Yeah, it's definitely not that bad. It's slower than I would like, but I can deal with it. I think Riot's biggest issue is probably say that, but you should look at the patch cadence for other MOBAs. League patches every 2 weeks with new stuff. As for major major features, we do take our time but that's because we want to do it right. We could release a half-assed, undercooked version of something quicker if we wanted, but who would that really serve? Players would have a worse experience which nobody at Riot wants.
We're not perfect, but we don't want to release stuff unless it's really good an improves the player's experience. Sometimes we get it wrong, sure.
we should really be encouraging more new league gaffers to main mid, because we have zkylon and he's not even in NA regularly
"im stuck in bronze what do i do"
"play mid. for us"
Yeah, it's definitely not that bad. It's slower than I would like, but I can deal with it. I think Riot's biggest issue is probably PR.
It's disingenuous to say that Riot hasn't released half-assed/undercooked content though. The latest example is dynamic queue, which was pretty much a release failue, but I guess a week downtime wasn't too bad.
haha that's like diamond level pr talkit's not that dynamic queue has half-assed/undercooked, the problem was being too ambitious
i'll play if i get invited (just hit me up on steam), same as i do in argie server. i almost never log in to the game on my own hehwe should really be encouraging more new league gaffers to main mid, because we have zkylon and he's not even in NA regularly
"im stuck in bronze what do i do"
"play mid. for us"
Alright then, question to everyone I guess. I'm a support and I have 800g on my first back. I shouldn't pick up a sightstone and should prioritize some early stats instead?
Off topic but idc, finished One Punch Man. Basically PogChamp the anime edition.
I'd say get lvl 2 sup item, boots and a ginger snack.Alright then, question to everyone I guess. I'm a support and I have 800g on my first back. I shouldn't pick up a sightstone and should prioritize some early stats instead?
we should really be encouraging more new league gaffers to main mid, because we have zkylon and he's not even in NA regularly
"im stuck in bronze what do i do"
"play mid. for us"
try not to back with just 800g, that's really lowI play thresh/braum mostly nowadays.
ehh, i wouldn't say that's necessarily trueI'm glad I started playing Mid Diana. MUCH more fun than Supp. As support you can carry ... but mostly it's like polishing a PoS if you got a shitty team. Very hard and it's a toss up if anyone's gonna follow your lead or not. Far too much of the match rides on the shoulders of your team and if they arn't willing to take your suggestions into account it becomes very annoying. ADCs also like to treat you like you're only there for them so they beg you to play w/e champ they like regardless of team comp.
Right now Mid and ADC are my fav roles. In fact, I wanna try Annie again and casters (After trying Wukong and Vi mid)
Regarding that ask fm Lyte post, it's a very valid answer. I get it, software development is hard (heh). I dabble in C++ and couldn't even dream of doing what these guys accomplish on a daily basis. The problem is that his wording obfuscates his main point and frustrates his listeners, who are looking for a direct answer. That whole spiel comparing Riot to other companies felt wholly unnecessary.
Perhaps one day Riot could give us a behind the scenes look about what goes into making a patch or fixing a bug in the engine. For as much attention that they get, they're still a very secretive company.
Apparently my school upgraded internet over the weekend, went from 37 to 22 ping wtf
challenger here i come
I play on 67 - 125 ping.Apparently my school upgraded internet over the weekend, went from 37 to 22 ping wtf
challenger here i come
idk, that's why i mentioned it was rumor-y, but it's been a recurring theme in the "rito's slow" discussion i've seen in places like reddit and herewhat do you mean by "red tape"? I don't know much about how each individual central team works (I'm not on any of them) but red tape is not a way I'd describe how Riot handles projects.
yeah that's why i'm not necessarily saying rito sucks, i'm just saying the chase for perfectionism is sometimes misguided and overzealous and often pretty poorly communicated to the playerbaseAlso, there's a middle ground between "perfectionism" and "half-assed". Like, we do have to release stuff. It's not going to be perfect every time, but it's not going to be half-assed either.
ok, not replays, but sandbox mode. there's a middle ground between perfectionism and half assed and there's not a solution for this issue that a lot of players want, specially the competitive scene (which is a big deal for rito as esports has been a major push for them) and that's just mia.As for stuff like replays, it's a sensitive topic because it was discussed long before I joined and it's obvious why. I don't have a lot of context on it, but from a personal viewpoint it's again a priorities thing.
Like you mentioned, there are working and useable third-party solutions out there. So would it be really worth it for us to just make another one of those with the same featureset, but more stable? Or if we're going to do replays should we do it right and allow people to store stuff serverside and make the UX better etc.? I don't know the answer, but I bet that's a question that constantly pops up. Like is that really a player need that Riot should really prioritise, or are there more pressing things that could use our devs' time?
relax, was just a jokealso, that's not PR talk. The team fucked up trying to release it on ranked release day. server load was immense. probably should have seen it coming, but yeah.
Vancouver/Calgary?I went from 20 to 67 ping with the server move, shit sucks
I don't think you should be leveling up Naut's W before his Q.Help me Sensai!
Nice. Region? My Uni is in central VA and I get a consistent 39.
Nice. Region? My Uni is in central VA and I get a consistent 39.
What Uni?
Go Hokies
Oh well, maybe, maybe I will skip ranked this year too
Oh well, maybe, maybe I will skip ranked this year too
All the Diamond players are trying to get back to Diamond right nowWhat is with all these really good people in Plat 1 right now.
I swear it was not this hard trying to get into d5 during preseason.
FtfyAll the Diamond 5 players are trying to get back to Diamond 5 right now
I don't think you should be leveling up Naut's W before his Q.
I might play with you golds and silvers this weekend and finally get my rank.Ranked 4s, silver edition, has begun
Now with 200% more PlatRanked 4s, silver edition, has begun
Now with 200% more Plat
I always said Plat is nothing but Green Silver, it's totes fair
Agreed. I'll give it 5/7.The shading, coloring, and style of the clothes compared to everything else looks like it was slapped on there/incomplete
probably a nude edit
doooooood, in buenos aires?Zky my new job has an office in Argentina. Looks like i'm coming to visit![]()
Maybe it's more of a playstyle thing? Naut's mobility is pretty limited, and W levels give no benefit to the cooldown on the ability. Dredge Line seems too strong to ignore for me when you can lower the CD to almost half of its base.i think leveling W is way better since it scales with health. it's what I do. you can tank a shitload of damage that way.