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League of Legends |OT11| going


i'd like to see ryze get a different ult, like an actual spell, not a steroid

his three spells seem to bear the responsibility of making a full champion and i feel it's always problematic when champions don't have the full four spells (leblanc, karma, pantheon, shen)

rito has done good stuff with leblanc tho, so idk, maybe ryze can work with a steroid ult. vayne has it and she's ok-ish.

i mostly think ryze is just boring, machinegun spells have to be simple and uninteresting almost by design

one thing that attracted me to Brand so many years ago was the passive interaction of his spells. he only has the basic QWER, but the interactions between them and his passive burn is fantastic champion design. every single interaction has use.

You can choose to use your passive burn ability to:
1. Stun
2. Apply your passive burn in a small surrounding AOE
3. Use it to enhance damage of next spell

in any order you want or need. THAT'S good design. sure his numbers when strong are a bit high but thematically, it's really cool.

if you want Ryze to be a spell slinging mage, he needs something like that. not EXACTLY like that or anything, but something thematic to his "class".

i actually think brand's design is kind of really bad because none of those choices are actually interesting or skill oriented, and the way his combos work you always feel like you're wasting something

like, 100% of the times you want to lead with e, but if you can't you'll sacrifice w dmg to get the q stun off. if someone else can stun them you can lead with q then to get more w dmg. i can't remember because of the bug but i think ppl also sometimes lead with the ult too, but i also can't remember if it has more ranged than e

there's not many tradeoffs about things, you just do the best choice you can get away with, you always want the stun or the w dmg and so it's just a matter of figuring out which one you're going to waste according to the situation.

at least that's how he's always felt to me and why i really don't like him (aside from him being ugly and his spells themselves being really boring)

an example i like more for decisionmaking is tf's w. all his choices are interesting and have tradeoffs, specially because they're tied to a single cooldown so there's real consequence for whatever you choose. you're never gonna want blue card in a 1v1 for sure, but during laning the way tf plays picking a card, then holding it and the w cooldown are all very interesting
So Garen Jungle is now a thing.



I wish they would give us a sneak peak of some of the champions in the pipeline. Something like having their silhouettes in a lineup. I understand why they would never do this, but the Gnar teaser we got was a real treat.


I wish they would give us a sneak peak of some of the champions in the pipeline. Something like having their silhouettes in a lineup. I understand why they would never do this, but the Gnar teaser we got was a real treat.
yeah it'd be cool if they gave us a sneak peak of like a Chinese dragon champion or something


Releasing simplified champions with little mobility at this stage of the game will ensure that they will be completely useless unless they have overloaded kits or insanely high numbers to counteract that. And when you have that, you get crap like Tahm. I think illaoi proved that right now. You can't release the huge number of mobile champions that they have and then later say "maybe we shouldn't do it anymore" because now those champions without mobility stick out like a sore thumb.

Unless they want to do a pass on lucian, fiora, ezreal, etc etc like they did to corki, new non mobile champions are going to have a hard time unless they have huge numbers/dumb kits to compensate.

Corki was actually a good mobility reduction and I can get behind that kind of change in the future


Some junglers can be baaaaaaad. Fortunately, not ours, but man, I dunno what's going through anyone's mind when they walk near my side of the wall at low HP in a warded river bush with me out of sight and stand there doing nothing in particular. Free XP is nice.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
During that EUW drop I was literally the only one in the game without a dc and my connection was perfect, had lux and ended up just going down mid and killing every tower until the game was won, took ages.

Worst part is the other team didnt get loss forgiven D:


Releasing simplified champions with little mobility at this stage of the game will ensure that they will be completely useless unless they have overloaded kits or insanely high numbers to counteract that. And when you have that, you get crap like Tahm. I think illaoi proved that right now. You can't release the huge number of mobile champions that they have and then later say "maybe we shouldn't do it anymore" because now those champions without mobility stick out like a sore thumb.

Unless they want to do a pass on lucian, fiora, ezreal, etc etc like they did to corki, new non mobile champions are going to have a hard time unless they have huge numbers/dumb kits to compensate.

Corki was actually a good mobility reduction and I can get behind that kind of change in the future
Well maybe top/mid/jungle but botlane champs with low mobility are pretty fine for the most part.


Oh quit blamin' Dobs, and just take it like an Argie.
is "take it like an argie" a weird idiom i'm not aware of lol

Releasing simplified champions with little mobility at this stage of the game will ensure that they will be completely useless unless they have overloaded kits or insanely high numbers to counteract that. And when you have that, you get crap like Tahm. I think illaoi proved that right now. You can't release the huge number of mobile champions that they have and then later say "maybe we shouldn't do it anymore" because now those champions without mobility stick out like a sore thumb.

Unless they want to do a pass on lucian, fiora, ezreal, etc etc like they did to corki, new non mobile champions are going to have a hard time unless they have huge numbers/dumb kits to compensate.

Corki was actually a good mobility reduction and I can get behind that kind of change in the future
idk, braum worked, sion worked, poppy works

midlane is full of simple, immobile champions that work (like lux, viktor)

i think they're basically talking about a different direction from last years that has been really huge mobility creep with things like yasuo, fiora, lucy, kaly, reksai, etc.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The #1 reason Illaoi doesn't get played is because of her mobility. Champions without mobility need lots of hard CC now because it's become so easy for people to run away/out of fights. Having low mobility makes it really hard to contribute to team fights in the current meta too, because engagements are so short with the extra damage provided by items/masteries.


