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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Someone was telling me to build vi tanky/utility. Is that like black cleaver into dead mans plate?

Also when is the earliest I can look into doing dragon. I never know so I always forget to keep it warded!


So yeah Arcade ahri is the new hotness I think

Anivia got nerfed. It's not obvious but it brings her burst down a bit in certain situations.

Flash Frost (Q) :
Pass through slow now referred to as [Chilling] enemies.
Now applies [Iced] to targets hit with the detonation.

Frostbite (E) damage has been changed! Rather than dealing double damage to enemies slowed by Q/R, E now deals different bonus damage based on [Iced]or [Chilled].
[CHILLED] targets take 150% damage and [ICED] targets take 200%

Glacial Storm (R)
Normal slow now referred to as [Chilling] enemies.
The full blown storm (max damage & slow) now applies [ICED] to enemies caught in it.
that's great, nerfs her uninteractive poke pattern but still rewards her if she lands her q

she probably needs more nerfs but probably good enough for now

on the contrary, I like playing with Ezreals. I think he's pretty safe champ that avoids being instagibbed. Him buildin IBG makes him a safer too with the armor and the slow.
yeah, i like ibg ez too cos he can set me up to do stuff

What's the proper way to harass with the new malzahar? E then W nearby or the other way.

I was thinking if you built up minions first then sick them on the enemy it'd be better, but those things spawn super fast.
corgi pls

not like this

don't come back like this

pls don't play malzahar


Nah, you're thinking of Rengar =P

No. Rengar's for better or worse, fed or feeding, will dive at the carries with reckless abandon. They give a shit about "one shotting" carries. Whether or not their KDA is good or not is ancillary. They like to bitch about "why didn't you guys follow my engage?" Whole different kind of whining.


corgi pls

not like this

don't come back like this

pls don't play malzahar

why you gotta hate on malz. If he does play him, you best bet is to just E then W and push the wave hard into them, make them farm under turrent, if you have the mana and vision you can harrass with e and q. I don't play him a lot, but I love picking him into stuff like yas and LB. tilted a few Yas's 1v1'ing them and listening to the all chat rage.


Nah. You just put space aids on the enemy champ and then summon your voidlings. Q refreshes the space aids.
yeah that works, but generally I wouldn't be that liberal with my mana until i at least have a lost chapter or blue. especially around 6 i think it' best to shove the wave quick and look to ghost into bot or top and press R on someone for a free kill.
The day Yorick is out my power supply decides to burn and fizzle. Literally burn and fizzle.

Gg rito. But you cant stop me from playing Yorick


Not talking about Kindred skins, I'm saying that there's no new skins this PBE patch. Nothing but fucking Chroma colors.

Which means I gotta wait 2 more weeks to be disappointed by them not giving Illaoi a fucking new skin (Cause I bet they put out the Halloween Skins and that's a prefect excuse to look over her yet again ...)

And Kindred buffs disgust me, she deserves to be where she is right now ... right in the gutter.
Illaoi is like Zyra. Don't ever expect new skins... Because of all the extra work they have to do with modelling and animating things like Illaoi's tentacles and Zyra's plants, it's essentially a miracle if they get a new skin.

IE: Zyra's last unique skin was her Harrowing one from 2013. Her team skin doesn't really count.
Mundo with GW

If I hadn't given up on ADC I'd be tilted out of my mind right now. How are ADCs supposed to survive a full tank Mundo when they can't lifesteal lmao
Uh, why does the turret aggro the Maiden before the minons?

Yorick felt good except from that.

weren't they supposed to fix the maiden suiciding to turret?

edit:Autofill at Platinum rank

What the fuck

edit: The league community is still fucking garbage
Pzic JGkuc: NIce
IPzic JGkuc: GOod Job
IPzic JGkuc: autofill in fkin
IPzic JGkuc: Plat
IPzic JGkuc: Great
BreezyLimbo GAF: Right? What the fuck
IPzic JGkuc: stfgu
IPzic JGkuc: yo kas
IPzic JGkuc: i only have
IPzic JGkuc: Lb supp
IPzic JGkuc: that bitch Q
IPzic JGkuc: nerfed
IPzic JGkuc: cant clear waves
BreezyLimbo GAF: ban yorick gg
RtN Cold Blooded RtNNA: yea, go play it norms
BreezyLimbo GAF: its ok we'll lose together
BreezyLimbo GAF: the team that doesn't work together loses :)
IPzic JGkuc: kid
IPzic JGkuc: ur a fkin
IPzic JGkuc: 700 games
IPzic JGkuc: plat virgin
IPzic JGkuc: go back to ur test lab
IPzic JGkuc: boosted ape
IPzic JGkuc: Kys
BreezyLimbo GAF: the 10 year old over here is having a tantrum, this is going to be fun
RtN Cold Blooded RtNNA: why id this idiot
IPzic JGkuc: Gaf
RtN Cold Blooded RtNNA: ban zac
IPzic JGkuc: u name it after urself?
RtN Cold Blooded RtNNA: stop banning junglers
RtN Cold Blooded RtNNA: u fuckin idiot
RtN Cold Blooded RtNNA: imma take ur mid
IPzic JGkuc: k taliyah sup
IPzic JGkuc: Lb banned
IPzic JGkuc: i got
IPzic JGkuc: NUNu
IPzic JGkuc: u want nu?
IPzic JGkuc: Woahh
IPzic JGkuc: That was
IPzic JGkuc: lag

edit-And then this moron tries to get his friend top. If only they weren't in the same clan, I might've, MIGHT'VE believed him.

