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League of Legends |OT11| going



cool tk art


especially since the core Kog build right now is Rageblade/Runaans/Steraks

you will never kill kog

3 cheapish items that can be gained in most circumstances

even if you lose the early game, the midgame is just absurd and walks all over everything

you don't need splitpushing, you don't need teamfighting, you just walk up as 5 to a tower, siege, and take everything. if they engage, you kill them. if they stall, you engage and kill them.

It basically went down in my Bronzy-Silvery elo that once my Kog (I was usually Trundle) got Rageblade it was over. I'd pop pillar behind them and if they didn't have an escape or someone like Janna/Tahm/Morg to peel for them Kog would pop W and they'd be dead before they got away from the pillar.

And then we'd help ourselves to Dragon without needing the jungler there cause his W shredded it. I repeat, it was really, really dumb (though a jungler camping botlane early could easily ruin our fun, happened a few times). The (rare) good Rengar/Shaco/Eve junglers were hard to defend against.


Nice, demoted again. All because my teammates thought it was a good idea to chase 2 people in our jungle instead of attacking the Nexus to end the game. 20 mins later after constantly begging my team to group up and end the fucking game, we lost. It just seems like so many people wants to run around like it's team deathmatch.

Majority of my games this week were against my team, rather than the enemy. SFV needs to hurry up and come out -_-

EDIT: I decided to play 1 more game to end on a good match. My adc dc'ed at level 1......second 4v5 today. I dont get it. What's the point of going through the 5+ minute process of starting a game then d/cing at the beginning?


One problem.

If bot gets camped and kog gets real behind, the team does no damage for mid game.

So camp and counter gank. who cares if your malphite or lulu get behind, you still have malphite and lulu. all they have to do is blow cooldowns and win.


QT was playing a lot of Kog today on stream, he was doing hilarious damage and didn't skill q until like level 9 or something like that.


especially since the core Kog build right now is Rageblade/Runaans/Steraks

you will never kill kog

3 cheapish items that can be gained in most circumstances

even if you lose the early game, the midgame is just absurd and walks all over everything

you don't need splitpushing, you don't need teamfighting, you just walk up as 5 to a tower, siege, and take everything. if they engage, you kill them. if they stall, you engage and kill them.
I just tried it, and dorans blade -> Rageblade -> Runaans worked well besides mana.

I built Steraks but did not see much effect from it since I didn't get into a good fight. What is good about Steraks specifically? It seems to require taking a ton of damage and only grants limited AD...and with no lifesteal items you can't heal it back. This may be a dumb question, so if someone could explain it simply I'd appreciate it. :p
qt's youtube channel is so good. Whoever he gets to do his videos deserves an award
Yeah. Same with scarras.
Alot of the league youtubers are super annoying and so in your face, the whole league youtubers scene is also terrible, alot of really weird and shady stuff happens.


I just tried it, and dorans blade -> Rageblade -> Runaans worked well besides mana.

I built Steraks but did not see much effect from it since I didn't get into a good fight. What is good about Steraks specifically? It seems to require taking a ton of damage and only grants limited AD...and with no lifesteal items you can't heal it back. This may be a dumb question, so if someone could explain it simply I'd appreciate it. :p

Steraks keeps you alive from burst long enough in case your Lulu isn't quick on the trigger finger with ult.

it's not to help your damage, it's to make you even more unkillable


Steraks keeps you alive from burst long enough in case your Lulu isn't quick on the trigger finger with ult.

it's not to help your damage, it's to make you even more unkillable
I can understand it helping you survive burst, but without any lifesteal (besides dorans blade) is the idea that you will have a teammate healing you? Or that you will kill everyone so fast, you don't need to heal and can just recall to base?

*edit* Masteries also give a little lifesteal, plus some healing if you get kills.


I can understand it helping you survive burst, but without any lifesteal (besides dorans blade) is the idea that you will have a teammate healing you? Or that you will kill everyone so fast, you don't need to heal and can just recall to base?

*edit* Masteries also give a little lifesteal, plus some healing if you get kills.

well you dont need lifesteal if theyre all dead?

kog is largely on hit so lifesteal doesnt do heaps for him


Poppy jungle is pretty fucking great. Jungler who can also play support and top? Sold. Motherfucking sold. Added to the S6 jungle pool, forthwith, I say, forthwith.

After seeing lots of high elo players try out Xin Zhao I don't really feel like doing it myself. He's going to get a pass during the "divers" roster update. Hopefully they can make him more dynamic at that time and give him more thought than that disappointing Skarner rework. For now I'd rather give the roster spot to someone else. I wish there were more "light fighter" style junglers. That's the need I want to fill but it seems like the gamut runs from tanks to bruisers and jump immediately to assassins. I'd be nice to have more choice, particularly since the few junglers in this style tend to be *blech* sated devourer junglers.
Just had a dodged champ select where the enemy team banned Diana again ... (don't know how dodged or why)

This is strange, I have never seen her on the ban list until recently. Why everyone hating the Moon these days? :/


how do i get an s+? the cs? but i snowballed. should i have not committed suicide at the end by throwing myself into their base?

People seem to think your grade is going to be based on kda and cs alone which tends to lead to the "how was this only an ___?" responses. Aside from your cs being low I'd guess you didn't ward very well, maybe didn't pink or kill wards or whatever, or didn't do quite as much damage as your kill total would suggest.

