what aboot safe top laners?
Lately I keep getting games where my team dominates, but then they decide to keep screwing around rather than ending, and the enemy team begins to make a come back...
I mean only lost one of those games (thanks to our fed Lee Sin thinking he could 1v5 the enemy team, and failing MULTIPLE times...) but it's still annoying and a waste of time.
yeah, i think it's here: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/client-update/signup
big thing it's currently missing are:
- ranked
- crafting
- random game modes (not 100% sure about this one)
i think there's some other minor stuff that the regular league player doesn't care much about (like champion bios or something)
i think when they add crafting and ranked i'll just do the switch, it's just so damn pretty
lol outch
silver 4 incoming
you want to know what is the worst
you're winning but then your team surrenders when they get to nexus but lose because the surrender went through before the nexus dies.
Story of my moba life fam.That's... okay that is worse o_o
Oh..I thought since I'm in the alpha on PBE I would be for Live as well. Lame..
you want to know what is the worst
you're winning but then your team surrenders when they get to nexus but lose because the surrender went through before the nexus dies.
she starts with one, which is just heretic to say the least
you want to know what is the worst
you're winning but then your team surrenders when they get to nexus but lose because the surrender went through before the nexus dies.
i'm not 100% sure but i think you're not
they've been letting a lot of ppl in lately so i bet you'll get in easy if u just sign up
Hm, if you're in the market for a phone I would pick up an LG Nexus 5. I bought one a few months ago for only like $175.I just fucked up. I have two months with the screen of my phone dead, literally I have been surviving thanks to voice commands (ok google, call... ok google send whatsapp msg to ... etc) and having set up Cortana in my phone before it died, so I can see my phone's notifications on my pc. (So I could get back to all my two step verification accounts). I could still use whatsapp because I had sync it with my browser.
(This is were this gets League related, barely).
So tonight I was reading League subreddit, and read the "Don't be the Saintvicious of passwords: secure your account!" post, and decided it would be a nice moment to organize my passwords, so I delete all the saved passwords in my browser, and delete all cookies so sites ask for my password again. The idea being to review what password I was currently using in every site and keeping, lowering or upgrading my password. (I have like 5 or 6 different passwords "levels").
As soon as I have deleted the cookies I remembered my current state of my phone... and that I didn't deactivate the two-step verification in many sites... and whatsapp is gone until I change my phone.
Thanks /r/leagueoflegends.
I know it is all my fault
Hm, if you're in the market for a phone I would pick up an LG Nexus 5. I bought one a few months ago for only like $175.
Safe and easy I'd say garden, gnar, Kennen.
reason why it's not a safe pick if he's having trouble top? It usually smashes in most games before plat, easy waveclear, easy kit. if you think the jungler can be around just don't harrass with q and you'll usually get out of most ganks with it.For the love of God don't play Garen.
He's super match up dependant and as a lane bully all the pressure on doing work is on you. That's the complete opposite of a safe pick.reason why it's not a safe pick if he's having trouble top? It usually smashes in most games before plat, easy waveclear, easy kit. if you think the jungler can be around just don't harrass with q and you'll usually get out of most ganks with it.
That was you? That was so long ago I forgotten if it was ranked.Dude, we were winning, crushing the enemy , the feeding Jungler/support ragequits, ask for a surrender and everyone follows cuz we lose one TF, in ranked. jeez
*angrily rustles his blade in sheathe*![]()
when she moves around she only has "one tail" even in the game.
Yup, I did that a few times. I always find it funny more than anything![]()
Well against gnar and kennen, he gets bullied out of lane in the early levels. He a late game supertank. After level 10 he can usually go all in on people.reason why it's not a safe pick if he's having trouble top? It usually smashes in most games before plat, easy waveclear, easy kit. if you think the jungler can be around just don't harrass with q and you'll usually get out of most ganks with it.
terrible vs ranged harassreason why it's not a safe pick if he's having trouble top? It usually smashes in most games before plat, easy waveclear, easy kit. if you think the jungler can be around just don't harrass with q and you'll usually get out of most ganks with it.
damn that's a bummerI just fucked up. I have two months with the screen of my phone dead, literally I have been surviving thanks to voice commands (ok google, call... ok google send whatsapp msg to ... etc) and having set up Cortana in my phone before it died, so I can see my phone's notifications on my pc. (So I could get back to all my two step verification accounts). I could still use whatsapp because I had sync it with my browser.