x Splash Kazu!: yto
x Splash Kazu!: can you let this kid top?
x Splash Kazu!: plz
x Splash Kazu!: hes fucking ass
x Splash Kazu!: at adc
BreezyLimbo GAF: and you think I'm better at adc?
x Splash Kazu!: idk
x Splash Kazu!: probs not
x Splash Kazu!: nevermind


x Splash Kazu!: can you let this kid top?
x Splash Kazu!: plz
x Splash Kazu!: hes fucking ass
x Splash Kazu!: at adc

If someone is saying this I'm assuming they are premade anyway, no need for clan tag when he is explicitly saying he knows this guy is bad at adc.
If someone is saying this I'm assuming they are premade anyway, no need for clan tag when he is explicitly saying he knows this guy is bad at adc.

I mean, I can believe people recognizing names, if they have to enable autofill at 2 in the fucking afternoon. The pool of players must be dismal.


Illaoi is like Zyra. Don't ever expect new skins... Because of all the extra work they have to do with modelling and animating things like Illaoi's tentacles and Zyra's plants, it's essentially a miracle if they get a new skin.

IE: Zyra's last unique skin was her Harrowing one from 2013. Her team skin doesn't really count.

Uhhh, nope.

Zyra's Shit Outta Luck because legit everything in her kit requires a decent new model for a brand new skin that's not 750. Her Q would need a new model cause it looks like a model and not just some particle effect, her Seeds would need new models, her E and it's snare + her Ult + her Q and E Plants would need new models and animations. At the time they said that her Passive woulda needed a new model to.

Illaoi isn't like that. With her you just need to make a model for her and her tent. Unless they wanna do something crazy and turn her passive from Tents into something completely different that doesn't move like a tent (like, say ... zombie arms coming from the ground) they wouldn't have to reanimate or re-rig those. Everything else is just effects and textures like with any decent champ's kit.
lol Aurelion is legit absurd in capable hands. One of those that will be strong for a long time even if nobody plays it.

really cool that a successful niche champ exists


So every time I kill either Krugs or Gromp first I hear the new champs VO. Neat. Also, I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't jungle for shit anymore. I don't deal any damage, my kill participation is crap...
Hi folks,

Kog’Maw has some significant changes coming in patch 6.19 that we wanted to give some extra context on.

When we set out to update Kog last preseason, it was with the intent of doubling down on his already unique and well-supported identity of being the Marksman you could rely on to deal most of your team’s damage as long as you protect and enhance him - reinforcing the notion of ‘protect the Kog’ as a team strategy. By breaking the usual rules of attack speed, we amplified his damage even further while making him functionally less mobile in combat because he can’t move much between shots.

Unfortunately, that direction hasn’t proven successful. His unique attack speed interactions undercut the core identity that we intended to reinforce. The items and masteries that scale best with his new direction provide early- and mid-game power rather than late-game power, warping his power curve. More importantly, the ability to move in between attacks is essential for him to serve as most of his team’s damage output. He needs to be able to keep up with a moving teamfight, or else his opponents simply avoid his range and his allies can’t rely on his damage output as the primary or potentially only major damage dealer on a team.

Given that prior to the update, Kog’Maw was a unique and sustainable design that represented a strong long-term direction for the champion, we are partially reverting his update.

Specifically, his W will no longer break the attack speed cap, apply only half damage from AD, or increase attack speed gained from items, and we’ll be looking at tweaks to his other basic spells to support that direction. We are not reverting changes to his ultimate, however.

One point on other champion updates: we are reverting Kog’Maw because we believe that his pre-update state was a successful kit which hit our goals for champions in general and for Kog in particular, not simply because the update didn’t achieve its goals. We have no current plans to revert any other updates, as there aren’t other similar cases where reversion would bring us to a long-term direction.

Yoooo zky


sealed with a kiss
sivir feels so cheap on aram, a good counter to the bs champs the enemy team always gets like veigar, blitz, etc


sealed with a kiss
so what's going to make kog different from all the other boring adc's with crap kits now? gj rito, at least he was something unique, but i guess we can't have that in league
One point on other champion updates: we are reverting Kog’Maw because we believe that his pre-update state was a successful kit which hit our goals for champions in general and for Kog in particular, not simply because the update didn’t achieve its goals. We have no current plans to revert any other updates, as there aren’t other similar cases where reversion would bring us to a long-term direction.

I'm sorry what

Thats um

that's pretty big.
so what's going to make kog different from all the other boring adc's with crap kits now? gj rito, at least he was something unique, but i guess we can't have that in league

You genuinely think the last champions and updates that were released weren't unique champions?

Kog is being reverted because the rework was unsuccessful and probably tried to change too much what wasn't broken. Kog'Maw was already a pretty unique champion pre-update, and the rework went too far in attempting to double down on it when it wasn't necessary. The team will make adjustments to the kit to make sure he feels different, but the current W just isn't hitting the design goals the team wanted.
w is a retarded skill that should have never been released. the only way to keep kog maw balanced with that shit is to keep him in the dumpster.


Protect the Kog comps were already awesome to see without the rework. He alrady did his tank busting without the 5 attspd gimmick.

New Kog really didn't add much.
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