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League of Legends |OT11| going

So my placement matches have been going swimmingly!


well the reason you're losing with Lux is obvious. No Mejai's Saltstealer
Try and save for CDR/level runes. They're extremely good for mid laners.
Never thought about that. I've been burning all the ip i got from the recent lobby boosts on runes since I got two more pages. Didnt get any cdr ones but I'll have a look into it. Thanks

And lol I'd only get Mejai's if I was ahead... Which was unrealistic...
I went 13/3/5 and we lost to a backdoor that I called out and tried to stop, but nobody else came. They were all waiting for dragon to respawn.

I have never wanted to reach through my monitor and choke four other people to death until tonight.


Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.

Got Top.

No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much.

I queue jungle/top every game and have played top maybe 5-6/22 games this season. Probably the same or slightly better rate I've always got jungle but now I don't get put into some random role to get stomped. I get put top to play a mega tank and not feed.


Twitch is also a bad ADC to play in SoloQ right now because he's a late game hypercarry with no mobility that relies on his team to make the most out of his DPS.

Play an early game champ or someone with high mobility.


I wouldn't say twitch sucks in solo queue or has the sole purpose of being a late game carry.

He snowballs hard and can solo carry games if you roam correctly.

I played with a twitch main recently. He had mediocre stats (2.5kda i believe) but once i gave him a kill bot, he immediately started to tear bot and mid down simultaneously.

Got him in the next queue and I worked my ass off for him to get an early kill and he proceeded to do the same thing.


I really need to start checking profiles pre game for situations like that. Maybe that app that lets you pull up peoples stats at the beginning of the game


I just wish there were more cdr options. I always want to be at 40% cdr but the options aren't great, hence me getting Lich Bane there. Must've been scatterbrained at the time not knowing what to do because each game everyone on my team was so toxic except me and we'd get stomped. Some people would try and be nice to start and then throw some passive aggressive shit my way later on if I hadn't gone on a suicide mission with them. I'd do fine early game and usually win lane supporting bot but then everyone else's lanes would be so overfed I would too.

I think I got off lightly last season. I didn't play ranked til around summer, got into gold, then left it. This time round it's horrible. I really need people to lobby with.

And I figured you'd say something about me playing Lux support (you always do) but she's my third most-played so I thought it might have helped but nope... I'll stick to Karma and Morg.
get cdr/lvl runes

or athenes+morellos if you're desperate


I might be the worst Gnar ever. T_T

He's really fun to play, though. What matchups does he tend to build Frozen Mallet?


What an absolutely miserable night.
This is why you join us.
I might be the worst Gnar ever. T_T

He's really fun to play, though. What matchups does he tend to build Frozen Mallet?
I don't think you're that bad as Gnar lol. Pantheon is just a really bad matchup.

Just remember, you probably shouldn't rush cleaver against Panth. Especially if he managed to pull of his early game all in cheese.


This list just feels like it's missing really notable stuff to me. Quinn is beyond stupid right now. Ezreal is obviously the top tier AD carry on this patch. Fiora, Mundo, and Tahm Kench. Diana will be an up and coming ban within the next few months on the current trajectory of the game.

That's the interesting part about the site. It is based on statistics on what is most consistent and not what people think are strong. Thus, data from different tiers vary. While I would be careful from putting too much stock in the Diamond bans on the site right now due to the fact that there exist relatively few Diamond players right now due to the new season, you see Ezreal and Fiora among the top bans there (EUW Diamond).

While Mundo and Tahm Kench are near 100% ban where I play, I wonder if they're actually that good. Mundo is right at 50% winrate in both jungle/top while TK is a couple of percentage units below 50% in both top/support.

Since it is based on statistics on the current patch it might not capture up and coming top bans. Diana might become a good ban but is she a good ban right now?


I feel like Tk just annoys people more than they think he's op. I wish they would have left him his damage but made him drop the champ in his mouth if hit by a hard cc


i think looking at most played champions on champion.gg and checking their winrate is a good indication of what to ban

for instance malph is like #1 picked and has like 54% winrate or something crazy like that


Yeah comparing winrate with playrate is the way to go. If a champ has even a moderately high win rate and really high play rate they are probably pretty much pick up and play easy so not good

Off topic I just got SwiftKey and it's still trying to learn all my autocorrect preferences so trying to make a short post about league is super tedious


I feel like Tk just annoys people more than they think he's op. I wish they would have left him his damage but made him drop the champ in his mouth if hit by a hard cc
That's what I think too. The few times I've had TK on my team he has been near useless, but sure he's annoying.
i think looking at most played champions on champion.gg and checking their winrate is a good indication of what to ban

for instance malph is like #1 picked and has like 54% winrate or something crazy like that

Yeah, that's not bad and works well for Malphite since he has a high pick rate. Consider instead if something with a 55% winrate is picked 0.5% of the time it might not be worth banning. bestbans top bans is combining their winrate with their pickrate, the formula itself is public.

