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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Don't buy any season 1 figure. They're ugly. Get a plush or wait for more season 2 figures.

That bad? Braum, Draven and Vi don't look that bad in the pictures...

Isnt S2 stuff out yet?

That's all that is available as of now. I didn't know there were seasons...
tibbers. cus it has that "members only" quality to it.

I only have budget for 1 plushie, I want Gnar.

Lulu plushie or bust

What about Gnar?


Didnt some mod post a dick pic on the subreddit?
lol what?

Well Rito merch is back in LAN... well Mexico at least. They choose Game Planet as the retailer, eh I would have gone with Amazon but oh well.

Currently I only have this Lee sin

He is kind of lonely... so these are my options:

I'm leaning towards Draven or Braum, but I'm not sure. Any suggestion? I want Gnar plushie, that thing is very giftable.
the lulu plushie is god tier, really high quality and super cute

about the figures, i personally dislike them all, tho i guess braum and draven are pretty good

that being said they're doing like the newer line of toys that's already much higher quality (the limited chinese new year jinx was really good) so i would wait until they release more of those

Reading the article zky referred to, man this whole thing is unraveling. If there was a black list, Reginald is most definitely on it now since the 'LCS is poorly run' isn't going away

doubt it, i think they're bound to make internal changes rather than blacklist people, specially since reginald was actually pretty civil about the whole thing

this whole can of worms is no joke and while sources may be anonymus, that article is very damning to rito magus and rito in general

i'm willing to cut riot some slack about this whole thing because if i thought the esports branch was poorly managed then i don't think the whole esports side of league would be this good. they do things like:
- worlds has always been great quality
- they massively improved the way u get to worlds to the point that i would say today it's just kind of perfect
- they added msi and tuned it until it was like a mini-worlds and has also been really high quality
- they've allowed for iem tournaments and those have gone alright, even if i personally think iem is unbearably boring because half the stream is spent on OMG SO MANY FUCKING INTEL ADs
- they've gone back and forth with all-stars and settled on a format that's ok, format clearly needs more work and some quality stuff will have to be fixed but it was a fun addition
- there's 13 different leagues being ran simultaneously, some run by riot, some not, and all of that seems to be going fairly ok
- it's absolutely free 1080 60fps on both twitch and youtube
- they've added those live stats and match history stuff
- they've consistently listened to feedback, making visual changes when asked for, adding the "next dragon" timers, adding team banners, zoom-out camera, adding the "now playing: darude sandstorm" stuff that ppl asked for, etc.
- they've added fantasy league and i think that's kind of bad in its current state but it's more to do with american fantasy leagues being really shitty in comparison to the system they have here for soccer at least

there's probably more, but point is, i feel like all of those things kind of tell a very different story than sources just saying rito magus is the devil

i'm not saying you can't have all of that and still have a weird personal vendetta against monte, that actually sounds pretty plausible, but i don't think rito esports is poorly run whatsoever and even if everything the article said is true, i honestly think that rito is just gonna be "ah ok let'sjust gonna give people what they want", cos that's what riot generally does in these things

edit: btw this comment not meant to be like ignore all the issues that exist with rito esports. some stuff like the very inconsistent applying of the ruleset, the whole "monte ur team is dead", teams in some regions apparently not being paid salaries or being gievn special benefits (i think this happened in brazil?), bit patch changes right before major events like worlds last year, etc. those things still stand and should all be fixed. i just question the validity of some of the claims of that article considering it's all anonymous source-based and that it just sounds silly to me the fact that pro league is so freaking good but apparently the people that run it don't know shit about what they're doing

It gets harder and harder to read social media these days

so much is crap
honestly like travis said this is kind of what happens when reginald dragged all these issues that should've been privately discussed with riot into the public domain

i'm sure regi felt like there wasn't any other option, and there probably wasn't, but it's a pity this ended up being so nasty

i can't really blame him cos some of the things he says are pretty legit, but the league community can be a really shitfest and all this he said she said is just a bad look for everyone

All of it is crap

Social media was a mistake. Not even memeing here, I genuinely loathe it.
i like twitter cos as someone that's followed by pretty much no one it's really fun to like shout things at the air without even thinking about it
the hardest part of it from a personal standpoint is working with esports folks on a daily basis who genuinely care and just want to put on the best show they can and have fans come and watch or tune in online and enjoy the hell out of it. Everyone I work with just wants the best for fans/players etc., and that goes for everyone I meet in Riot, not just esports. Like working with the team for Kraków was amazing, I enjoyed that event so much. Everyone was really hyped, the Polish fans are fucking awesome... and then you come back to this shit. And you know the majority of it is horseshit from people with weird agendas, but you gotta hold back because the people working in esports are adults that can handle this stuff themselves.

