One problem.
If bot gets camped and kog gets real behind, the team does no damage for mid game.
You underestimate Udyr.
One problem.
If bot gets camped and kog gets real behind, the team does no damage for mid game.
especially since the core Kog build right now is Rageblade/Runaans/Steraks
you will never kill kog
3 cheapish items that can be gained in most circumstances
even if you lose the early game, the midgame is just absurd and walks all over everything
you don't need splitpushing, you don't need teamfighting, you just walk up as 5 to a tower, siege, and take everything. if they engage, you kill them. if they stall, you engage and kill them.
One problem.
If bot gets camped and kog gets real behind, the team does no damage for mid game.
cool tk art
What tahm is and tk dont mix
What tahm is great.
Inb4 avater quote.
Imaqtpie is my favorite when he does shit like this. was playing a lot of Kog today on stream, he was doing hilarious damage and didn't skill q until like level 9 or something like that.
I just tried it, and dorans blade -> Rageblade -> Runaans worked well besides mana.especially since the core Kog build right now is Rageblade/Runaans/Steraks
you will never kill kog
3 cheapish items that can be gained in most circumstances
even if you lose the early game, the midgame is just absurd and walks all over everything
you don't need splitpushing, you don't need teamfighting, you just walk up as 5 to a tower, siege, and take everything. if they engage, you kill them. if they stall, you engage and kill them.
Imaqtpie is my favorite when he does shit like this.
Its got a nice twang.
Yeah. Same with scarras.qt's youtube channel is so good. Whoever he gets to do his videos deserves an award
I just tried it, and dorans blade -> Rageblade -> Runaans worked well besides mana.
I built Steraks but did not see much effect from it since I didn't get into a good fight. What is good about Steraks specifically? It seems to require taking a ton of damage and only grants limited AD...and with no lifesteal items you can't heal it back. This may be a dumb question, so if someone could explain it simply I'd appreciate it.![]()
I can understand it helping you survive burst, but without any lifesteal (besides dorans blade) is the idea that you will have a teammate healing you? Or that you will kill everyone so fast, you don't need to heal and can just recall to base?Steraks keeps you alive from burst long enough in case your Lulu isn't quick on the trigger finger with ult.
it's not to help your damage, it's to make you even more unkillable
I can understand it helping you survive burst, but without any lifesteal (besides dorans blade) is the idea that you will have a teammate healing you? Or that you will kill everyone so fast, you don't need to heal and can just recall to base?
*edit* Masteries also give a little lifesteal, plus some healing if you get kills.
cool tk art
how do i get an s+? the cs? but i snowballed. should i have not committed suicide at the end by throwing myself into their base?
how do i get an s+? the cs? but i snowballed. should i have not committed suicide at the end by throwing myself into their base?
yeah, i get that but...yeah your cs is pretty bad there
People seem to think your grade is going to be based on kda and cs alone which tends to lead to the "how was this only an ___?" responses. Aside from your cs being low I'd guess you didn't ward very well, maybe didn't pink or kill wards or whatever, or didn't do quite as much damage as your kill total would suggest.
Yeah it's seemingly inconsistent and hard to figure out, but it's important to remember that the system tries to reward good play, not just pat you on the back for racking up a sick kda
how do i get an s+? the cs? but i snowballed. should i have not committed suicide at the end by throwing myself into their base?
yeah, i get that but...
the only reason I had as many kills is for helping other lanes get ahead and take towers. is taking cs more important than helping others get ahead in their lane?
undoubtedly the cs in this case along with total damage. I know you got a lot of kills, but you clearly had a LOT of help, as everyone on your team was fed.
post the game stats. I bet one, maybe 2 of your teammates had higher total damage dealt.
Well roaming at the proper time is important too and you should be able to effectively roam and still pull in decent cs. The short answer though is you obviously played well and won so don't dwell on it but there were probably things you could have done better
I have never gotten this once and i report people all the time.
lucian eclipsed everyone in terms of damage
i placed as many wards as everyone else, could've placed more.
i don't even care about not getting s+. just want to understand more of what determines it
and the same as above. i don't mind at all, just want to understand more of what determines it. there's a lot i should get better at.
This should just be Mobylick tk art
As someone who likes playing adc a whole lot I've loved dynamic queue. I pretty much get bot 99% of the time
But 1500 team gold hngggg
Don't forget you can use his E to engage and/or stack his passive more easily too thanks to the speed buff.