Low mobility champs are fine if they have cc, see Ashe. The problem with Illaoi is that she doesn't have shit.


got the worse fucking team ever

Shyv jungle who sucks ass

Illaoi top who sucks ass

non blue ez who keeps saying late game but sucks ass

jayce feeding mid lane at lv2 and feeding aka sucks ass

I am just sitting here like why are you guys chasing them

edit:sorry for the rant but man it sucks losing a 6 game winning streak due to bad picks. I should of known the shy was going to lose when they had kennen, morg, and panth


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
"We want champs with low mobility", says Riot while Quinn is zooming circles around you at 700+ MS.


"We want champs with low mobility", says Riot while Quinn is zooming circles around you at 700+ MS.

Quinn was the most mind boggingly strange rework that I've seen. They proposed that change a year before they did it because they weren't sure what it would do. How would they not know when it's so obvious what it would do.

For example we were sieging top lane inhib tower in a game about a week ago as five while they had mid inhib down. Their waveclear was too good to actually successfully siege. Their adc ezreal was keeping supers in check near the mid inhib. All I had to do was walk out of sight, go to bird form and bum rush ez while he was clearing near the down mid inhib. Total transpired time of rotating top to mid and killing ezreal so we could push was about 7 seconds from going out of vision. There was literally nothing ez could do to survive because of vault and being able to get right on him with bird speed, and his team literally had no time to pull back from wave clear to help ez in those 7 seconds.

That kind of thing should not be allowed in this game.
After getting ranged junglers nerfed over and over last year, there are LCS games being played right now, where Graves and Quinn are going head to head in the jungle. We made it guys, this is the good timeline.
maybe one day rito would make allowee better :( .

got the worse fucking team ever

Shyv jungle who sucks ass

Illaoi top who sucks ass

non blue ez who keeps saying late game but sucks ass

jayce feeding mid lane at lv2 and feeding aka sucks ass

I am just sitting here like why are you guys chasing them

edit:sorry for the rant but man it sucks losing a 6 game winning streak due to bad picks. I should of known the shy was going to lose when they had kennen, morg, and panth

You on NA server? What's your Summ name

Edit: I hope Rito keeps Taric's catch phrase.


maybe one day rito would make allowee better :( .

It's not that she's that bad, it's that most of the game takes place in situations where area control just isn't that important because everybody is kiting around.

In situations where the enemy is stuck fighting in a small area, Illaoi is pretty good. The reason she's so hard to gank is that that's the specific situation, multiple enemies in a confined space where Illaoi has had time to spawn tentacles, where she's strongest. But in general you don't actually fight over the Baron, like, inside the Baron pit. You look for fights outside in the river or on the approach, etc. So that makes her much less effective.

If they really wanted to make her a little better they could change her ult so that while it's up her "no tentacles nearby" forced tentacle spawn was instant. That would help some. But basically Illaoi really doesn't want to fight you -- she wants you to come fight her. It's hard to really make that happen.
The #1 reason Illaoi doesn't get played is because of her mobility. Champions without mobility need lots of hard CC now because it's become so easy for people to run away/out of fights. Having low mobility makes it really hard to contribute to team fights in the current meta too, because engagements are so short with the extra damage provided by items/masteries.

Low mobility champs are fine if they have cc, see Ashe. The problem with Illaoi is that she doesn't have shit.

FWIW, if you think of Illaoi as a zone controller, she makes more sense. She's obviously best with some setup, but if your team understands how to play with her, they can just force objectives because you can't fight into Illaoi. You have to kite and do all sorts of awkward shit or she'll blow you up. Taking a random fight where people scatter and no objectives are involved? Yea, that will probably be difficult. But if you're 4 or 5-manning for a tower there really isn't much the enemy can do assuming Illaoi has proper itemization and is properly positioned near the front lines.

Needless to say I wouldn't suggest picking Illaoi into an enemy lineup with 3+ high mobility champs that can kite well. And ideally your team would have at least 1 root. But most enemy comps don't feature 3x mobility champs anyway so usually it's not a big deal.

I'm winning about 70% of my Illaoi games these days and they all feel pretty good; even the losses. That said, I don't mind more buffs at all.

edit: I think they "fix" Illaoi by increasing her W range by 300-400 units. Initiation problem largely solved.


FWIW, if you think of Illaoi as a zone controller, she makes more sense. She's obviously best with some setup, but if your team understands how to play with her, they can just force objectives because you can't fight into Illaoi. You have to kite and do all sorts of awkward shit or she'll blow you up. Taking a random fight where people scatter and no objectives are involved? Yea, that will probably be difficult. But if you're 4 or 5-manning for a tower there really isn't much the enemy can do assuming Illaoi has proper itemization and is properly positioned near the front lines.

Needless to say I wouldn't suggest picking Illaoi into an enemy lineup with 3+ high mobility champs that can kite well. And ideally your team would have at least 1 root. But most enemy comps don't feature 3x mobility champs anyway so usually it's not a big deal.

I'm winning about 70% of my Illaoi games these days and they all feel pretty good; even the losses. That said, I don't mind more buffs at all.

The problem with Illaoi in that scenario is, all the enemy team has to do is just have some kind of waveclear and then a fight can't be forced in a siege without some kind of miracle.

It's a lot like Gnar. Everybody knows that Gnar can be incredibly strong if he's allowed to do what he's designed to do, but it's also pretty easy to delay a fight until enough time has passed to where one team loses interest and just walks away (although that doesn't happen very often in soloq, lol).

But Gnar's still good because he does a little more than just what he specializes in.

Illaoi? She literally can only do what she was designed to do; zone control. Nothing else. Zone control isn't valued that highly in SoloQ as there are so many ways to win without having to ever play Illaoi's game.
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