Because as Zky will tell you, certain (maybe most?) AD Assassins lose their relevancy after about 30 minutes. They no longer do enough to burst anyone and without their combo being off CD (a combo which usually includes a fairly high CD ultimate), they simply become large minions in late game team fights. Not that the damage they can put out isn't appreciated, but if an assassin can only injure rather than assassinate, they aren't able to do their job.
The problem is in the implementation. Every team is going to have two of these Duskblades on their team, and it won't be only designated Assassin champs carrying them. That's a fairly scary prospect.
i dunno if that's gonna be the case, imo it's too expensive for most junglers and there's better items for adcs and bruisers to build
also imo the problem isn't implementation, it's general assassin design being dumb cos league is a game of versatility and champions that tunnel too hard on one thing are always bad unless they're op or the meta very heavily favors that thing
It was meant as a reply to Dreams. We already have enough cheap armor pen in the game already. This item is just begging to be abused by non-assassins.
the bundle of stats it gives are kind of terrible for non assassins
if it's not overtuned
basically junglers would love it but it should be out of their pricerange (which is why it builds out of a bf sword instead of something easier to build)
if junglers or adcs end up using it, it'll just be nerfed
Welp, hope you can forgive me. Unless it's Pokemon I really suck at strange names. Hell, I suck at spelling normal names.
just don't write my name wrong -__-
Yeah, like, as noted, this item has to be a buff for AD assassins or it doesn't accomplish the goal of being a priority itemization choice for AD assassins so that it can be a balancing lever. Definitionally it has to be better than whatever they were building for their third item at least, and probably better than first or second item.
But yeah, weird choice to only nerf Zed and leave every other AD champ untouched.
that's the thing about ad assassins, while itemization was always a problem because of how weird it was to buy last whisper to kill squishies and ppl stacking bts and whatnot, their biggest issue is still on the kit side
the whole lacking levers is specially obvious when so many of them have so many binary spells that only serve as part of a combo
it's not like talon's q can be used in many varied ways or zed e or whatever. it even applies to some ap champions like katarina w and akali e. zed e has some fun uses for kiting, sorta, but still
there's no balance lever there, it's just a "deal dmg" button, it's super binary and it's a big problem when it comes to balance champions if they have spells that are braindead like that
if you don't give assassins more options than just deal a ton of dmg in one combo they're always gonna be problematic cos that's just not something you can really balance