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League of Legends |OT11| going



delicious faker
30 minute game and I'm the only one with over 100 cs. This is my hell

Funny, I find that my enemies don't CS because they just REALLY seem to want to kill me or roam.

This TF just kept trying to harass anytime I was CSing so he missed out on all his CS (cause I pushed that shit hard and he didn't seem good as CSing under tower). Then I hit level 6 and he got pushed out of lane because he couldn't handle it.

This seems to be common ... I do somewhat well in Lane and BAM, my lane becomes a cluster fuck with 3 people from the enemy team in it and I can't CS proper at all or risk sparking a solo team fight.

IDK why this is ... feel like it's partly cause I'm Diana and anytime a ranged champ player at my low level has ranged advantage they think they HAVE to use it cause if I can kill creeps near their creeps then surely I'm asking for all their basic attacks to be tossed at me.
for me that's the only part that makes losing with an S+ rating tolerable. Losing ranked games where I know I did more than my fair share (I think it's fair to say that if you get an S or S+, you probably did more than most) and still staring down a -25LP just feels bad.
Like i will be having an amazing laning phase and great game but then one of my lanes starts to feed, and i just tell them "please play safe, just dont die and we can win mid game" then they go 0/8 and there laner is just shitting on everyone.
And another lose, Like even my friend who was gold past season cant do anything, there is always a unranked who dont know what to do and fed the lane


There should be champions that are easy to play with very linear power growth.

There should be champions that are difficult to play, and reward a player for putting so much time and effort into learning it that they have an edge. They play a hard champion and do well? They should be rewarded for that.

This is just a recipe for heartbreak. Hand new players a bunch of easy-to-play champs, let them spend a few hundred games getting used to them, then when they decide they want to get serious tell them "fuck you, quit playing the champ you like and start learning Lee Sin." Then wonder why they quit playing!

Champs in general need to be easy to learn, hard to master. Champs that are easy to learn and easy to master (Warwick) are just badly designed. Champs that are hard to learn and hard to master (Azir) are also just poorly made. That doesn't mean they all need three-hit passives and items to place on the field and special collectibles that they can find in the bushes that they can combine to accuse their opponent of committing the crime and do tons of damage. But they need to have some high-level challenges, even if (ideally, in fact) they are strategic instead of execution.

But if there are champs that are a tier below just because they're easier to play they may as well not exist.

Also am i the only one who thinks that some games of league are just uncarry able, like not matter how good you play you will still end up losing? Because a few friends i know disagree,.

I mean, I think it's a definitional question to some degree. If you take Huni and give him my MMR and turn him loose, he's going to win twenty games in a row. So those games were presumably carryable.

But at the same time, like, if the question is can YOU carry every game you get placed in, I have argued previously that not just some, but a significant number of games you're in are probably either going to be a win or a loss no matter what as long as you play within, like, a standard deviation of your normal skill level. So from that perspective those are not carryable.
So how's Jhin? I poked my head into a conversation about him with friends and the consensus was that he "fucking sucks".

I figured it would be either that or overpowered pre-release.


Well lets work on the fast fix stuff first.

1. Your build is the biggest issue.

First off, see the champions you're playing against.

Alistar: - Low Damage
Ez - Physical (Minor Magic)
Mundo - Magic
Cho - Magic
Udyr (Phoenix) - Magic

So, your starting items are fine, but the rest mostly isn't lol. First problem is that you rushed sightstone. Sightstone is not a good item to rush, because it doesn't offer very good stats. If you need vision, buy pink wards and upgrade your support item/buy boots. You didn't buy a single pink that game, and you should buy many. Even on ADC, I usually get 2-3 pinks per game.

Next issue is that you rushed deadmans plate. First of all, their team is mostly AP, as I mentioned earlier. In the post-game stats, they did twice as much magic damage as physical. Even if they did have physical damage, deadman's plate is not a good rush item on support. The main stat most support champions want is CDR. Thornmail is also not a great rush item, and it seldom built on support unless it's in the final slot.

The core items I would have built that game would have been Targons -> Swifties -> Face -> Locket.

2. You should not be dying so much.

This is kinda of self explanatory, but a big issue with support players in bronze is that they get caught out and say something like "I was warding". Warding is not a free ticket out. You do not face check bushes, you do not stick around in river. You go in and out.

There's more for you to work on, but these are the main two issues, and if you work on this I see vast improvement.
Damn good read up! TY so much. Now that I think about it why did I rush so much armor over mr. I also didn't know mundo deals magic damage. thought it was damage based on his health.
So how's Jhin? I poked my head into a conversation about him with my friends and the consensus was that he "fucking sucks".

I figured it would be either that or overpowered pre-release.

Can be a good killer if he has a good support in early game, plus the E plus another stun skills can secure a free kill. Sadly, you need to calculate every shot, in tf can be useless if you waste the bullets.
So how's Jhin? I poked my head into a conversation about him with friends and the consensus was that he "fucking sucks".

I figured it would be either that or overpowered pre-release.
He's weak but I don't think he's too far off the mark. Reload time needs to scale down somehow, 2.5s all game is just too much. His ult is also super wonky to use and the bullets are too narrow.


Damn good read up! TY so much. Now that I think about it why did I rush so much armor over mr. I also didn't know mundo deals magic damage. thought it was damage based on his health.

Well thats cause you dont need to know that. He's a priority ban at our elo :)

But yeah good to know for me as well

btw j/k we need to know all we can bout all these champs!!


But if the cool down is no longer lowered, is the damage worth the points over Q or W? I haven't seen the final damage numbers or ad ratios of it yet. Just throwing it out there.

