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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Does everyone get auto filled or do people still get roles?

If everyone just got "fill" and no roles were assigned it'd be like old solo queue.


Does everyone get auto filled or do people still get roles?

If everyone just got "fill" and no roles were assigned it'd be like old solo queue.

It will try and give everyone their roles, but if a certain role can't be found, it will fill a player into that role.

It's a dumb as fuck idea. I couldn't even support at a plat level, now I'm Diamond 1 and I know if I got put into support now, I'd just solo lose the game. I tried learning support for months a year or so back and I couldn't, it's just not my role, just like jungle isn't my type of role. It's also dumb because it expects players after months of being able to pick between 2 roles to be suddenly able to play a randomly given role, as if you retain all the knowledge and mechanics for certain champs/roles after months of not playing it.


Support isn't hard, just stay away from shit like Thresh and Bard.

Like play easy stuff like Nami/Janna/Braum.

Zyra is broken right now, but you gotta be somewhat decent to play her.




took a few week break and now it feels like i'm trying to play this game with an nes controller what am i doing


It will try and give everyone their roles, but if a certain role can't be found, it will fill a player into that role.

It's a dumb as fuck idea. I couldn't even support at a plat level, now I'm Diamond 1 and I know if I got put into support now, I'd just solo lose the game. I tried learning support for months a year or so back and I couldn't, it's just not my role, just like jungle isn't my type of role. It's also dumb because it expects players after months of being able to pick between 2 roles to be suddenly able to play a randomly given role, as if you retain all the knowledge and mechanics for certain champs/roles after months of not playing it.

my guess is you were supporting below average players (Gold and below). this video says that's a bad idea during a 'climb'. But now that you're high elo, you should fair much better as playing a true support. If you're Gold or lower, the author suggests playing an aggressive support that can carry if the ADC is awful

[edit- for low elo, he was suggesting supports like Zyra. Obviously this does not apply to a Diamond 1. But anyway I can imagine your frustration!]


my guess is you were supporting below average players (Gold and below). this video says that's a bad idea during a 'climb'. But now that you're high elo, you should fair much better as playing a true support. If you're Gold or lower, the author suggests playing an aggressive support that can carry if the ADC is awful

[edit- for low elo, he was suggesting supports like Zyra. Obviously this does not apply to a Diamond 1. But anyway I can imagine your frustration!]

Zyra poking around with her plants is quite good at my ELO, but you've got to be aware that she's prone to melting down if an enemy looks at her hard enough. Rylai's scepter applying slow from plant attacks gives her some good kiting ability in the mid/late game, but I'm also torn between that and Zhonya's as my second full item (after FQC) for the added versatily of avoiding certain death while your plants, ult and/or teammates keep up the pressure. I guess I should abide by the "build damage when ahead, armor when behind" rule, right?

Still, I find poke supports such as her and Karma a lot more fun than all-in champs like Blitz or ones I just can't use well enough, such as Thresh. I find that my bronzie peers tend to misjudge my plants (mostly when ulted), and die to them in situations where better players probably wouldn't.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Support isn't hard, just stay away from shit like Thresh and Bard.

Like play easy stuff like Nami/Janna/Braum.

Zyra is broken right now, but you gotta be somewhat decent to play her.
Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately. By comparison I think Nami is one of the most challenging supports if you're not just looking to sustain in lane, which I consider to be a losing proposition with how Nami's power resides in her early/mid game.
Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately. By comparison I think Nami is one of the most challenging supports if you're not just looking to sustain in lane, which I consider to be a losing proposition with how Nami's power resides in her early/mid game.
I think it's because Zyra is sort of like the Caitlyn of supports, in a way? She's not mechanically hard besides stuff like blocking skillshots with instant plants, however you need to make the most out of her kit during laning with proper harass while she's pretty vulnerable and E is dodgeable so you don't have a lot of room to fuck up.


Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately.

Her new passive is a lot better since free seeds help her harass even at level 1, new plant spawning ranges are really generous, and the new Q's attack shape is also nice IMO.

I kind of like that I can do QWW to do some heavy poking without even having to spend her E or ult, and a full spell rotation can be very dangerous when I manage to land it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think it's because Zyra is sort of like the Caitlyn of supports, in a way? She's not mechanically hard besides stuff like blocking skillshots with instant plants, however you need to make the most out of her kit during laning with proper harass while she's pretty vulnerable and E is dodgeable so you don't have a lot of room to fuck up.
Oh. I think there might have been a period of time where Caitlyn had too much power, and people could kind of just brute force a strong laning phase, but for a good while now I feel like she's moved to being one of the most mechanically demanding champs in the game. The difference between a bad Caitlyn and a good Caitlyn is huge.

With Zyra it's one of those things where it's pretty hard for her to do absolutely nothing. She has a really generous range compared to other harass champions, her root is a very straightforward line skill shot, and something will almost always happen. Miss the root? You still get plant slow. I consider her to be a very forgiving champion, so she actually feels like a good fit for beginners.
I wouldn't really call Cait mechanically demanding as much as she just requires you to pretty much master the flow of bot lane and all of its match ups in order to be truly useful.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If you ever see a truly nutty Caitlyn who can hold near max range and really knows when to use abilities and when to auto it's really impressive.