(This is were this gets League related, barely).
So tonight I was reading League subreddit, and read the "Don't be the Saintvicious of passwords: secure your account!" post, and decided it would be a nice moment to organize my passwords, so I delete all the saved passwords in my browser, and delete all cookies so sites ask for my password again. The idea being to review what password I was currently using in every site and keeping, lowering or upgrading my password. (I have like 5 or 6 different passwords "levels").
As soon as I have deleted the cookies I remembered my current state of my phone... and that I didn't deactivate the two-step verification in many sites... and whatsapp is gone until I change my phone.
Thanks /r/leagueoflegends.
I know it is all my fault
I just fucked up. I have two months with the screen of my phone dead, literally I have been surviving thanks to voice commands (ok google, call... ok google send whatsapp msg to ... etc) and having set up Cortana in my phone before it died, so I can see my phone's notifications on my pc. (So I could get back to all my two step verification accounts). I could still use whatsapp because I had sync it with my browser.
(This is were this gets League related, barely).
So tonight I was reading League subreddit, and read the "Don't be the Saintvicious of passwords: secure your account!" post, and decided it would be a nice moment to organize my passwords, so I delete all the saved passwords in my browser, and delete all cookies so sites ask for my password again. The idea being to review what password I was currently using in every site and keeping, lowering or upgrading my password. (I have like 5 or 6 different passwords "levels").
As soon as I have deleted the cookies I remembered my current state of my phone... and that I didn't deactivate the two-step verification in many sites... and whatsapp is gone until I change my phone.
Thanks /r/leagueoflegends.
I know it is all my fault
I'm looking over some options, but I'm pretty stingy. lol.Hm, if you're in the market for a phone I would pick up an LG Nexus 5. I bought one a few months ago for only like $175.
I have my old phone it somewhere, I need an adapter for the sim card tho.damn that's a bummer
maybe u can put ur sim card in a borrowed phone and use it to verify whatsapp web?
i actually am in the market for a new phone my current one lasts for like 2 hours and is a piece of shit
that's a really good matchup for himaurelion sol beat me up as ahri![]()
blitzcrank because everyone moves in straight lines. guaranteed winning lane.
Talking about safe champs, any recommendations on who I should play in solo ranked for playing support on wood-tier games? My current support pool is composed of Nami, Lulu, Zyra, Morg, Karma, Blitz, Naut; then, I also have Thresh, Janna and Taric unlocked, but am not that comfortable whem playing them.
Personally, I always like the relative safety of ranged champs compared to melee, and I feel like supports that rely heavily on their adc or junglers to clean up are often lackluster in solo play, where you can't expect good coordination.
I think it's the opposite tbh
Every time I played against Ahri as A Sol it's been really hard. Too much mobility to keep her in my optimal ranges
I think it's the opposite tbh
Every time I played against Ahri as A Sol it's been really hard. Too much mobility to keep her in my optimal ranges
He's super match up dependant and as a lane bully all the pressure on doing work is on you. That's the complete opposite of a safe pick.
blitzcrank because everyone moves in straight lines. guaranteed winning lane.
There's two ways of looking at support as a Wood V:
1) Any heavy engage support champ (Blitz, Leona, Thresh) will dominate Wood V elo because people at that elo don't know how to handle heavy engage. The strategy for a support at that elo is "make your ADC so powerful in laning phase so that they'll kill anybody even with shit positioning and mechanics". As soon as you have more minions in a wave and the ADC steps out to far, bam! You nail them. In lower levels support burst will do 1/2-2/3 of a health bar and all your ADC needs to do is the rest.
2) Solo carry supports. You basically are a mid laner with no money. You pick someone with high burst, high base damage and high pick potential. Popular favourites include Annie (the #1 bullshittingly stupid to play mage support), Brand, Xerath, Zyra. You basically win by staying alive (because you want to be the better person at this game) and putting out gobs of damage the enemy doesn't expect.
Blitzcrank, Zyra or Brand
farm boxes by taking random champions into the jungle and letting your team 4v5 while you farm the jungle