cait statue looks ok, honestly with like a normal skirt and less stupid proportions to her clothes caitlyn doesn't look as bad
why you gotta hate on malz. If he does play him, you best bet is to just E then W and push the wave hard into them, make them farm under turrent, if you have the mana and vision you can harrass with e and q. I don't play him a lot, but I love picking him into stuff like yas and LB. tilted a few Yas's 1v1'ing them and listening to the all chat rage.
lol fuck malzahar
i hate champions that refuse to play the game
Uh, why does the turret aggro the Maiden before the minons?
Yorick felt good except from that.
same behavior as tibbers iirc
Mundo with GW
If I hadn't given up on ADC I'd be tilted out of my mind right now. How are ADCs supposed to survive a full tank Mundo when they can't lifesteal lmao
they've been going back and forth with some buffs/nerfs this pbe cycle so they might go in a different direction
honestly i wish riot gave mundo a smaller-ish rework that just puts a bit more counterplay onto him and gave him a little bit more to do
I miss Arcade Ahri's login screen already.
yeah been feeling like i would miss arcade ahri login screen terribly for a week
arcade ahri is like top 3 best splashes in the game and the music was so cheery and fun
double post
rip breezy
those are the ones u dodge i guess, but yea, rip
lol Aurelion is legit absurd in capable hands. One of those that will be strong for a long time even if nobody plays it.
really cool that a successful niche champ exists
ehh, i think asol is niche because he's boring (and kind of ugly imo) and is strong because he has low counterplay and hard to read strengths as he works in a really weird way compared to other mids
i feel like no one plays him cos there's very little about him that feels satisfying, most people that like mages like throwing fireballs and shooting lasers and dashing all over the place, those things have fun animations and visual and sound effects and a really visceral feeling of letting off power and seeing it impact something and the tension between hitting and missing and all that
asol just like stands near you while you're permaslowed with rylais
i'm not saying from like a difficulty to play standpoint, just how it feels to play him compared to someone like azir or leblanc or taliyah or zed or whatever that feel really meaty and exciting to play
i like some things about him like i told u over PMs and maybe in a rylais-less world he'd be a healthy addition to the game but in the current context i think he's pretty sucky :T
also he's not a pretty girl
So every time I kill either Krugs or Gromp first I hear the new champs VO. Neat. Also, I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't jungle for shit anymore. I don't deal any damage, my kill participation is crap...
try a different class or something
play ahri
it worked for noot
see, people don't give me any respect but rito knows i know (even tho i said they should make nidalee a jungler and if people knew it was all my fault i would have more death threats that danielzklein lol)
honestly kudos to them for being able to take a step back and not like fall on a nightmarish balance snowball trying to stubbornly balance him off his rework
the changes sound good, he was fine before and the ult changes in his rework were fine too, let's make the best out of both kogmaws
so what's going to make kog different from all the other boring adc's with crap kits now? gj rito, at least he was something unique, but i guess we can't have that in league
pre-rework kogmaw was really unique, post-rework kogmaw was gonna be impossible to balance
also idk, i think adcs have a lot more variety in their kits nowadays. things like jhin, ashe, sivir, kalista, lucian, ezreal, caitlyn, all feel pretty unique and they're all pretty viable.
i wouldn't say all those kits are good but unique they are
much more so than any time before
Protect the Kog comps were already awesome to see without the rework. He alrady did his tank busting without the 5 attspd gimmick.
New Kog really didn't add much.
he was also a lot more stylish looking pre-rework because he had to balance spells, autoattacks and positioning while being a super low mobility champion. and then pro teams like koo put kog on the frontlines with a billion movement speed comps and it was a beauty to behold
and when he was op they gave him a couple small hp and mana nerfs and he was pretty alright
kog rework was really messing with something that was working already
ok here's your prize for reading thru my megapost
sorry, was a busy day at work ;_;