Yeah it's seemingly inconsistent and hard to figure out, but it's important to remember that the system tries to reward good play, not just pat you on the back for racking up a sick kda


yeah your cs is pretty bad there
yeah, i get that but...
People seem to think your grade is going to be based on kda and cs alone which tends to lead to the "how was this only an ___?" responses. Aside from your cs being low I'd guess you didn't ward very well, maybe didn't pink or kill wards or whatever, or didn't do quite as much damage as your kill total would suggest.

Yeah it's seemingly inconsistent and hard to figure out, but it's important to remember that the system tries to reward good play, not just pat you on the back for racking up a sick kda

the only reason I had as many kills is for helping other lanes get ahead and take towers. is taking cs more important than helping others get ahead in their lane?
how do i get an s+? the cs? but i snowballed. should i have not committed suicide at the end by throwing myself into their base?

undoubtedly the cs in this case along with total damage. I know you got a lot of kills, but you clearly had a LOT of help, as everyone on your team was fed.

post the game stats. I bet one, maybe 2 of your teammates had higher total damage dealt.


yeah, i get that but...

the only reason I had as many kills is for helping other lanes get ahead and take towers. is taking cs more important than helping others get ahead in their lane?

Well roaming at the proper time is important too and you should be able to effectively roam and still pull in decent cs. The short answer though is you obviously played well and won so don't dwell on it but there were probably things you could have done better


undoubtedly the cs in this case along with total damage. I know you got a lot of kills, but you clearly had a LOT of help, as everyone on your team was fed.

post the game stats. I bet one, maybe 2 of your teammates had higher total damage dealt.

lucian eclipsed everyone in terms of damage
i placed as many wards as everyone else, could've placed more.
i don't even care about not getting s+. just want to understand more of what determines it

Well roaming at the proper time is important too and you should be able to effectively roam and still pull in decent cs. The short answer though is you obviously played well and won so don't dwell on it but there were probably things you could have done better

and the same as above. i don't mind at all, just want to understand more of what determines it. there's a lot i should get better at.


lucian eclipsed everyone in terms of damage
i placed as many wards as everyone else, could've placed more.
i don't even care about not getting s+. just want to understand more of what determines it

and the same as above. i don't mind at all, just want to understand more of what determines it. there's a lot i should get better at.

Yeah it's kinda shitty because riot doesn't want to tell everyone what goes into it because they don't want it to be abused but it also kinda keeps you from knowing what to improve. I think 20-30 more cs would've made the difference though which you definitely could've found in a 25 minute game even while roaming a ton
Just had to FF a shit show.

Everything seemed good at first other than the fact that I got Bot instead of Mid. Mid and Top are all confident and seemed to remember each other from a past game. Mid takes smite as "part of his build" and he plays Ekko.

Start of the match, Mid- Top Garen and the JG Pony allll try to invade their blue ... and completely fail. Ekko dies, enemy Kat gets first blood, enemy Shaco gets fed and the Ekko just keeps eating shit in the JG area in these fights, not even holding down Mid much at all.

As these was going on me and my partner "support Lux :/" were just trying to do our thing Bot lane but of course that shit flows right down to bot.

(I'm starting to think "Support Lux" is gonna be one of my dodge triggers if I'm bot. I have had sooo very few good games with Support Lux ... part of this Lux's problem was that she wasn't harassing the enemy unless it looked like they wanted to engage. I feel like being a Lux or Annie or Brand support means that you should be poking and harassing like an asshole instead of trying to sneak around like a Raka but without the heals)

I tell them that IDK wtf they're doing when Kat kills me outta no where bot and Ekko says that they're just practicing. You're 2/10 and you brush it off by saying you're practicing ...
I reported most of them for this shit.
Search for a new game ... get bot again and guess who the system matched me with? Ekko Mid and friends who I had just reported.

Closed the window with that one after telling them I'm not doing this again in chat. :/


As someone who likes playing adc a whole lot I've loved dynamic queue. I pretty much get bot 99% of the time

When I last played properly (S4) I probably got ADC maybe like 90% of the time or something. I had pretty good odds anyway. Might have had something to do with duoing with a dude who mained support though. Even still, ADC has always seemed like a niche: most people want to mid, top, or jungle (probably in that order too!) I haven't played ranked yet since returning to League, but whenever I've premade with only one or two guys in normal draft, leaving the rest as randoms, I've always got ADC. Heck, I haven't not played ADC yet.



Dunno how we won that one. Renekton was 0/5 and Lucian 3/7 at one point, almost passed a FF. But we just kept playing and all of a sudden Lucian was 11/8 and Renek finally passed up my kill count (lol).

No one was particularly toxic either, we just kept playing. I do think Support high score is (mostly) all about the assists. I played like sheet and barely play Braum (trying to learn but I do some akward Es with quickcast), last time I played him was when Mastery first came out). Still got S despite a lot of mediocre at best plays, cause my assist score was so damn high with his buffs and ult effects lingering (and just surviving). I don't usually play tanky supports that have AoE, mattered a lot cause I both his a lot of stuff and lived a while. .

Need to master Braum and Bard and more and keep expanding my support pool, there's no excuse anymore with TB Draft normals.
Don't forget you can use his E to engage and/or stack his passive more easily too thanks to the speed buff.

You because mechanically steonger when you use it for stuff other than retreating/blocking.


Don't forget you can use his E to engage and/or stack his passive more easily too thanks to the speed buff.

Man i was totally re-learning basic stuff like...jumping to a charging ally (normally Ekko) then using Q, or finally doing W+ E 30 min in. I realllly didn't deserve an S.
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