It's not like it's an across the board CD nerf. It went from 14->10s to 12s flat at all ranks. It's now better than it used to be pre-level 7 and either way ganks where you'd get the opportunity to use Audacious charge more than once aren't the norm (but not exactly rare either).

The reason against maxing W first is the game argument against buying a big ticket crit item first: you need AD beforehand to make any use it. Let's take a level 4 Xin Zhao who decides to max W vs. one who is maxing E. At level 4 Xin Zhao will have 70-75 Ad depending on his rune selection. A rank 1 W translates to ~19 damage before reductions on the 3rd auto. A rank 2 W translates to ~28 damage. Rank 2 E will provide an additional 40 magic damage. There's an argument to be made that between the bonus damage and attack speed steroid W will deal more damage over its duration than a single use of E, but in a ganking scenario you want burst.

Long story short, until you can start packing some significant AD, which basically means the completion of Warrior, W isn't providing a damage boost over E.

But this is all theorycrafting shit, I could be wrong.

But maxing E gives you no benefit aside from increased damage now. The whole point behind maxing it before was the decreased cooldown. Now it's a flat 12.

Nope, it was for burst damage and to assist his clear speed. The CD going down was a nice bonus.
So Duskblade. I'm going to make that shit work on Jayce. Considering the passive doesn't start until Jayce hits with a basic attack, I'm envisioning:

A-gated shockblast combo > W activate > R switch to hammer form > Q + W > triple auto > E.

Everything after the autos start comes out in under 2 seconds easily.

Most enemy tops I can get down to 20% of their life with the basic combo. And because Nightfall doesn't activate until you auto, if you miss a QE shockblast combo, you can just wait and try again once they are off cooldown.

It wouldn't necessarily scale like shit either since Jayce wants to target squishes in fights like any other marksman.

Obv Jayce isn't an assassin, but a lot of his kit plays in a very assassin-like way. Crazy burst on a single target. Could be an interesting item for him.


sealed with a kiss
So Duskblade. I'm going to make that shit work on Jayce. Considering the passive doesn't start until Jayce hits with a basic attack, I'm envisioning:

A-gated shockblast combo > W activate > R switch to hammer form > Q + W > triple auto > E.

Most enemy tops I can get down to 20% of their life with the basic combo. And because Nightfall doesn't activate until you auto, if you miss a QE shockblast combo, you can just wait and try again once they are off cooldown.

It wouldn't necessarily scale like shit either since Jayce wants to target squishes in fights like any other marksman.

Obv Jayce isn't an assassin, but a lot of his kit plays in a very assassin-like way. Crazy burst on a single target. Could be an interesting item for him.

now multiply that by every champion with some sort of burst and yeah duskblade is a stupid item


so I tend to not pay attention to free rotation since I have so many champs (some I didnt even play once). I'm stoked (cause I'll have a week to play Fizz)

Planning to play all the cheapest / easiest guys in my line up in ranked.

I'm thinking Fizz, Zed, and Viktor for mid

Top - Quinn & Vlad

I might even bring out Ekko too.

Might go back to ADC at some point too. But need to practice Trist in Normals first before bringing her into ranked. I've only played Trist in ARAM
now multiply that by every champion with some sort of burst and yeah duskblade is a stupid item
Yea...but there really aren't too many marksman that can 100% someone in 2 seconds. Quinn can't until she has a couple of items at least and she's the only other marksman candidate I can think of. My memory is bad though...

To my best biased recollection, Jayce is unique among ranged marksman in that he can have just this item and a Dorians and 100% people. On paper, anyway. Mostly because other Marksman don't do significant damage outside of their autos. Jayce can remove 30% of someone's HP in lane with a single QE attack without procing Nightfall. If Jayce buys Tear + this item, I'm not sure how your standard top lanes against him.

Edit: He can literally QE poke you to about 70% HP, wait for his cooldowns then go in for a 100% kill unless you have flash or some cc.
Teemo can 2 shot someone under the right circumstances =)

oh there are a lot of champs that can do a lot of damage, especially late. my thoughts were mostly regarding early and midgame ability to burst with minimal items, unassisted. because Teemo can't Q more than once in that 2 second span, he's not a candidate imo. that's his only chunking ability.


I can't believe we lost this match. I'm dumbfounded right now.

Riven started 10-1. She kept going into their jungle with no one else against a pure pick comp. She kept complaining that they have two many wards so 1.) then maybe you should stop going in their without the rest of your team but it may not matter because 2.) MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEARN HOW TF'S ULT WORKS YOU DUMB BITCH.

Absolutely stunned, speechless. This is probably the worst loss I've ever played in.
Think I legit clean carried this.
It annoys me to see that even with a damn rock monster tank champ everyone kinda just expects my Diana to be the first to jump into the fight and start something after it's clear I'm more fed than the rest. That mofo maybe used his ult ONCE around the group from what I could see ... and that's only cause Fizz cut off his escape. Why you running away from everything Mal? Why you behind us in team fights?

This was a strange match to me ...
This was the first time in a long time that I tried those boots and the first time I ever tried the Death Cap (picked it up cause the team was dropping like flies cause they kept going in 1 by 1. Felt like trying more AP instead of rageblade). Once I got the the death cap and told them to group I was just melting people so fast and clearing waves with my Q ... it was shocking! I didn't think that would work. Only down side was that I was just barely staying alive cause I had to be the one to jump into them.

Whole match started poorly. Fizz tried to invade out JG at level one but Jinx scared him off. Then at a super low level me and TF are trading and we're both half-ish health ... and fucking Fizz TPs right on a minion and runs me back to base before running off the JG and stealing our chickens >:/
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