Just hard to read is all. Takes the wind out of your sails.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There have been two particular incidents under Rozelle’s leadership that’s cast him under a petty light. The first, as described by an LCS source: “when new casters were being interviewed, and this was back in early 2015, late 2014, they were asked a question: ‘who is the better analyst, Jatt or MonteCristo?’ If you answered Monte, Whalen stopped the interview to explain to you why you were wrong.”
I don't see the problem here. I can't even begin to understand what people are complaining about though...



Running eSports as a product isn't synonymous with running eSports as a business. They don't go hand in hand. Riot can put on a great show and still utterly fuck up the business aspect**. Owners, players, etc. aren't complaining about the format, the presentation, etc. They're complaining that the biggest eSport in the world isn't drawing the sort of money for them that other eSports with less viewership and therefore earnings potential. There's no way to way to sugar coat this despite how much Riot would like: it's a colossal fuck up for everyone involved, and with Riot being in control of every aspect of the business of LoL eSports it's all on them.

**Lego, for example, has always made fantastic products but was on the verge of bankruptcy not that long ago.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I don't see the problem here. I can't even begin to understand what people are complaining about though...

League Reddit has really been stepping up their criticisms of Riot these past few months. Some for kinda valid reasons like the whole Tryndamere thing and others are just for the sake of complaining andover hearsay and rumours.
I don't see the problem here. I can't even begin to understand what people are complaining about though...

Speaking of Jatt, just posted his response

which captures the exact reason why it's a question that's asked. Not as some agenda against Monte as much as people will it to be, and people who answered Jatt are also asked to defend their opinion

it's like nobody has ever done a real interview before. Having done 11 for jobs at Riot I can guarantee there's a specific reason every question is asked and it's not to push an agenda.


It's a real shame that in all of Ghostcrawler's spiel about runes and masteries not hitting the mark, the words "we're getting rid of them" doesn't appear anywhere.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
It's a real shame that in all of Ghostcrawler's spiel about runes and masteries not hitting the mark, the words "we're getting rid of them" doesn't appear anywhere.

They really should just keep masteries and make runes free. It's one of the big limiting factors when new people come into the game as they already feel so far behind the curve. It's massively discouraging.
It's a real shame that in all of Ghostcrawler's spiel about runes and masteries not hitting the mark, the words "we're getting rid of them" doesn't appear anywhere.

They can't at this point. Like....some junglers depend on having the right rune or mastery set up. They would probably have to do a pass on balancing every champion and every item to make up for the lack of runes.

It should've never come to this point. Runes and Masteries are just...not needed in the grander scheme of things?

Summoner spells are the same thing-They're not needed. I mean, just look at how flash is picked by everyone always. Instead of baking it in, making it an item, or just removing it, the truth is that Riot has kinda cornered themselves in with these things.

Like....lets say they removed Flash. Suddenly movement creep becomes very real, and characters who have a dash or jump will be high above those that don't.

I don't like Flash, as it is. I don't like Runes or masteries. Alot of false choices, and really, League would be better off without it, but it would require a major rebalancing act.


Speaking of Jatt, just posted his response

which captures the exact reason why it's a question that's asked. Not as some agenda against Monte as much as people will it to be, and people who answered Jatt are also asked to defend their opinion

it's like nobody has ever done a real interview before. Having done 11 for jobs at Riot I can guarantee there's a specific reason every question is asked and it's not to push an agenda.

The most level headed and logical post in this whole ordeal and that says a lot lol.

