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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


What champions are you playing?

Doesn't really matter. I've been having bad results on all my junglers. I've had crap teammates when I lose so it's making it hard to judge just how bad I'm doing, but at the same time when I get good teammates I feel like I may as well not even have been in the match. Just a total non-factor.

The whole "hyper carry" niche Riot wants to carve out for Kog should be dumpstered. By all means make him a "4 protect 1" carry but there should be some interesting ways to go about that niche without having to fall exlusively on just scaling hard as fuck.



cait statue looks ok, honestly with like a normal skirt and less stupid proportions to her clothes caitlyn doesn't look as bad

why you gotta hate on malz. If he does play him, you best bet is to just E then W and push the wave hard into them, make them farm under turrent, if you have the mana and vision you can harrass with e and q. I don't play him a lot, but I love picking him into stuff like yas and LB. tilted a few Yas's 1v1'ing them and listening to the all chat rage.
lol fuck malzahar

i hate champions that refuse to play the game

Uh, why does the turret aggro the Maiden before the minons?

Yorick felt good except from that.
same behavior as tibbers iirc

Mundo with GW

If I hadn't given up on ADC I'd be tilted out of my mind right now. How are ADCs supposed to survive a full tank Mundo when they can't lifesteal lmao
they've been going back and forth with some buffs/nerfs this pbe cycle so they might go in a different direction

honestly i wish riot gave mundo a smaller-ish rework that just puts a bit more counterplay onto him and gave him a little bit more to do

I miss Arcade Ahri's login screen already.
yeah been feeling like i would miss arcade ahri login screen terribly for a week

arcade ahri is like top 3 best splashes in the game and the music was so cheery and fun


double post :(
rip breezy

those are the ones u dodge i guess, but yea, rip

lol Aurelion is legit absurd in capable hands. One of those that will be strong for a long time even if nobody plays it.

really cool that a successful niche champ exists
ehh, i think asol is niche because he's boring (and kind of ugly imo) and is strong because he has low counterplay and hard to read strengths as he works in a really weird way compared to other mids

i feel like no one plays him cos there's very little about him that feels satisfying, most people that like mages like throwing fireballs and shooting lasers and dashing all over the place, those things have fun animations and visual and sound effects and a really visceral feeling of letting off power and seeing it impact something and the tension between hitting and missing and all that

asol just like stands near you while you're permaslowed with rylais

i'm not saying from like a difficulty to play standpoint, just how it feels to play him compared to someone like azir or leblanc or taliyah or zed or whatever that feel really meaty and exciting to play

i like some things about him like i told u over PMs and maybe in a rylais-less world he'd be a healthy addition to the game but in the current context i think he's pretty sucky :T

also he's not a pretty girl

So every time I kill either Krugs or Gromp first I hear the new champs VO. Neat. Also, I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't jungle for shit anymore. I don't deal any damage, my kill participation is crap...
try a different class or something

play ahri

it worked for noot

see, people don't give me any respect but rito knows i know (even tho i said they should make nidalee a jungler and if people knew it was all my fault i would have more death threats that danielzklein lol)

honestly kudos to them for being able to take a step back and not like fall on a nightmarish balance snowball trying to stubbornly balance him off his rework

the changes sound good, he was fine before and the ult changes in his rework were fine too, let's make the best out of both kogmaws

so what's going to make kog different from all the other boring adc's with crap kits now? gj rito, at least he was something unique, but i guess we can't have that in league
pre-rework kogmaw was really unique, post-rework kogmaw was gonna be impossible to balance

also idk, i think adcs have a lot more variety in their kits nowadays. things like jhin, ashe, sivir, kalista, lucian, ezreal, caitlyn, all feel pretty unique and they're all pretty viable.

i wouldn't say all those kits are good but unique they are

much more so than any time before

Protect the Kog comps were already awesome to see without the rework. He alrady did his tank busting without the 5 attspd gimmick.

New Kog really didn't add much.
he was also a lot more stylish looking pre-rework because he had to balance spells, autoattacks and positioning while being a super low mobility champion. and then pro teams like koo put kog on the frontlines with a billion movement speed comps and it was a beauty to behold

and when he was op they gave him a couple small hp and mana nerfs and he was pretty alright

kog rework was really messing with something that was working already


ok here's your prize for reading thru my megapost


sorry, was a busy day at work ;_;


Played my first Jinx game in a while. She struggles in the current meta but man, she feels so great to play lategame. Just the epitome of how fun ADC can be.

It didn't hurt that even though the other team had a great comp against me (Ryze/Braum/Lucian/Elise/Jax), they didn't pressure me much.


opened up one of my old smurfs, got a mystery skin off some event and the first chest thingie

got two nidalee skins off that lol

also playing on a lvl 15 smurf really shows how dumb both the leveling system and the keystones masteries are

someone else has a huge advantage on you because enemy mid has thunderlords and i don't
opened up one of my old smurfs, got a mystery skin off some event and the first chest thingie

got two nidalee skins off that lol

also playing on a lvl 15 smurf really shows how dumb both the leveling system and the keystones masteries are

someone else has a huge advantage on you because enemy mid has thunderlords and i don't

I dont blame the leveling system, the matchmaking should pair you with people leveing at your Lv level not with full 30 lv accounts


I think I may have stumbled on one of the neatest things to do in LoL...roleplay as Taric while playing him.

"You're guaranteed one of your selected roles because you auto-filled"

So the prize of auto-filling as support...is to play support?

EDIT: Yep, got support again. ggwp Riot, I can't play this game after 9pm anymore.


