Stone Ocean
Suicide clean ups after we died because it was 4v5 as Lulu was useless.edit: Actually, the five kills is a pretty good part as well.
Suicide clean ups after we died because it was 4v5 as Lulu was useless.edit: Actually, the five kills is a pretty good part as well.
Why is it me
Why is it always me
?tbqh, if you're playing top Lulu you probably hate the game and life. You're probably susceptible to gimmick builds like that just to add some spice to the game.
I remem when I first started I snitched on every butthole I encountered. Now I only report afks. so its super rare I report someone now
I dunno what happened. I gotta say LoL taught me to ignore trolls. I thought I was good at this but this game has really helped refine that skill
Now- I am willing to put up with a toxic in Ranked. I can truly 100% understand why someone would lose their mind in ranked and just tell everyone to die. I totally feel that way but I bottle it up lol. I respect people that just says screw it and let loose
I remem when I first started I snitched on every butthole I encountered. Now I only report afks. so its super rare I report someone now
I dunno what happened. I gotta say LoL taught me to ignore trolls. I thought I was good at this but this game has really helped refine that skill
Now- I am willing to put up with a toxic in Ranked. I can truly 100% understand why someone would lose their mind in ranked and just tell everyone to die. I totally feel that way but I bottle it up lol. I respect people that just says screw it and let loose
Now in Norms I dont understand toxics at all. You dont lose anything but maybe some mastery and lower IP?
thinking even further about why illaoi is such a bad pick right now. her zone control as we discussed. if you want an actual AOE damage zone control threat, karthus is an infinitely better pick than her and even he's just "ok", but being just "ok" is still way better than illaoi. his aoe damage zone control threat is at least mobile and surrounded by him, while hers is literally just "i hope a team fight breaks out where i've been standing for the last few minutes".
two completely different types of champions that want to do the same exact thing, but karthus is actually designed to help proliferate it.
huh Illaio got like 47% win rate in Bronze. well maybe shes not best choice
Yeah if you are good with the champ you enjoy playing it then play it.don't play champs based on win rate alone. If you like her, play her
Sounds to me like it's time to play some off meta illaoi support 8Doh I play supp so I don't usually pick her
Sounds to me like it's time to play some off meta illaoi support 8D
Who should I buy next out of these el cheapo champs. Thinking Veigar or TF as I don't have many AP mid champs, but I'd also like Jax for new jungle (if he doesn't get banned).
i love top lulu
i love lulu everywhere
vroom vroom!
Who should I buy next out of these el cheapo champs. Thinking Veigar or TF as I don't have many AP mid champs, but I'd also like Jax for new jungle (if he doesn't get banned).
Yeah just get the two main ap health items, magic pen boots, then build like you are building lux. he can poke and force you back real quick. This was last season in silver thoughgragas huge ap dealer lol
I almost miss the days of gragas being an actual huge ap dealer, almost
gragas huge ap dealer lol
I almost miss the days of gragas being an actual huge ap dealer, almost
I just had a dream where I was playing Lux for some reason.
I didn't even watch the going vid.
Wow. Lots of good ones in there. Jax, malphite, eve. I enjoy all those.
Cheers guys, I'll grab Gragas then. Free elo is always welcomed while climbing silver.Gragas got a buff a few times and is returning to his past glory so definitely get him before everybody notices it. It's free elo.
Are the valentine skins legacy ones? I want to buy them but not at that price. I want to wait for a sale.
Cheers guys, I'll grab Gragas then. Free elo is always welcomed while climbing silver.
Day 938
It's been 3 years since Swains existence has been acknowledged
Tryndamere and Draven get even more skins
RIP Swain
I stopped playing for like 3 months and I read very slowly, so I didn't want to grind through months of back notes.3. That means you will get a shutdown bonus by killing them.
Also, reading patch notes is good.
Cmon breezy that's not true
They just nerfed him