Riot isn't perfect and there's things to improve and criticize but at the moment pretty much everyone is leveraging the fact that r/lol is on full pitchwork mode against Riot so anyone who posts something even slighly painting Riot in a bad light gets tons of upvotes in a second. Comments reflect the same trend and any post trying to analyze both sides equally gets downvoted to oblivion. So imo anything coming from r/lol or targeted at them isn't really the best ground for a discussion at the moment.
These last couple of weeks, with Regi's interview, Tryndamere's response, and now this, have been bad, and some reputations have been greatly damaged. But in the long run the only thing that matters is getting the team owners on side by making sure there's a plausible route to monetisation. If Riot can do that, the LCS and the competitive scene will only continue to grow. The fact that this doesn't seem to be an issue in China or Korea surely means that it'll be solved sooner or later.


I don't like Flash, as it is. I don't like Runes or masteries. Alot of false choices, and really, League would be better off without it, but it would require a major rebalancing act.

Would having a flash like it is in most other mobas hurt as hard? That is, flash only can be used out of combat so it's basically used mostly as an initiation tool or less often used to assure an escape after running away for like 3 seconds.


My favorite part of the article is the fact that the author continues to quote a source but gives absolutely no indication who that source is.

A pissed off ex-employee? A current employee? A contracted employee? How much do they actually know? And when were these claims made? This season? A year ago? Three years ago?

That none of these basic facts are brought forward means that either the source is weak or this was from a while ago.

Also Monte is a shit. And Reddit sucks.
Would having a flash like it is in most other mobas hurt as hard? That is, flash only can be used out of combat so it's basically used mostly as an initiation tool or less often used to assure an escape after running away for like 3 seconds.

Looking at the 2 mobas I have most experience aside from League-DotA and HotS, those implement Flash very differently.

DotA, Blink is an item. Short cooldown, costs mana, provides no stats(Thus a slot has to be sacrified for it), can only be used 3 seconds out of combat. This presents a problem for League, because there are characters that don't use mana. But...it can work if implemented with the combat cooldown. But again, movement creep, characters with dashes will have a huge advantage against those that don't, even with blink dagger. It can only be implemented like this if there is a major rebalancing act.

Edit-Rereading it it seems it doesn't cost mana anymore. I swore it cost mana...Haven't really played Dota in like 3 years tho

Heroes of the Storm-Blink is an upgrade for SOME characters at level 20. 70 second cooldown. The distance is akin to...Malphites ult distance, so it's pretty far. However, you have to sacrifice another level 20 upgrade to get it-And these tend to be from a list of 2 buffs for your ultimates, and a 4th being a situational skill/buff. IE for example, Zagara can grab blink, but she'd give up either a buff for her Maw(Which reduces its CD by champions hit, and increases its damage by 50%), or her Nydus Worms(Which increases her creep laying range, and increases her movement on creep by 40%).

So it works in HotS because you're making a meaningful decision depending on what your'e going against.

For League of Legends...it'd require a major rebalancing act to implement Flash in any of these ways(IE Becoming a final upgrade at 18 instead of maxing out one of your other skills, or making it an item). There would be a major movement creep advantage for characters like Ekko or Lucian because they can dash at will, and in Ekkos case has massive utility and CC on top of that movement.

But, again IMO, Flash being the biggest false choice in this game, and it's toxic because of that.

My favorite part of the article is the fact that the author continues to quote a source but gives absolutely no indication who that source is.

A pissed off ex-employee? A current employee? A contracted employee? How much do they actually know? And when were these claims made? This season? A year ago? Three years ago?

That none of these basic facts are brought forward means that either the source is weak or this was from a while ago.

Also Monte is a shit.

The fastest way a reporter or writer loses credibility is by giving out their sources. It's a rule of the industry(And any industry)-You do NOT give out the identity of your source.

