mundo, and blitz every game
I read Mundo got needed a lot though. I only ban blitz when I am playing adcBlitz actually has a pretty high win rate and is annoying, jax is great when played well, I personally ban him all the time, mundo pretty common ban too
I love when thresh and tahm hook me when I am chasing because it brings me so much closer to the enemy carrypeope dont know how to vs thresh i bronze bcuz nbody knows how to play him
Blitz is always a good ban in Bronze. Having to constantly play around his hook is annoying to deal with. Because if he gets you once, it's either burn your flash or die.
yeah it's pretty noticeable too
tldr: reworked shen taunt was actually shorter than indicated. could touch people and it wouldnt proc
tldr: reworked shen taunt was actually shorter than indicated. could touch people and it wouldnt proc
Holy shit why is Udyr so strong now?
just pick malphite
ez win
Guess I should of told you before. It was pretty well known when it was released on pbe.
Don't do bm to dance on a corpse?
i don't think it's bm :3
If they nerfed echoes by removing its movement or nerfed its ap, Udyr will remain unchanged.
It's not the movement and bonus ap that's making him broken. Any person with any experience playing the champ will be running at least 1 MS quints. Udyr doesnt need scaling ap damage either. His base damage is already high enough if you can auto.
After thinking long and hard at why Udyr is so strong at the moment, I've come to think that it's due to hunter's potion. It makes him into a champ you can't punish no matter what you do as an opposing jungler.
The only thing an enemy jungler can do against an udyr is get strong enough to kill him in the mid and late game. That is not an easy thing to do since Udyr literally never has to back if he has hunter's potion.
I can't remember the last time when I had to back (minus deaths) with less than 3k gold outside of my first clear.
This is all my opinion. I might be wrong.
Looks like runic echoes helped Fiddle a lot. There isn't much of a sample size yet of course but he's definitely rising in win rate big time. Not that it's too surprising, I think riot pointed out in the patch notes that this was gonna happen.
Don't do this.
press shift+3 to pay your respects
or Shift 6 to show your mastery
I just wish there were more cdr options. I always want to be at 40% cdr but the options aren't great, hence me getting Lich Bane there.