Wolf Akela
Happy with the upcoming ARAM patch. I'm so glad they're not pushing through with removing the support items. A lot of tanks really benefit from Targon.
swain nerf sounds good
doesn't hurt his teamfighting, but will make him less oppressive in lane
They need to lower the fuck off the mana cost then if they don't want it to be a toggle ability. Even with a stacked RoA that shit empties the pool like nothing.
And karma, taliya, reksai...Illaoi getting robbed
And karma, taliya, reksai...
And karma, taliya, reksai...
... I now more than ever want Popstar Rek'sai to be a skin.
so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again
i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse
She's essentially URF Sona at level 16 and 45% cdr. She's gonna need so much mana to be able to use that much cdr. She does become more interesting at least.![]()
sona changes are kind of cool
tying base cdr to her ult sounds like an interesting change since it kind of ties her aura spams to mid-lategame while allowing her spells feel more powerful in lane
not sure how it's gonna look but sounds smart to me
also again i don't like this buff to syndra, i think it's dumb and boring and i wish i had my cool looking q balls back
so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again
i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse
now you know how I feel about swain
feel my pain
that's twice I said that this week
sona changes are kind of cool
tying base cdr to her ult sounds like an interesting change since it kind of ties her aura spams to mid-lategame while allowing her spells feel more powerful in lane
not sure how it's gonna look but sounds smart to me
also again i don't like this buff to syndra, i think it's dumb and boring and i wish i had my cool looking q balls back
nami splash looks great, but the actual skin looks kind of like a blurry mess
really dark and drab and lacking like things that draw your attention and stuff. sounds super fixable with some more work on the texture but as it is right now it looks pretty bad
i like the vayne skin
edit: oh the vayne skin is unique to loot boxes
what a fucking rotten system in every possible way
it's a vayne skin so i don't care but the moment it's a skin i like and i can't just buy it like a normal skin and have to instead gamble or grind i'm gonna be pretty fucking pissed
Hm, Irelia nerf really isn't that bad. At rank 2 with 40% CDR her ult is still only 51 seconds.
At worst at rank 1 with 20% CDR (Stinger & Sheen) it's 88 seconds, which is still longer than its initial CD, but not bad.
so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again
i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse
Yesterday I set out to play my daily bot game for the easy IP, but once we got to the loading screen I noticed none of my teammates actually had their keystones... then, a couple minutes in we were 1/5 and things just kept getting worse. I'm really glad I had licked Annie to support with, because I'm sure we'd have lost had I picked someone that's better at setting up kills since my teammates (except for a lone MF) all sucked. By the end, I had done nearly as much damage to champions as the rest of my team combined, and our lovely 0/10/2 Cass (who idled near fountain for over five minutes) built two AD items worth 1K gold and only spent gold on a single potion or two after every death after the 9-minute mark; oh, and she had the gall to ping me when I walked up to bots and killed them in her lane.
I acually kind of wish I had the time to help my team understand the game more, but with three players doing horrendously I was really struggling to keep the team into the game, let alone go baybisit Cass while the rest of the map burned in order to explain to her how she was a mage, how her abilities worked and that she should follow the shop's recommended items to start with.
At least Swain saw some pro play. Cant recall even seeing Irelia there but I could be wrong. I've fallen behind on LCS
No see they need to add a day night cycle, and Leona heals extra fast during daytime
Bam sustain issues solved
No see they need to add a day night cycle, and Leona heals extra fast during daytime
Bam sustain issues solved
They will have to revert it.so kindred gets her heal removed, her cooldowns nerfed, her damage nerfed, and now her armor gutted...
No see they need to add a day night cycle, and Leona heals extra fast during daytime
Bam sustain issues solved
Pretty sure that's a mechanic on Dota, there's a champ that gets stronger at night I know.
so kindred gets her heal removed, her cooldowns nerfed, her damage nerfed, and now her armor gutted... how is she supposed to be a threat now that anyone can look at her and sneeze and she'll die?
She aint as strong or braindead as yi though.I mean...she's still really strong.
I mean...she's still really strong.
Are either of you looking at the same statistics I am? Because I see a mechanically intensive champion with a ~53% win rate. How in the hell is that weak?