But, we can take this article as 'fact'. As in, Jatt pretty much said 'Yeah he asks that question in the interview', verifying what was said in the article to some extent. Maybe Costy is right though, maybe everybody at Riot loves League and their fans and try to do the best thing. But you know the saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Basically...unless the writer has little to no credibility, it's folly to just dismiss the article because no sources are cited.
It's a real shame that in all of Ghostcrawler's spiel about runes and masteries not hitting the mark, the words "we're getting rid of them" doesn't appear anywhere.
No, it actually does:
In the same way, we think we can offer that level of choice in runes and masteries, or whatever the system that replaces them turns out to be.
So yeah, getting rid of runes/masteries in lieu of a new system isn't off the table.


meanwhile in the non-shit side of the league community

dk if its gone but iremember seeing a fuck you sticky post in the lol subreddit. I maybe have been on the wrong one, idk. I dont get there to often.
i wanna say you might've confused it with some other place u were visiting

which is fine by me, hey, i love me some dick pics, cobra club is awesome, did u see all those piercing options?

but u know, probably not a mod

the hardest part of it from a personal standpoint is working with esports folks on a daily basis who genuinely care and just want to put on the best show they can and have fans come and watch or tune in online and enjoy the hell out of it. Everyone I work with just wants the best for fans/players etc., and that goes for everyone I meet in Riot, not just esports. Like working with the team for Kraków was amazing, I enjoyed that event so much. Everyone was really hyped, the Polish fans are fucking awesome... and then you come back to this shit. And you know the majority of it is horseshit from people with weird agendas, but you gotta hold back because the people working in esports are adults that can handle this stuff themselves.

Just hard to read is all. Takes the wind out of your sails.
i personally don't care so much for the article cos it doesn't seem like the journo reached out to riot whatsoever and that's really weird considering he has written for riot in the past. he says at the beginning riot didn't make any statements but i'm pretty sure rioters have said in the past one was coming. i don't think journo guy should be too surprised that after the tryndamere shitstorm rito would probably want to think it over a bit

but also if these things are such a hot topic all of the sudden it's probably a good thing for riot to think about it like more than a "weird agenda" and probably something team owners, players and the community are all concerned with

some ppl want to see the world burn but i don't think those ppl are the ones that brought this issue to light, those ppl are just worthless and it's important to separate those from someone like montecristo who may say a lot of unagreeable things (and winner of worse business partners award) but in the end he just likes league of legends just like everyone else and wants the game to be the best it can be

Running eSports as a product isn't synonymous with running eSports as a business. They don't go hand in hand. Riot can put on a great show and still utterly fuck up the business aspect**. Owners, players, etc. aren't complaining about the format, the presentation, etc. They're complaining that the biggest eSport in the world isn't drawing the sort of money for them that other eSports with less viewership and therefore earnings potential. There's no way to way to sugar coat this despite how much Riot would like: it's a colossal fuck up for everyone involved, and with Riot being in control of every aspect of the business of LoL eSports it's all on them.

**Lego, for example, has always made fantastic products but was on the verge of bankruptcy not that long ago.
i mean, cmon

team owners not making as much money as they would want is not a "colossal fuck up", it's something that can be addressed and that's about it

there's nothing too sinister about any of that, and frankly i find the solutions pundits have been presenting to be actually shitty for everyone involved

things like adding advertising to league streams (omg iem is the fucking worst are people crazy?), making it twitch exclusive (sure let's fuck over youtube viewers because whatever), giving icon profits to teams (so two teams can get rich while all the rest still make pennies), franchising (oh gee now tsm, clg and c9 magically own the lcs and don't get to play by the rules), etc.

subsidies are cool cos they benefit everyone equally and then it's up to teams to idk do capitalism and get rich, that's their thing. people talking about cs: go like some sort of esports heaven when that game just came up with a ridiculous scandal of people advertising shady gambling sites to kids, ehhhh i don't know. dota also encourages ppl to gamble their money away on hats to "help esports" when only like 25% of the profits actually go to teams, and even then it's just like the few that make it far at the international. i don't wanna paint valve in a bad light or anything, as i'm really ignorant about how they do their things and whatever, just saying that system isn't perfect either

talking about bigger cut of icon sales or whatever is just the same of doing better subsidies, except with subsidies all the teams benefit, not just tsm and fnatic. hell, when you buy that sick new ahri skin some % of that money go to esports. heck i'll put money that it's more profitable for tsm that riot makes a new ahri skin than selling a fucking tsm icon lol

what i'll say is what i've said from the beginning:
- rito should pay more if the salaries haven't been adjusted to general lcs inflation
- rito should pay montecristo and whoever normal esports salaries
- rito should let bjergsen advertise overwatch because who the fuck cares
- rito should let quickshot stream overwatch because again who the fuck cares
- rito esports should generally be more transparent and consistent

