Yeah i need to give sion another spin.For those of you who are concerned about playing a role besides your main, here are 4 easy steps to having a minimum of net neutral impact on the game
1 Put top as your secondary
2 pick sion
3 get as tanky as humanly possible
4 deal most damage in the game
Usually his laning isn't that bad. You just E almost full q and they pop you w and that does alot of damage. Usually i will go first frozen heart for the extra mana so i can do my combo more often.I like grasp. Tbh that game only went so well bc i was against another weak laner. Sion's laning phase is pretty rough now but you can still get unkillable pretty easy since you don't have to build a whole lot of hp
Usually his laning isn't that bad. You just E almost full q and they pop you w and that does alot of damage. Usually i will go first frozen heart for the extra mana so i can do my combo more often.
Yeah. That when i would max e like you said and probably go sun fire.Not quite as easy since they killed the W pop and stuff like quinn, graves, poppy, and fiora running rampant top it gets a lot harder to get the knockup portion of the Q off
Wrote to Riot support asking why my normal mmr problem is so bad and I just got a basic automated response I think. They didn't answer me question at all. Feels bad.
Don't you just hate it when someone on the enemy team talks shit, even though they got carried?
I might be convinced to join. You'll get to play with me when I'm not tired as hellIn-house today starting at 6:30 EST. Some people have recommended that we do captain draft to balance the teams, so I'm willing to try it out.
In-house today starting at 6:30 EST. Some people have recommended that we do captain draft to balance the teams, so I'm willing to try it out.
nopeDon't you just hate it when someone on the enemy team talks shit, even though they got carried?
In-house today starting at 6:30 EST. Some people have recommended that we do captain draft to balance the teams, so I'm willing to try it out.
Don't you just hate it when someone on the enemy team talks shit, even though they got carried?
I dunno, people usually play for a while so you might be around for game 3 or soDo in-house games ever start later in the evening? I'd like to get involved some time, but I'm usually lucky to be getting home around 6:30EST on an average weeknight.
Just make sure you're not ingame at the time. Last time we actually had to get some random dude named Fasachi because we only had 9 people on.It filled up last time by the time I got there
But understandable. I usually can't get on till 6:45-7.
I'll play if there's still a spot by that time.
We usually do at least 3 games.Do in-house games ever start later in the evening? I'd like to get involved some time, but I'm usually lucky to be getting home around 6:30EST on an average weeknight.
I dunno, people usually play for a while so you might be around for game 3 or so
We usually do at least 3 games.
Don't you just hate it when someone on the enemy team talks shit, even though they got carried?
i only played against him mid once but i thought he was terribleJhin is no replacement for an ADC in my opinion. I prefer to play him mid with an AP top laner or AP jungler to compensate.
I wanna get in on the in-house, but I don't like teamspeak. Skype or bust.
Skype would be hell to use for in housesI wanna get in on the in-house, but I don't like teamspeak. Skype or bust.
I actually got mid as a secondary to bot, what the hell
I should be in Silver MMR, bot shouldn't be popular here lolbots poplar now
Skype would be hell to use for in houses
Should i get panth or corki?
How is corki mid, like do you build the same as adc?
Riot is thinking of allowing Sivir W to crit. lol
Just make it proc spell effects already so Deathfire and Thunderlords can apply on W.
Should i get panth or corki?
How is corki mid, like do you build the same as adc?
Yeah i have seen a few, i just need to buy him and give a try.corki mid is pretty solid
Yeah it will probably be best to get him because i also need a good adc.get corki
Why is it me
Why is it always me
Why is it me
Why is it always me