To me it looks mainly like a team comp problem; your team kinda wants to siege/poke while Zed split pushes since their team fighting is superior. The issue is that Zed probably can't 1v1 anyone in the enemy team; Vlad has Zhonyas and Riven can cc and overpower him. It gets even harder since Trist has Mercurial, so Zed essentially has no assassination targets in the enemy team.Welp, today's S+.
feels like fucking SHIT. One day I'll figure out how to carry with Jayce. I got quadra kills (more than once), I took all the inhibs and T3's we ever got, by myself. I solo defended the Nexus 1v3. Some of my team even contributed some damage unlike my S+ teemo game. And yet somehow I still felt completely alone. If I wasn't at a fight, they'd get wiped maybe 4-1. If I was at a fight, I was often the sole survivor.
something zed something something useless late game something.
I'm getting too old for this shit. Any suggestions on what I perhaps could have done better? All ears. FWIW I was bored so I decided to experiment with the lifesteal and LW. Both actually felt really good against their armor. The Dance felt really nice given how long fights would last. Definitely saved me a few times.
Issue number two is that the enemy team has a proper engage in Wukong, while your team does not have a good disengage. So, if you try to play to your team's strength and siege, they have a good tool to break the siege. Your team cannot really compare in damage output/tankiness in a real team fight, so unless your team was ahead already it gets really hard.
Since it seems that you snowballed hard and did well, I think the main thing you could have done better was to try to get objectives finish the game earlier while your gold advantage meant more; once you reach 6 items you won't get stronger and your gold advantage starts meaning little. Whether it is possible to finish the game earlier depends on your shot calling and whether your team follows you, though.