It's a real shame that in all of Ghostcrawler's spiel about runes and masteries not hitting the mark, the words "we're getting rid of them" doesn't appear anywhere.
lol, so true

Speaking of Jatt, just posted his response

which captures the exact reason why it's a question that's asked. Not as some agenda against Monte as much as people will it to be, and people who answered Jatt are also asked to defend their opinion

it's like nobody has ever done a real interview before. Having done 11 for jobs at Riot I can guarantee there's a specific reason every question is asked and it's not to push an agenda.
i've never done more than 2 job interviews for a single position so i gotta say doing 11 sounds like a fucking nightmare. heck, even 3 would seem abusive to me

They really should just keep masteries and make runes free. It's one of the big limiting factors when new people come into the game as they already feel so far behind the curve. It's massively discouraging.
just remove runes

who gives a shit about runes

My favorite part of the article is the fact that the author continues to quote a source but gives absolutely no indication who that source is.

A pissed off ex-employee? A current employee? A contracted employee? How much do they actually know? And when were these claims made? This season? A year ago? Three years ago?

That none of these basic facts are brought forward means that either the source is weak or this was from a while ago.

Also Monte is a shit. And Reddit sucks.
eh, anonymous sources are perfectly valid, can't disparage the article because of that


I'm not asking for the source. I'm asking for the source's relation to the company. Almost every good article at least gives some credibility to their source outside of "the source" and "a source".

Saying someone is an ex-employee is not blowing cover. Riot has thousands of employees and probably multiple thousands of ex-employees.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I'm sure there were some fuckups but I seriously doubt in an interview an interviewer would berate the interviewee because of a caster choice. At an interview once I was asked which of that company's competitors I liked the best and then they asked me why I thought so. I swear these outraged people have either never been in an interview or are teenagers.

But when you can't even say when these accusations were made, your article has a ton of holes. Apparently a lot of these issues were prevalent in season 3-4 according to some other quotes I've read, but this article makes it seem like they're all current. And they might be. The point is, we don't know.

Skewering a company over completely anonymous sources with no timeline is ridiculous.
I'm not asking for the source. I'm asking for the source's relation to the company. Almost every good article at least gives some credibility to their source outside of "the source" and "a source".

Saying someone is an ex-employee is not blowing cover. Riot has thousands of employees and probably multiple thousands of ex-employees.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I'm sure there were some fuckups but I seriously doubt in an interview an interviewer would berate the interviewee because of a caster choice. At an interview once I was asked which of that company's competitors I liked the best and then they asked me why I thought so. I swear these outraged people have either never been in an interview or are teenagers.

But when you can't even say when these accusations were made, your article has a ton of holes. Apparently a lot of these issues were prevalent in season 3-4 according to some other quotes I've read, but this article makes it seem like they're all current. And they might be. The point is, we don't know.

Skewering a company over completely anonymous sources with no timeline is ridiculous.


you don't do that as a journalist. Companies are good at detecting leakers, either by selecting certain parts of a company to receive memos to boil down where leaks are coming from, writing styles, what is said by the leaker in relation to which department at a company would know...

...we can surmise that the leaker works close to the eSports department. What the writer said, and what has been said. That's the closest you're going to get for identifying where the leak is coming from.



you don't do that as a journalist. Companies are good at detecting leakers, either by selecting certain parts of a company to receive memos to boil down where leaks are coming from, writing styles, what is said by the leaker in relation to which department at a company would know...

...we can surmise that the leaker works close to the eSports department. What the writer said, and what has been said. That's the closest you're going to get for identifying where the leak is coming from.

Then with that information I cannot take anything as the truth or even a half-truth.

Also, you said 'works'. There is no indication that the person still works there, or has even worked there in the past few years.

Where there's smoke, I'm sure there's some fire, but comeon.

I'm mostly venting here for what I see on Reddit, not at any responses here.
Then with that information I cannot take anything as the truth or even a half-truth.

Also, you said 'works'. There is no indication that the person still works there, or has even worked there in the past few years.

if you want to go down that slippery slope

might as well say there is no indication that person even exists. What if the writer just made up things based on things he's overheard, he even said he applied for a position, so obviously he heard the jatt/monte question in person and then just spun a tall tale.

