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League of Legends |OT11| going


can i get a short summary on the udyr thing

Runic Echos meshes with him really nicely because of the ms bonus. On top of that you get swifties which are really cheap and good right now and then on top of that you get iceborn so he has a lot more stickiness then he used to.


Tell her to play Hearthstone, it's a lot of fun.

My Dad plays Candy Crush, and he's in the 250s now without spending a single dime. I'm honestly impressed.



Start with refillable potion.

Go back and get hunter's potion and boots.

Then proceed to build 45% cdr and learn how to kite with bear, turtle and maintaining monkey stance.


I tried udyr for the first time in a ranked game with neol, built runic, guinsoos, and then completely random shit. So easy


don't play league with significant other it leads to divorce

my wife stopped mobas at HoN thank god.

Wife mad cause the game went 50min lol. We only get an hour of kid free time to ourselves every night. If I cut into that with league she is unhappy.

But it was a good, stressful win. Carried the crap out of it. Worth it. Lol


Lol! Bronze really does have its own meta.

Hell we still banning jax,Mundo, and blitz every game

Blitz actually has a pretty high win rate and is annoying, jax is great when played well, I personally ban him all the time, mundo pretty common ban too


Even in silver people are banning Mundo, guess its just people following what others do. I usually see Graves, Blitz, Mundo and Jax banned with two others thrown in that someone just feels they hate.


If they nerfed echoes by removing its movement or nerfed its ap, Udyr will remain unchanged.

It's not the movement and bonus ap that's making him broken. Any person with any experience playing the champ will be running at least 1 MS quints. Udyr doesnt need scaling ap damage either. His base damage is already high enough if you can auto.

After thinking long and hard at why Udyr is so strong at the moment, I've come to think that it's due to hunter's potion. It makes him into a champ you can't punish no matter what you do as an opposing jungler.

The only thing an enemy jungler can do against an udyr is get strong enough to kill him in the mid and late game. That is not an easy thing to do since Udyr literally never has to back if he has hunter's potion.

I can't remember the last time when I had to back (minus deaths) with less than 3k gold outside of my first clear.

This is all my opinion. I might be wrong.


Blitz is always a good ban in Bronze. Having to constantly play around his hook is annoying to deal with. Because if he gets you once, it's either burn your flash or die.
Oh yeah people dont know how to play against thresh and blitz. I got really good at thresh because he was the only support i had for the longest time and i would just land hook after hook and usually they end in kills or sums or a bunch of damage. Like with people like blitz and thresh i feel like im doing something, but with laning with a janna or playing her it just doesnt seem like im really doing that much. That the main reason i dont like to play with janna or play her, i know im probably going to get hate for that.


Blitz is always a good ban in Bronze. Having to constantly play around his hook is annoying to deal with. Because if he gets you once, it's either burn your flash or die.

blitz is annoying in all elos, tho better players will punish him more for missing, sorta

and better players will generally make a bigger impact with other champions



tldr: reworked shen taunt was actually shorter than indicated. could touch people and it wouldnt proc
yeah it's pretty noticeable too


just pick malphite

ez win

I've never seen that work in practice. Like the Korean fiora's would dumpster Malphite from the first turret and even the second turret. Fiora would crush Darius even with a level less and half a completed item behind. Marin's Renekton was the only thing last year that I've seen beat a Fiora. This year it seems like Poppy might be able to hang with Fiora for a while.


Guess I should of told you before. It was pretty well known when it was released on pbe.

there are too many different venues of information that riot releases/acknowledges things and if you happen to not see it on reddit when its up for whatever reason its in the ether man. i didnt say anything in my shen game but i was wondering if it was just me or what.


If they nerfed echoes by removing its movement or nerfed its ap, Udyr will remain unchanged.

It's not the movement and bonus ap that's making him broken. Any person with any experience playing the champ will be running at least 1 MS quints. Udyr doesnt need scaling ap damage either. His base damage is already high enough if you can auto.

After thinking long and hard at why Udyr is so strong at the moment, I've come to think that it's due to hunter's potion. It makes him into a champ you can't punish no matter what you do as an opposing jungler.

The only thing an enemy jungler can do against an udyr is get strong enough to kill him in the mid and late game. That is not an easy thing to do since Udyr literally never has to back if he has hunter's potion.

I can't remember the last time when I had to back (minus deaths) with less than 3k gold outside of my first clear.

This is all my opinion. I might be wrong.

Yeah, people are overvaluing Runic Echoes on him. Even after that item is corrected (either direct nerfs to the item or AP ratio nerfs on Udyr) he'll still be fine. He's been sneaking up the winrate charts for going back roughly 4-5 months.


It's reksai for me all over again. I can already see it with Udyr this season.

Enchantments/champ gets nerfed, people complain and stop playing while I get free reign and hold a 70% winrate.

I can't wait to see runic echo get nerfed and have eve, elise and nidalee becoming the most useless piles of trash the game has ever seen though. These three cheese champs need to be deleted from the game or be forced out of the jungle role.


Looks like runic echoes helped Fiddle a lot. There isn't much of a sample size yet of course but he's definitely rising in win rate big time. Not that it's too surprising, I think riot pointed out in the patch notes that this was gonna happen.
A support with a big ego in Bronze, dude doesnt do nothing but stay in a brush, just doing magic res for himself, never bought sighstone or something for vision.


Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.

Got Top.

No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much.

Looks like runic echoes helped Fiddle a lot. There isn't much of a sample size yet of course but he's definitely rising in win rate big time. Not that it's too surprising, I think riot pointed out in the patch notes that this was gonna happen.

It actually hasn't. Experienced fiddlesticks players were doing what experienced fiddlesticks players have been doing since S4 which was to skip the AP jungle item and rush Zhonyas. Runic Echoes helped his numbers in the sense that it isn't a completely shit item on him unlike Runeglaive and that has improved his overall win rates, but his win rates haven't budged much for those who were and still are rushing Zhonyas.


I just had a game as Nasus where the enemy team played duo top Vlad and Lulu.

I was bummed about this.

(We still won. I lost a lot of towers though.)
So my placement matches have been going swimmingly!



i don't wanna be mean, but u kind of deserve it for playing soraka and lux support :T

also don't get lich bane on mid lux, it's really bad

you want lots and lots of ap on her. deathcap, roa and ludens echo are all very good followups to athenes/morellos/fqc
I just wish there were more cdr options. I always want to be at 40% cdr but the options aren't great, hence me getting Lich Bane there. Must've been scatterbrained at the time not knowing what to do because each game everyone on my team was so toxic except me and we'd get stomped. Some people would try and be nice to start and then throw some passive aggressive shit my way later on if I hadn't gone on a suicide mission with them. I'd do fine early game and usually win lane supporting bot but then everyone else's lanes would be so overfed I would too.

I think I got off lightly last season. I didn't play ranked til around summer, got into gold, then left it. This time round it's horrible. I really need people to lobby with.

And I figured you'd say something about me playing Lux support (you always do) but she's my third most-played so I thought it might have helped but nope... I'll stick to Karma and Morg.
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