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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Happy with the upcoming ARAM patch. I'm so glad they're not pushing through with removing the support items. A lot of tanks really benefit from Targon.


They need to lower the fuck off the mana cost then if they don't want it to be a toggle ability. Even with a stacked RoA that shit empties the pool like nothing.


They need to rework these crafting only skins to straight up just cost a buttload of essence. It can be a lot, that's fine.

That way you can whale them with loot box disenchants or you can slowly save up for them.

The random gem business is rotten.


Hm, Irelia nerf really isn't that bad. At rank 2 with 40% CDR her ult is still only 51 seconds.
At worst at rank 1 with 20% CDR (Stinger & Sheen) it's 88 seconds, which is still longer than its initial CD, but not bad.
swain nerf sounds good

doesn't hurt his teamfighting, but will make him less oppressive in lane

They need to lower the fuck off the mana cost then if they don't want it to be a toggle ability. Even with a stacked RoA that shit empties the pool like nothing.

It hurts Swain alot more than you think. The only ways to make this good is if they up the damage and increase the healing again. The whole reason his healing was nerfed was because he healed too much on a low CD.

So if they're going to increase the CD on it, increase the damage, lower the mana cost, and increase the healing. Pick 2 of the 3.
His ult isn't oppressive. It doesn't do alot of damage. It's the low CD sustain that's strong. Nerfing it by 300% is just way overboard. Even 20 seconds would be a bit better, but 30 seconds? Nah. Not for the mana it takes, not for the small damage it does, and now not for the post nerfed healing aspect of it.

I feel that the nerf to catalyst during this patch is also meant to hit primarily Swain, as well.


I said I felt bad for you earlier in the thread. This was inevitable. You never, ever want your favorite champion to be really strong.

I hope you enjoyed your time with him. He'll always be remembered.


Waited 20 minutes to get a queue and once I finally got in a some dude wanted to play Vayne Top. Some dude dodged or he woulda got the Bard ADC.





sealed with a kiss
so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again

i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse
so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again

i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse

now you know how I feel about swain

feel my pain

that's twice I said that this week



sona changes are kind of cool

tying base cdr to her ult sounds like an interesting change since it kind of ties her aura spams to mid-lategame while allowing her spells feel more powerful in lane

not sure how it's gonna look but sounds smart to me

also again i don't like this buff to syndra, i think it's dumb and boring and i wish i had my cool looking q balls back
She's essentially URF Sona at level 16 and 45% cdr. She's gonna need so much mana to be able to use that much cdr. She does become more interesting at least.

so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again

i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse

now you know how I feel about swain

feel my pain

that's twice I said that this week

They are both still perma bans even after their latest nerfs, so it's not really uncalled for. Maybe the Swain nerf is overboard (scaling the cd down with levels maybe?), but the Kindred one is definitely not. She's still one of the absolute top junglers.



sona changes are kind of cool

tying base cdr to her ult sounds like an interesting change since it kind of ties her aura spams to mid-lategame while allowing her spells feel more powerful in lane

not sure how it's gonna look but sounds smart to me

also again i don't like this buff to syndra, i think it's dumb and boring and i wish i had my cool looking q balls back

yo' those movement speed buffs on her e!!!
First time Illaoi ... IDK how these things happened but I'm not gonna bitch about it.

Also I ran DFT on her ... I think it was more useful than Grasp or w/e would have been.

On one hand, they may have been held back by their garbage earthbender support champ. Buuuut on the other hand our Naut Jg not only went Attack speed build but also DCed for like 3-4 mins randomly and I was camped all game with zero pressure from him when he was on. Plus our Kat had to go against the relentless push Donger build.
Meddler said they're still assessing how hard they'll hit Swain since RoA just got nerfed

That said I dunno about CD nerfs for AP champions when the game literally shits out CDR these days


Yesterday I set out to play my daily bot game for the easy IP, but once we got to the loading screen I noticed none of my teammates actually had their keystones... then, a couple minutes in we were 1/5 and things just kept getting worse. I'm really glad I had licked Annie to support with, because I'm sure we'd have lost had I picked someone that's better at setting up kills since my teammates (except for a lone MF) all sucked. By the end, I had done nearly as much damage to champions as the rest of my team combined, and our lovely 0/10/2 Cass (who idled near fountain for over five minutes) built two AD items worth 1K gold and only spent gold on a single potion or two after every death after the 9-minute mark; oh, and she had the gall to ping me when I walked up to bots and killed them in her lane.

