Does everyone get auto filled or do people still get roles?
If everyone just got "fill" and no roles were assigned it'd be like old solo queue.
Poor forever diamond noot.Whyyy
Yeah but taht aint getting you out, sup or stay foreverI actually play mid secondary though.
It will try and give everyone their roles, but if a certain role can't be found, it will fill a player into that role.
It's a dumb as fuck idea. I couldn't even support at a plat level, now I'm Diamond 1 and I know if I got put into support now, I'd just solo lose the game. I tried learning support for months a year or so back and I couldn't, it's just not my role, just like jungle isn't my type of role. It's also dumb because it expects players after months of being able to pick between 2 roles to be suddenly able to play a randomly given role, as if you retain all the knowledge and mechanics for certain champs/roles after months of not playing it.
my guess is you were supporting below average players (Gold and below). this video says that's a bad idea during a 'climb'. But now that you're high elo, you should fair much better as playing a true support. If you're Gold or lower, the author suggests playing an aggressive support that can carry if the ADC is awful
[edit- for low elo, he was suggesting supports like Zyra. Obviously this does not apply to a Diamond 1. But anyway I can imagine your frustration!]
Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately. By comparison I think Nami is one of the most challenging supports if you're not just looking to sustain in lane, which I consider to be a losing proposition with how Nami's power resides in her early/mid game.Support isn't hard, just stay away from shit like Thresh and Bard.
Like play easy stuff like Nami/Janna/Braum.
Zyra is broken right now, but you gotta be somewhat decent to play her.
I think it's because Zyra is sort of like the Caitlyn of supports, in a way? She's not mechanically hard besides stuff like blocking skillshots with instant plants, however you need to make the most out of her kit during laning with proper harass while she's pretty vulnerable and E is dodgeable so you don't have a lot of room to fuck up.Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately. By comparison I think Nami is one of the most challenging supports if you're not just looking to sustain in lane, which I consider to be a losing proposition with how Nami's power resides in her early/mid game.
Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately.
Oh. I think there might have been a period of time where Caitlyn had too much power, and people could kind of just brute force a strong laning phase, but for a good while now I feel like she's moved to being one of the most mechanically demanding champs in the game. The difference between a bad Caitlyn and a good Caitlyn is huge.I think it's because Zyra is sort of like the Caitlyn of supports, in a way? She's not mechanically hard besides stuff like blocking skillshots with instant plants, however you need to make the most out of her kit during laning with proper harass while she's pretty vulnerable and E is dodgeable so you don't have a lot of room to fuck up.
Is that the new rotating game mode?Cait is super good in Twisted Treeline.
Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately. By comparison I think Nami is one of the most challenging supports if you're not just looking to sustain in lane, which I consider to be a losing proposition with how Nami's power resides in her early/mid game.
If the vote passes all players in the game basically pretend the game never happened and experience no change in LP/IP/CM/XP, or W/L records
Huh so the team without the afk/dc has no incentive to /remake...? Seems like most of the time they'll just take the free win and refuse to /remake
Only the team of 4 gets to vote on the remake. The team with 5 gets no say.
Only the team of 4 gets to vote on the remake. The team with 5 gets no say.
Ohhh that makes more sense, still kinda sucks for the other team, big waste of time there. Tossing them a bit of LP would have been nice.
Is that fucking Sylvanas Vayne? Oh my god
Apparently it's a 10 hextech gemstone Vayne skin.
Buuuuut I've yet to PvP with Vayne ... even if I liked her I feel like she would need more than a basic 1350 level skin effort to warrant tossing 10 gemstones at.
I don't like the 10 gemstone for unique skins. Rather 10 lootboxes and a key to go with it than 1 skin that's average at best.
nami splash looks great, but the actual skin looks kind of like a blurry mess
really dark and drab and lacking like things that draw your attention and stuff. sounds super fixable with some more work on the texture but as it is right now it looks pretty bad
i like the vayne skin
What would they even nerf about it? Cooldown since she gets CDR more easily these days?I'm ok with a nerf to Irelia, but I don't think her ult really needs it. Her E is what needs nerfed on her in some fashion. That's literally the only big issue that people should have with her.
What would they even nerf about it? Cooldown since she gets CDR more easily these days?
What the fuck that Swain ult cd nerf cant be right