I dont blame the leveling system, the matchmaking should pair you with people leveing at your Lv level not with full 30 lv accounts
well they weren't really full lvl 30, just one level up on you when you don't have keystones is a big deal already

leveling is stupid when it's tied to gameplay in a competitive game like league

it's tolerated cos it's not THAT bad and cos the game is great so you just grind through the shitty leveling

tho personally i think runes and masteries are dumb on principle so i find the whole thing dumb :p
I think I may have stumbled on one of the neatest things to do in LoL...roleplay as Taric while playing him.

"You're guaranteed one of your selected roles because you auto-filled"

So the prize of auto-filling as support...is to play support?

EDIT: Yep, got support again. ggwp Riot, I can't play this game after 9pm anymore.

It was baffling to me that 3 in the freaking afternoon, at Platinum 3, auto-fill was activated. Like....what is going on? Surely the NA playerbase doesn't suck that badly that they can't reach that high?
I think I may have stumbled on one of the neatest things to do in LoL...roleplay as Taric while playing him.

"You're guaranteed one of your selected roles because you auto-filled"

So the prize of auto-filling as support...is to play support?

EDIT: Yep, got support again. ggwp Riot, I can't play this game after 9pm anymore.

Support will always takes you to support, there is no escape for that role


It was baffling to me that 3 in the freaking afternoon, at Platinum 3, auto-fill was activated. Like....what is going on? Surely the NA playerbase doesn't suck that badly that they can't reach that high?

consider that plat+ is probably about 10% of the population at best?

now finding enough ppl of ur same mmr that can fill all the other spots in a short time is probably pretty tough


Admittedly I play late at night when the player base is smaller in high plat but you see some of the same people sometimes

Sure, that can happen every now and again. I've never been let down by assuming the people saying that are premade, though.


Support will always takes you to support, there is no escape for that role

When they changed the system to give you your preferred role more often I had a 2:1 split between jungle and support, which is exactly what I always wanted. Since about a week and a half ago it's more like 1:4 like it used to be.


Gold Member
I dont blame the leveling system, the matchmaking should pair you with people leveing at your Lv level not with full 30 lv accounts

Well it really depends I mean you're smurfing and all.

Normals also have their own elo even across all levels so maybe Zky is just too good at that level that he gets matched up with higher leveled accounts resulting in his disadvantage in masteries.


Gold Member
Okay so we have this local event right now where you get to win one of the upcoming food skin but you need to make a Dish name but with puns associated to league and a brief description of the dish. Can you guys help my poor brain out? My puns are so lame and unoriginal.

like bard-beque or something.


got lvl 7 on lux now

just one more emblem for ori

i wish these things didn't take ip or grinding chests to unlock

There are no malls in Runeterra. There is only death...mine, or yours!

When they changed the system to give you your preferred role more often I had a 2:1 split between jungle and support, which is exactly what I always wanted. Since about a week and a half ago it's more like 1:4 like it used to be.
maybe you had a really bad run

statistically it's gotta happen to someone :T
Okay so we have this local event right now where you get to win one of the upcoming food skin but you need to make a Dish name but with puns associated to league and a brief description of the dish. Can you guys help my poor brain out? My puns are so lame and unoriginal.

like bard-beque or something.
All I've got is Rat-Ta-Tat-Tatouille

Fishbones and Chips


I wonder, looking at my replays, if my recent jungle problems are partly due to me looking for perfectly executed ganks when in reality I should just go for it and let the rest sort itself out. Playing with a recent batch of awful laners has made me really gun shy.

While Riot's at it I don't suppose they could revert the Skarner rework to his previous one?
Okay so we have this local event right now where you get to win one of the upcoming food skin but you need to make a Dish name but with puns associated to league and a brief description of the dish. Can you guys help my poor brain out? My puns are so lame and unoriginal.

like bard-beque or something.

Kayle Chips

See you make Kale chips. Baked Kale chips with various seasonings. Its a heavenly delight.
Okay so we have this local event right now where you get to win one of the upcoming food skin but you need to make a Dish name but with puns associated to league and a brief description of the dish. Can you guys help my poor brain out? My puns are so lame and unoriginal.

like bard-beque or something.

Fizz and Chips


Longer term (pre-season) we'll also make some more significant changes also aimed at pushing Ekko towards squishier, higher damage builds that have better counterplay. This change was intended to a quick, predictable nerf as a temporary measure."
for drakkak

also they're pulling the grievous wounds mundo thing, thinking of other ways to buff him


sealed with a kiss
Plz no mundo buffs, he's already bad enough as it is and everyone still remembers the nightmare of pick/ban mundo earlier in the season


Decided to start getting back into the game.

Played some games ...felt like a new born horse trying to walk. First Illaoi game I did well ... my team did well ... but they decided they wanted to dick around and not push objectives that we coulda gotten so late game the enemy team took those objectives and shat on our base after a few failed TFs. Finished 9/4/2 :/

2nd game I fucked up because I was DCed til everyone was level 4 and I as still level 1 so fail. Fed and ended it 0/4/0

3rd game got mid and didn't know what to do so I picked Zyra and got carried by a 30 kill Draven.

4th game starts, i'm feeling better about my control of Illaoi. Fucking Jayce JG tries to gank at level 3 and goes all in. I try to follow up with him in case he can actually do something. Fiora kills us both ... fucking Jayce JG has the nerve to tell me to engage and learn Illaoi. I tell him "Uhhh, I can't engage on that. Illaoi is a counter engage champ". Then I Get laughed at cause this chump doesn't know wtf counter engage is?

Finished the game 12/1/2
I gotta get myself outta this elo, too many people who don't know basic shit like what champs are engage and counter engage or what items to buy for certain situations.

Anyway, it's gonna take some time before I feel as confidant as I use to. Gonna take it easy and play maybe 2 games a day in normal til I feel like I'm back in the groove.
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