Is new Zyra that much harder? In the past I always felt like she was a pretty approachable champion for lots of players. When I try to remember learning champions she stands out as being one where I felt capable almost immediately. By comparison I think Nami is one of the most challenging supports if you're not just looking to sustain in lane, which I consider to be a losing proposition with how Nami's power resides in her early/mid game.

Nope, new Zyra is the same difficulty as old Zyra.

Newt is just salty/biased over Nami.


Huh so the team without the afk/dc has no incentive to /remake...? Seems like most of the time they'll just take the free win and refuse to /remake

If the vote passes all players in the game basically pretend the game never happened and experience no change in LP/IP/CM/XP, or W/L records
Only the team of 4 gets to vote on the remake. The team with 5 gets no say.

Actually, if they know there's a AFK on the enemy team they can group and force a First Blood which takes away the /remake option and forces them to stay in the game as I understand it.

Basically, if anyone kills anyone with in the first 3 mins there's no option to remake, right?
Ohhh that makes more sense, still kinda sucks for the other team, big waste of time there. Tossing them a bit of LP would have been nice.

The people who get stuck with the AFK player are also having their time wasted. If I was on the team with 4 people, I'd be pissed off if I knew that the other team gets free LP if we vote to remake the game because a troll left on purpose or someone's internet went out. It's a win/win situation for the full team because they either play the game normally against a undermanned team, or they get free LP in a matter of minutes w/o doing anything.
Apparently it's a 10 hextech gemstone Vayne skin.

I hope that Vayne skin is legendary level with new emotes and VO and dancing ... cause her kit doesn't have enough effects to warrant a hard-to-get gemstone/ hextech gated skin.

I saved up 10 with ZERO intention in getting the Hexxtech Annie because I figured they would do this for more champs.

Buuuuut I've yet to PvP with Vayne ... even if I liked her I feel like she would need more than a basic 1350 level skin effort to warrant tossing 10 gemstones at.
I don't like the 10 gemstone for unique skins. Rather 10 lootboxes and a key to go with it than 1 skin that's average at best.

Yeah, agreed. If people wanna luck it out, they luck it out. If they wanna grind it out with The free chest you only get once pre time you get a S on a champ they cane do that. If they wanna just buy it then they can spend what's basically the cost of a legendary to get it ... but they should be legendary level to warrant it.

Previews for the new skins.

EDIT- They're apparently looking into other ways to get gemstones.

And this.
Too bad it's just a 1350 level skin ... no new dances or emotes or w/e :/


nami splash looks great, but the actual skin looks kind of like a blurry mess

really dark and drab and lacking like things that draw your attention and stuff. sounds super fixable with some more work on the texture but as it is right now it looks pretty bad

i like the vayne skin

edit: oh the vayne skin is unique to loot boxes

what a fucking rotten system in every possible way

it's a vayne skin so i don't care but the moment it's a skin i like and i can't just buy it like a normal skin and have to instead gamble or grind i'm gonna be pretty fucking pissed


sealed with a kiss
nami splash looks great, but the actual skin looks kind of like a blurry mess

really dark and drab and lacking like things that draw your attention and stuff. sounds super fixable with some more work on the texture but as it is right now it looks pretty bad

i like the vayne skin

idk i think it looks cool

plus jpg is ruining the image


Had a game on my silver smurf with a tyler1 wannabe draven who kept dying in lane and said he was never going to group, didn't care cause it was a smurf, etcetc. Carried him to a win 4v5 and everyone else on the team still agreed we were all going to report him for being a toxic asshole. "I don't care I'm a smurf". 30 seconds after the report "due to your help we have punished a player that has been identified as not behaving up to standards yadayadayada"

Thanks riot :D


Yea the CD nerf seems a bit high. That being said I do feel like the CD should be a bit longer considering how opressive Swain can be these days. Gives a clear moment for the enemy to engage on and gives the Swain more thought process of when to use ult rather then it just being a toggle.


I'm ok with a nerf to Irelia, but I don't think her ult really needs it. Her E is what needs nerfed on her in some fashion. That's literally the only big issue that people should have with her.
I'm ok with a nerf to Irelia, but I don't think her ult really needs it. Her E is what needs nerfed on her in some fashion. That's literally the only big issue that people should have with her.
What would they even nerf about it? Cooldown since she gets CDR more easily these days?



sona changes are kind of cool

tying base cdr to her ult sounds like an interesting change since it kind of ties her aura spams to mid-lategame while allowing her spells feel more powerful in lane

not sure how it's gonna look but sounds smart to me

also again i don't like this buff to syndra, i think it's dumb and boring and i wish i had my cool looking q balls back


What would they even nerf about it? Cooldown since she gets CDR more easily these days?

To be honest her E probably just needs to be reworked. Her kit is heavily reliant on each of her other abilities, no one ability is too strong to just nerf it and call it a day except for her E, but it doesn't need nerfing it needs changed.

It's a point and click 2 second stun that makes fighting her 1v1 nearly impossible with the CDR that's freely available now. The nerf on her R doesn't solve any of her actual problems as a duelist.

But now Q max second is more than just viable, it's preferred for soloq so I don't even know.
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