Looking at champion.gg for high winrate and high pickrate champs is close to what they're doing.


i might also ban things i just don't like to play against and know have a high winrate, like lee sin, even if i don't think he's op


i might also ban things i just don't like to play against and know have a high winrate, like lee sin, even if i don't think he's op

Yeah, I think that Mundo and Tahm Kench, for example, maintain their high ban rate not because they actually win all the time but because people find them frustrating to play against even if they can beat them.


to celebrate lux na spam here's a pretty lux


i need to find a new hosting service, cos copy's going down

i'd move my stuff to dropbox but i don't ever have enough space there and i don't wanna have this on my google drive

any other suggestions?


So seekers is getting +5 armor and is building from two cloth armors and an amp tome now instead of just one according to leaked patch notes. Was that ever on pbe? I don't remember seeing it


So seekers is getting +5 armor and is building from two cloth armors and an amp tome now instead of just one according to leaked patch notes. Was that ever on pbe? I don't remember seeing it
wasn't in pbe, but it won't change anything
Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.

Got Top.

No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much
Just put mid as your secondary already.


I'm liking Karma support again. With the popularity of Ezreal right now, you can get some ridiculous harass going on the enemy botlane.


Queued as Jungle/Support to see what would happen. Got Support. Someone was kind enough to leave. Ok, fine then. Time to game this shithole of a system. Jungle/Top.

Got Top.

No joke, just about ready to quit this game. I miss Team Builder so fucking much.

I was sharing that frustration. But to my surprise, the last 4 ranked games I queued jungle/bot, I got jungle all 4 times.

For my last 6 ranked games I've queued jungle/mid twice and it was an even split then jungle/bot 4 times and all jungle. This even included a few dodges. So maybe 6 jungle games in a row including the dodges.

Those ratios I can live with. I won't even be unhappy if my next couple were bot.

Each time the queue popped instantly. I would have been very unhappy if it pops instantly and it was a secondary role.
This fucking game.

It's really too early in the morning for this shit. People contested this match like it was their last promo chance. I'm glad Teemo's back is strong. Triple kill at dragon to clinch the game.

Also, first good Jhin I've seen so far.



Yeah so this game. I didnt even get to say what was so darn frustrating about it. Was such a close finish. The yi was running rampant on us most of the game. He got an early qss to counter TF's gold cards and outside of that, my ekko bubble was the only form of CC we had. I started the game 9-0, trying so hard to keep us in the game. I managed to secure all the dragons but one and with good warding I was preventing the yi invades from having a big impact. We almost surrendered a few times but I refused to give up.

In the end, the team fights won it for us. We knew to focus yasuo and yi. thanks to my 40% cdr and Yi's very predictable behavior (he would just dive right in every time going for our backline), he would qss the gold card but my bubble would hit immediately after and we'd burst him down. And I had enough cdr to get another bubble out and usually stun up tahm. That let our Quinn run all over their team. We would have been completely screwed if tahm ever bothered eating the focused yi instead of trying to eat me. I just happily soaked damage and would ult when I got low and E out of the fight. After awhile I stopped even trying to do damage to them, just focused on slowing and stunning anyone in range.

Was a nail biter. I don't normally build straight tank on ekko like that but it seemed like we needed it that game.

Oh and trackers and new oracles are horribly underrated right now.


Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.

I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.
Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.

I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.
I agree i hated only playing with 2 people.


Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.

I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.

I haven't had a chance to play with people yet. I look forward to it but I really want to get my placements done first solo.

Fuzzery, I will play ranked with you guys as soon as I finish placements! Lol

But you're right. There is a lot less bickering and issues in champ select with the new queue. I really like it. And the quality of games seems to be a bit better. Everyone is in their better roles.

Building a decent team comp is still a challenge though. And some of these bans are just absurd. Last game someone banned garen and another person banned Lee sin. They let soraka, graves and tahm kench through. Fortunately the opponents opted to play yi instead of graves but soraka and tahm were so annoying.


Ranked feels a lot more fun this season. It's mostly because I can play with more than two friends at a time. There's also a lot less champ select nonsense now with dynamic queue too.

I actually got mid twice yesterday just from filling, lmao.

Yeah I'm loving ranked this season. Dynamic queue is fantastic and I don't feel any reason to play normals ever again since I can guarantee getting a role that I'm good at.


I think I need to play more pantheon jungle. He's been quietly racking up a really nice winrate. I hardly see him anymore.


Panth is really dumb atm, people are starting to catch on

He was one of my goto junglers last season? But nerfs to his ult and losing the spirit items for a bit ruined him. I played him again recently though and was pleasantly surprised to find him back in form. New warrior suits him and maw + dead mans + black cleaver make a very nice combo.

Patiently waiting for PROJECT Fiora.

Wasn't that just on sale for 975? I seem to remember waffling over buying it. Eventually passed since I'm not willing to choose top lane for a secondary role when she is banned a lot of the times anyways.
He was one of my goto junglers last season? But nerfs to his ult and losing the spirit items for a bit ruined him. I played him again recently though and was pleasantly surprised to find him back in form. New warrior suits him and maw + dead mans + black cleaver make a very nice combo.
And thunderlords is really strong on him too.
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