.....Anyways, you don't give up your sources. You can mention if they used to work their, to preface the story with that, it's been done, but if they currently work there, you just don't say they still work there.

If it comes out the writer fabricated the story, I'll eat my words. But the writer would have a lot more to lose by fabricating a story than he had to gain by putting it out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
League Reddit has really been stepping up their criticisms of Riot these past few months. Some for kinda valid reasons like the whole Tryndamere thing and others are just for the sake of complaining andover hearsay and rumours.
Even the Tryndamere thing just felt like nothing to me. If the discussion is about the issues that's one thing, but it is always just a surface level hyper reaction of people who don't understand the topic and just want a reason to say bad things about Riot. I never remember it being this bad in the past years. There is always some grand conspiracy or some narrative about how Riot doesn't know what they are doing, even when their success is proven. These people never put the basic building blocks together of why or what anything is happening, and they leverage completely boring non-issues into intense exchanges of vitriol. It's a step away from alt right political stuff on the internet but for something so mundane that you can't help but boggle at what is going on.

Similar to what P.Cost said, this guy is writing an article and instead of coming up with the simple explanation for why Riot might ask you to compare casters, or why they would have a strong opinion of the person they hired as a template who is widely considered one of the best casters, there's instead some web of corruption or something. Like for real...this is the best thing people can come up with as drama? This is what they want to obsess over?


Again, and this will be my last post on this because I don't watch pro League much anyway, I don't think he made it up. I don't think he's lying. I just think that there is a possibility (and a good one at that) that a source or two are just disgruntled ex-employees or people who have a personal vendetta against someone. Or that they have false memories or embellish a quote from over two years ago.

I'm sure Riot's messed up. I'm sure there have been some bad decisions. But there are too many blanks to for me to go "aha, yep, riots a bunch of fucks" like some people are (Reddit, mostly).




A big part of it on the sub is Monte having literal fanboys and him using that to create a shitstorm to his favor out of everything

Take the caster issue for example, Joe and Deman when moving the LCS to Berlin simply didn't like what Riot had to offer and decided to stay in Frankfurt with ESL. They gave very nice statements and that was fucking it. Everyone took their own paths without the mud slinging, even when Joe and Deman were way more important to Riot than having Monte twice a year is.
But noooo, Monte needs to act like he's the caster's rights super hero and he's standing for everyone. Like, how fucking full of himself someone can be? Riot, nor every company is obliged to offer him the terms that he wants, there's this stuff called negotiations and not seeing eye to eye in them is not the end of the world.


i mean, cmon

team owners not making as much money as they would want is not a "colossal fuck up", it's something that can be addressed and that's about it

It's a fuck up for everyone, not just the teams. It's a fuck up for Riot too. Everyone could be making more money. The company, Riot's e-Sports employees, freelance casters, team owners, LCS players - everyone. Since Riot controls every aspect of it's eSports scene, then how do they not shoulder the entire blame? Whether or not team owners, players, 3rd party personalities/twats like Monte, etc. are being reasonable or not in their demands is not important - they have no recourse for their grievances anyways.

And yes, "colossal" is the word to use here. There's millions on the table.

Riot has made some really bad decisions regarding how to monetize its e-Sports. In a vacuum that's fine, but we're not observing Riot in a vacuum. We're observing them against other competing companies and games. How many TIs has the "compendium" or whatever it's called been available for fans to purchase in order grow the prize pool. I don't know how its split, but goddamn is it ever a brilliant idea, at least in principal. And there is, after many years, no corollary for LoL, not one single thing.

I'm too tired and surly these days to cut up your post further, but...On the one hand you say stipends are great and it's the team's responsibility to "idk do capitalism and get rich" but earlier mention that selling team icons wouldn't work because only a few teams would actually make money. But those elite teams would make that money because they've earned it by growing their brand and actually putting together good, winning teams, much more so than their competitors - you know, capitalism. This is even before discussing that Riot has exceptional restrictions and Byzantine rules on how teams can even make money in first place.

- rito esports should generally be more transparent and consistent

Professional sports have existed for over a century and still don't do this. May as well add "2020 Worlds on the Moon" to your list. Same odds.


The thing in heroes is that there's no personal responsibility. They really removed any individuality aspect from the game.

