So my placement matches have been going swimmingly!
well the reason you're losing with Lux is obvious. No Mejai's Saltstealer
So my placement matches have been going swimmingly!
Never thought about that. I've been burning all the ip i got from the recent lobby boosts on runes since I got two more pages. Didnt get any cdr ones but I'll have a look into it. ThanksTry and save for CDR/level runes. They're extremely good for mid laners.
Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.
Got Top.
No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much.
I have never wanted to reach through my monitor and choke four other people to death until tonight.
get cdr/lvl runesI just wish there were more cdr options. I always want to be at 40% cdr but the options aren't great, hence me getting Lich Bane there. Must've been scatterbrained at the time not knowing what to do because each game everyone on my team was so toxic except me and we'd get stomped. Some people would try and be nice to start and then throw some passive aggressive shit my way later on if I hadn't gone on a suicide mission with them. I'd do fine early game and usually win lane supporting bot but then everyone else's lanes would be so overfed I would too.
I think I got off lightly last season. I didn't play ranked til around summer, got into gold, then left it. This time round it's horrible. I really need people to lobby with.
And I figured you'd say something about me playing Lux support (you always do) but she's my third most-played so I thought it might have helped but nope... I'll stick to Karma and Morg.
This is why you join us.What an absolutely miserable night.
I don't think you're that bad as Gnar lol. Pantheon is just a really bad matchup.I might be the worst Gnar ever. T_T
He's really fun to play, though. What matchups does he tend to build Frozen Mallet?
This list just feels like it's missing really notable stuff to me. Quinn is beyond stupid right now. Ezreal is obviously the top tier AD carry on this patch. Fiora, Mundo, and Tahm Kench. Diana will be an up and coming ban within the next few months on the current trajectory of the game.
That's what I think too. The few times I've had TK on my team he has been near useless, but sure he's annoying.I feel like Tk just annoys people more than they think he's op. I wish they would have left him his damage but made him drop the champ in his mouth if hit by a hard cc
i think looking at most played champions on champion.gg and checking their winrate is a good indication of what to ban
for instance malph is like #1 picked and has like 54% winrate or something crazy like that
i might also ban things i just don't like to play against and know have a high winrate, like lee sin, even if i don't think he's op
wasn't in pbe, but it won't change anythingSo seekers is getting +5 armor and is building from two cloth armors and an amp tome now instead of just one according to leaked patch notes. Was that ever on pbe? I don't remember seeing it
wasn't in pbe, but it won't change anything
At what point do you jump divisions? Currently nursing a 9 win lead and got 25LP for my recent match.
Just put mid as your secondary already.Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.
Got Top.
No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much
Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.
Got Top.
No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much.
wow.. what a game..
I'm exhausted now and my wife is mad. But we did it!
Step 1.) Fuck someone up over a game of League
Step 2.) Go to prison
Step 3.) Join the prison's Leauge of Legends team
Step 4.) Tear up dynamic queue with your fellow convicts.
I agree i hated only playing with 2 people.Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.
I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.
This is why you join us
Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.
I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.
Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.
I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.
I haven't had a chance to play with people yet. I look forward to it but I really want to get my placements done first solo.
Champion and skin sale 2/5 - 2/8: https://youtu.be/lg7K8DMNjfk
Panth is really dumb atm, people are starting to catch onI think I need to play more pantheon jungle. He's been quietly racking up a really nice winrate. I hardly see him anymore.
Champion and skin sale 2/5 - 2/8: https://youtu.be/lg7K8DMNjfk
to seekers, not zhonyasEh however small its a straight buff to the item. Zed is getting nerfed just a hair too
Patiently waiting for PROJECT Fiora.
Panth is really dumb atm, people are starting to catch on
Patiently waiting for PROJECT Fiora.
Saddly, no: http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/3160/4782/original.jpg But Ekko will be on sale.
And thunderlords is really strong on him too.He was one of my goto junglers last season? But nerfs to his ult and losing the spirit items for a bit ruined him. I played him again recently though and was pleasantly surprised to find him back in form. New warrior suits him and maw + dead mans + black cleaver make a very nice combo.