what can i say, i still like gold's border the best
I like the master one but the gold one is the second best indeed
what can i say, i still like gold's border the best
Decided to start getting back into the game.
Played some games ...felt like a new born horse trying to walk. First Illaoi game I did well ... my team did well ... but they decided they wanted to dick around and not push objectives that we coulda gotten so late game the enemy team took those objectives and shat on our base after a few failed TFs. Finished 9/4/2 :/
2nd game I fucked up because I was DCed til everyone was level 4 and I as still level 1 so fail. Fed and ended it 0/4/0
3rd game got mid and didn't know what to do so I picked Zyra and got carried by a 30 kill Draven.
4th game starts, i'm feeling better about my control of Illaoi. Fucking Jayce JG tries to gank at level 3 and goes all in. I try to follow up with him in case he can actually do something. Fiora kills us both ... fucking Jayce JG has the nerve to tell me to engage and learn Illaoi. I tell him "Uhhh, I can't engage on that. Illaoi is a counter engage champ". Then I Get laughed at cause this chump doesn't know wtf counter engage is?
Finished the game 12/1/2
I gotta get myself outta this elo, too many people who don't know basic shit like what champs are engage and counter engage or what items to buy for certain situations.
Anyway, it's gonna take some time before I feel as confidant as I use to. Gonna take it easy and play maybe 2 games a day in normal til I feel like I'm back in the groove.
Isn't Mundo notoriously hard to balance since he scales so well with just health?
for drakkak
also they're pulling the grievous wounds mundo thing, thinking of other ways to buff him
ill play with u on one of my gold smurfs if u want
Cool, what's you IGN?
Or you can just shoot me a request.
In-house tonight?
I don't deserve to play with everyone. I'll never get my chance. Lol
All u have to do is be one when one goes down. Doesn't matter what rank you are or anything.
IIRC, the only unofficial rule is that Newt and Ghost can't duo bot =)
Play rammus and take all the hits while we do the damage.I don't deserve to play with everyone. I'll never get my chance. Lol
Nah, Ghost isn't that toxici'm still convinced newt and ghost are the same person
Play rammus and take all the hits while we do the damage.
He costs like nothing.I don't even own Rammus. :3
Nah, Ghost isn't that toxic
And where are you now?He seems very boring to me, which is why I haven't gotten him yet.
I'm still working on my goal to get all the champions.. I started off in February last year.
Im like probably 30 away from getting them all.I still have a lot characters to get, that's for sure. I only use my IP for champions as well. Lol
Crazy how real the grind is.
Well i started low and went high. I also spent some money to buy the 2 champ bundles and got goth annie and huntress sivir to boot.The thing that I hate the most is when I want to get a character that's 6300(?)/6800, but I start thinking to myself... That I could just get multiple champions instead of one.
Which really sucks because I want Leona/Tahm/Quinn/Azir.
They lower the price based on how many champs you already own.I kinda just go wherever I feel, mostly to who I feel like trying at the time when I have enough IP for a champion.
Also, why are you cheating? Getting bundles and whatnot. >:T
I'd love to have Goth Annie, but I feel it's a waste considering that I have basically all the characters in that bundle.
They lower the price based on how many champs you already own.
If you have all characters in the bundle you're just buying Goth Annie because the bundle will cost 975 RP
Its not just a recolor, it has different textures and colored particle effectsReally now? That I did not know. I'll probably get it some time in the future. It pretty much looks like a chroma, so it's not high my priority.![]()
Who are we expecting for the Halloween skins? I'm kind of excited for it. There's usually 3, right?
I still want to get my Nocturne skin. :T
On a unrelated note, this is the most I've posted on one page. I should go back to being a nobody. :^)
inb4 you still are one
Yorick has to have one
Swain too
And Illaoi for the 3rd one.
...who am I kidding, it'll probably be ashe, MF, and Vayne.
What would Illaoi's Halloween theme even be?
Okay last time I'll post my YT here for a while but I'm very excited about this: I got Leona un-nerfed!!!!
Illaoi with air dancers for tentacles.
air dancers are those