It's a lot less rage inducing than League for sure. It's like they crossed mario party with league.
Yeah...the compendium Valve offers whilst, I can see it as being scummy, there are just so many net positives to it then not. You can earn levels in game if you don't buy it, you earn stuff for having it...

...I imagine on the other hand it'd be impossible to offer a huge set of skins/items like Valve does because of the nature of how Riot deals with skins..like I think it'd be impossible for them to pump out 10 skins+A bunch of cosmetic things for a compendium like service.

The thing in heroes is that there's no personal responsibility. They really removed any individuality aspect from the game.

Oh you sweet summer child. In the higher elos, depending on what you pick, there is a huge personal responsibility. But I agree there is more of a focus on the 'teamplay' aspect of it, which I mean..it's a team game.


funny story

the journo that wrote that piece got reddit banned for vote manipulation

some people like richard lewis immediately assumed riot censorship machine

turns out journo's coworkers had been upvoting his article and since they're on the same ip he got flagged for vote manipulation, only 24hrs, no biggie

of course by then both him and richard lewis had posted on the matter and gotten ppl riled up and even if he clarified it later the deed was already done

speaks a lot about this whole situation i think

(btw of course richard lewis is using this situation to "vindicate" himself lol... dear lord...)


It's a fuck up for everyone, not just the teams. It's a fuck up for Riot too. Everyone could be making more money. The company, Riot's e-Sports employees, freelance casters, team owners, LCS players - everyone. Since Riot controls every aspect of it's eSports scene, then how do they not shoulder the entire blame? Whether or not team owners, players, 3rd party personalities/twats like Monte, etc. are being reasonable or not in their demands is not important - they have no recourse for their grievances anyways.

And yes, "colossal" is the word to use here. There's millions on the table.
a colossal failure would be that the entire scene crashes and burns. instead it's been steadily growing and sustaining itself.

you can say it's a waste to not be making all that money fine, but it's very poor use of the expression "colossal fuckup"

i'm not super knowledgeable on the subject but i'd say maybe something like blizzard letting starcraft die out after dominating esports for like 10 years to be a colossal fuckup

not this

Riot has made some really bad decisions regarding how to monetize its e-Sports. In a vacuum that's fine, but we're not observing Riot in a vacuum. We're observing them against other competing companies and games. How many TIs has the "compendium" or whatever it's called been available for fans to purchase in order grow the prize pool. I don't know how its split, but goddamn is it ever a brilliant idea, at least in principal. And there is, after many years, no corollary for LoL, not one single thing.
sure, let's willingly ask a developer to add a blood sucking knickel and diming system based on gambling and exploiting compulsatory behavior that puts zynga to shame so that the mere 25% of the profits can go to the few priviledged teams to be at the top

the teams that probably already have more than enough money considering that money gets you the big name players and team houses and shit in the first place

what a "brilliant" system, a system in which you can spent 1500 dollars and still not get what you want and you'll have contributed a solid $375 for the top 20 teams or so

how generous and fair!

I'm too tired and surly these days to cut up your post further, but...On the one hand you say stipends are great and it's the team's responsibility to "idk do capitalism and get rich" but earlier mention that selling team icons wouldn't work because only a few teams would actually make money. But those elite teams would make that money because they've earned it by growing their brand and actually putting together good, winning teams, much more so than their competitors - you know, capitalism.
i'm saying capitalism as sell your own shit, tsm. sell t-shirts, mugs, idk, you solve it

riot is already giving you subsidies, why does riot have to also solve all your business issues?

the thing that people seem to have a real hard time understanding for some reason is that riot is not giving teams a share of the icon sales, they're giving them a share of the EVERYTHING sales

sure, that number may be low, so like i said, raise it. if rito needs money just make more ahri and katarina skins, those make more money than shitty tsm icons

problem solved

after that well, you're the businesspeople, regi, hotshot, you figure it out, it's not riot's responsibility to make you rich

This is even before discussing that Riot has exceptional restrictions and Byzantine rules on how teams can even make money in first place.
i'm not sure about exceptional restrictions, all i've heard is
- that htc thing and while that sounded kind of stupid i can't imagine it being such a big deal not enabling bjergsen to do an ad on overwatch or some shit.
- banning g2a which is perfect since g2a are a stolen credit card site that scams people and some other shit. idk if other games ban them, but i googled the ones at TI6 and none of them had g2a except na'vi, so i guess valve doesn't care so much about people being advertised by fraudulent sites. which is unsurprising considering valve didn't give a shit about the whole gambling scams either

what are the other byzantine rules and exceptional restrictions?

