Peanut Butter
I love that gif so much. Yeah it is going to be yas players everywhere.
It's a top 5 gif of all time. So useful.
I love that gif so much. Yeah it is going to be yas players everywhere.
Is the W like the same exact size as the cataclysm?
Everything that's wrong with the game right now.Dude picks Renekton into Quinn top. k.
Instantly gets eviscerated. Cries about balance. Dies. Comes back. Dies within 20 seconds. Cries about balance again. Rage quits.
quinn is mai waifu
It's frustrating playing against a Lux that's dumb as shit but manages to come back because her 4th q that she threw out manages to hit.
His whole base model needs to update. He still has triangle legs.I'm the Lux player.
Also I've never used him but I'm happy Kennen is getting a new skin, if only his other splashes were updated too.
Not like every patch doesn't have OPs. This patch is actually rather mild, the worst offenders being Graves and Udyr which are only really two champions.Everything that's wrong with the game right now.
It's not random, Katarina is poopers right now and Riot is buffing assassins big timerandom katarina buff boys
But HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCKBouncing no longer decreases damage
I still think maxing E is the way to go. There's no point in picking Xin if you aren't going to press his early game advantages. Even when using a Devourer Xin's win rates are higher with E max than W max first.
The real question is whether to max Q or W second when going with an AD build vs. an on-hit build. That I'm not so sure about.
Really convenient that Kat is getting buffs just I decide to play mid againOh like good old W activated Q from back in the old days. The harass is going to be annoying, waveclear is better. I guess most of the damage is shifted to the mark/proc though.
im pretty sure sodacop's just calling quonny a degenerate/troglodyte/both
arent u silverlosers hate winners
It's not a "this is OP" thing. The scale is tipped heavily towards a lot of stuff that is not fun to play against and stifles diversity. Top lane has the worst of this.Not like every patch doesn't have OPs. This patch is actually rather mild, the worst offenders being Graves and Udyr which are only really two champions.
Ricochet (W) bounces can now critically strike.
I still think maxing E is the way to go. There's no point in picking Xin if you aren't going to press his early game advantages. Even when using a Devourer Xin's win rates are higher with E max than W max first.
The real question is whether to max Q or W second when going with an AD build vs. an on-hit build. That I'm not so sure about.
arent u silver
Ezreal, Lucian and Kalista have way more counterplay than Corki + Graves.dont u mean ezreal corki graves lucian kalista :^)
Not really. The strong masteries still support building damage off consecutive autos, so Ezreal and Lucian are stronger and considerably more forgiving. Plus the Corki changes are more about Corki mid, and the Graves changes are more about Graves top/jungle.Well after Corki and Graves get their nerfs, botlane will be generally healthy.
They both just got their damage gutted. That will hurt them in ADC too.Not really. The strong masteries still support building damage off consecutive autos, so Ezreal and Lucian are stronger and considerably more forgiving. Plus the Corki changes are more about Corki mid, and the Graves changes are more about Graves top/jungle.
Thinking is hard.I just want Jinx to be good again
With the way the game has progressed, Jinx is the new Kog Maw a.k.a. pick outside of protect the carry comps at your own risk.I just want Jinx to be good again
You can't control your team-mates. You have two options, AFK or try to work around them.I just cant understand these teammates. Your jungler or mid is fed and helped gave you an advantage in your lane. Why do you REFUSE to listen to their request to group up and get objectives/towers? I lost so many games in the last week because of this bullshit. They just keeping trying to rambo over and over again until the enemy team catches up.
Yeah i agree, the same thing kinda happened to azir.while gangplank is actually really really strong, i don't think he's unfairly strong. it's not like it's a ton of power put into a low skill floor champion, gp and his barrels actually requires thought in placement, chaining, and timing.
don't see why he needed to be hit this hard
I just want Jinx to be good again
LOREda fuck is a mount targin
Because being hard to use isn't an excuse to being overtuned. GP is 100% pick or ban in competitive. There's only one match in LCK that he was neither picked or banned.while gangplank is actually really really strong, i don't think he's unfairly strong. it's not like it's a ton of power put into a low skill floor champion, gp and his barrels actually requires thought in placement, chaining, and timing.
don't see why he needed to be hit this hard
da fuck is a mount targin