Cold hard cash, lol.
Is Yorick out tomrrow
Is Yorick out tomrrow
It's very likely, yeah. We'll probably get the patch notes in around 13 hours.
I am become death, destroyer of worlds
Just give me Yorick
Ruin worlds with a split pusher
reminder that tomorrow or not yorick is not gonna be enabled at worlds
reminder that tomorrow or not yorick is not gonna be enabled at worlds
should i learn varus and tristana for bot? idk where they stand these days
pls halp
jhin and when he gets nerfed. ashe and sivir
Varus is only good mid these days. Trist is okay.should i learn varus and tristana for bot? idk where they stand these days
pls halp
should i learn varus and tristana for bot? idk where they stand these days
pls halp
i kind of hope not
i want to see yorick but i also want a week more of pbe so they can nerf malzahar and nidalee before worlds
i don't want those two shitty champions dominating worlds
Vlad seems to suck in Solo Q. I couldn't tell you why, tho. I've fed my ass off with Vlad a couple of times, he's not as faceroll as he seems in competitive.
He can have those traits and still be a bad pick/ban though.People ban Vlad because he has all the worse traits of tank meta with the nuke ability of an APC - without even building AP.
what do you guys think of rammus top in response to yorick?
Also I'm thinking of picking up Shaco, but I feel so..dirty. How is he?
Should be news on the new champion in PBE todayI imagine. Then the Warwick rework soon thereafter. Two junglers in row. What a time to be alive.
yeah, it's a good idea not to have him enabled since he's essentially a new champion and you never know if he'll be op or broken or bugged or whateverwait really??![]()
reksai and vlad are getting nerfs on 6.18Eh, Malz is definitely on the boring side but since his damage isn't bullshit anymore and Tahm Kench being meta fucks him, I don't mind him that much. You don't see dominating Nidalee performances that much either so I don't care about her.
I feel the only champ who needs to be straight up killed is Vlad. Reksai too but idk if they did that already.
i don't like nidalee cos she's picked cos she's broken at pveI'm not the biggest fan of Nidalee jungle, but I'd take 20 games of her over yet another Rek'Sai v Gragas. I don't think I even hated the old Shen/Zac top lane matchups as much as those two in the jungle. At least they looked ridiculous as they fought endlessly while tickling each other. Rek'Sai and Gragas are lean, uber-efficient and played the same way by every single jungler. I never thought it would yearn for more Lee Sin and Elise, but I so do.
What's that NOPE for?
This champ being a JG? Cause yeah, I don't think they're a damn JG champ ...
Or ... no reveal/ news on the new champ today?
Cause these long ass teaser periods annoy me. Kled and Jhin were fun for a bit but fast became annoying. Earthbender and AS were great, tease it and get it out here in a short time.
No new champion on PBE today
No new champion on PBE today
philip will yorick be available at worlds
Say yes
Bring ruination to League
No. He will be disabled. Could you imagine the uproar if he's OP and playable at Worlds? People still aren't over juggernauts
What is the worst skill range of players and why is it platinum V?
Thats where decay starts right? It where they filter out the gold players.What is the worst skill range of players and why is it platinum V?
Is it against the rules/vibes to post your League-related YouTube here? I've been putting a lot of effort into it lately and would love any feedback... but I don't wanna post it if it's gonna ruffle feathers.
man, paragon is insidious. putting deck building into a moba is like putting crack cocaine in more crack cocaine.