Professional sports have existed for over a century and still don't do this. May as well add "2020 Worlds on the Moon" to your list. Same odds.
oh yeah, that's the other thing

people clamoring for teams to run the league like in real sports

well what do you know, real sports are practically a crime ring and real sports are absolute shit

your wrong
lol at least i have you breezy

at least i have you

Yeah...the compendium Valve offers whilst, I can see it as being scummy, there are just so many net positives to it then not. You can earn levels in game if you don't buy it, you earn stuff for having it...
unless you're valve, i see very few net positives for adding something like a compendium

no double standards here, i say the exact same thing about league's shitty exploitative chest system

...I imagine on the other hand it'd be impossible to offer a huge set of skins/items like Valve does because of the nature of how Riot deals with skins..like I think it'd be impossible for them to pump out 10 skins+A bunch of cosmetic things for a compendium like service.
well it's easy to make millions of cosmetics when they're all crap :p


Second-rate Anihawk
sure, let's willingly ask a developer to add a blood sucking knickel and diming system based on gambling and exploiting compulsatory behavior that puts zynga to shame so that the mere 25% of the profits can go to the few priviledged teams to be at the top

Better than the 0% teams get from championship skins. :)


Better than the 0% teams get from championship skins. :)

the thing is, why should there be a % of anything

like i said raise the subsidies

you don't get a % of anything, you just get paid a salary like any regular person that's like employed?

here's an example

say rito gives tsm 25% of their icon sales, just like league

should bjergsen or doublelift ask regi for a % of those icons?

but maybe bjergsen and doublelift should get a bigger % cos, you know, the guy is cool and all, but people sure as fuck aren't buying tsm icons for biofrost


i know, not perfect example, but my point is, share split shit only benefits a few, that's not people wanting the scene to get better, that's just reginald wanting more money for himself, which is fair and all, but let's not kid ourselves here

just make more ahri skins, use some of that money to give better subsidies to teams

i win, rito wins, tsm wins, everyone's happy


pictured: everyone winning

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
You said overwatch was booty so no ahri skins for 6 months. And after 6 months arcade ahri gets %50 discount.

Btw, im back into overwatch.



yeah i brought it up cos i thought it was interesting to discuss but this whole fiasco is starting to sound more and more as a joke

to think the journo goes like "omg i'm risking my career on this" also says a lot on the direction he wanted this discussion to go

You said overwatch was booty so no ahri skins for 6 months. And after 6 months arcade ahri gets %50 discount.

Btw, im back into overwatch.
good choice, only buy skins on sale

do as i say, not as i do


My favorite part of the article is the fact that the author continues to quote a source but gives absolutely no indication who that source is.

A pissed off ex-employee? A current employee? A contracted employee? How much do they actually know? And when were these claims made? This season? A year ago? Three years ago?

That none of these basic facts are brought forward means that either the source is weak or this was from a while ago.

Also Monte is a shit. And Reddit sucks.

lol why would a journalist give any clue as to who their source is. that's ridiculous.


They really should just keep masteries and make runes free. It's one of the big limiting factors when new people come into the game as they already feel so far behind the curve. It's massively discouraging.

I'm the total opposite. I'd rather they keep runes and dump masteries. As much as Riot wanted to do otherwise, 90% of the time you want to pick the keystone that corresponds to your class/lane assignment. It isn't any less restrictive than before. It's just another layer to balance that could easily be removed.

I don't really give two craps about the whole IP sink argument. League is more than popular enough on its own without having a "hook" like that. Only reason it still exists is because in 2009 everyone had to have some sort of reward system because CoD sold a shit load of copies.



I despise the way you post. You dissect every sentence and infer things that were never said instead of taking things holistically to see where I'm coming from. It's aggravating. I don't have the time nor do I feel like putting in the effort to do this fucking song and dance every fucking time.
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