I acually kind of wish I had the time to help my team understand the game more, but with three players doing horrendously I was really struggling to keep the team into the game, let alone go baybisit Cass while the rest of the map burned in order to explain to her how she was a mage, how her abilities worked and that she should follow the shop's recommended items to start with.


nami splash looks great, but the actual skin looks kind of like a blurry mess

really dark and drab and lacking like things that draw your attention and stuff. sounds super fixable with some more work on the texture but as it is right now it looks pretty bad

i like the vayne skin

edit: oh the vayne skin is unique to loot boxes

what a fucking rotten system in every possible way

it's a vayne skin so i don't care but the moment it's a skin i like and i can't just buy it like a normal skin and have to instead gamble or grind i'm gonna be pretty fucking pissed

Agree'd. I guess Riot really admires the crappy random loot boxes in SMITE. Smite is much worse though to be fair- almost all the decent skins is hidden behind a random loot crate with awful odds of getting good skins

But that's my only complaint about Smite tho. Overwatch drew me away from Smite too

[edit] (funny thought) Overwatch has loot boxes too. It's a freakin' plague lol


Hm, Irelia nerf really isn't that bad. At rank 2 with 40% CDR her ult is still only 51 seconds.
At worst at rank 1 with 20% CDR (Stinger & Sheen) it's 88 seconds, which is still longer than its initial CD, but not bad.

At least Swain saw some pro play. Cant recall even seeing Irelia there but I could be wrong. I've fallen behind on LCS

so cute!!!

so kindred has nerfs lined up on pbe again

i guess cratering them wasn't enough, rito might as well just take them out and make a different champion with their cold lifeless corpse

Yeah it seems like League of Nerfs

Yesterday I set out to play my daily bot game for the easy IP, but once we got to the loading screen I noticed none of my teammates actually had their keystones... then, a couple minutes in we were 1/5 and things just kept getting worse. I'm really glad I had licked Annie to support with, because I'm sure we'd have lost had I picked someone that's better at setting up kills since my teammates (except for a lone MF) all sucked. By the end, I had done nearly as much damage to champions as the rest of my team combined, and our lovely 0/10/2 Cass (who idled near fountain for over five minutes) built two AD items worth 1K gold and only spent gold on a single potion or two after every death after the 9-minute mark; oh, and she had the gall to ping me when I walked up to bots and killed them in her lane.

I acually kind of wish I had the time to help my team understand the game more, but with three players doing horrendously I was really struggling to keep the team into the game, let alone go baybisit Cass while the rest of the map burned in order to explain to her how she was a mage, how her abilities worked and that she should follow the shop's recommended items to start with.

I only had time to run two bot games on Saturday. Saw Taliyah on free rotation. First game got carried. Second game sort of figured out her kit.

Now I see Kindred is on free rotation. I might give him a try although it sounds like he/she's nerf inbound



tentative leona changes

i really like how the w changes sound, kind of makes me feel like she could be played as a top laner now since they're shifting a good amount of her dmg from her passive into her w on-hit thing which she'll proc herself

very interesting



anyways i like the changes a lot cos they seem to give her a fair bit of extra gameplay that's not just picking people off since between the shorter cd on q and the w procs she'll have something to do in a teamfight

i wonder how q and her w proc thing will interact too, does she get 50 more aa range for her q? that'd be pretty neat

i really like these changes, they feel very fresh
I actually always hoped that they would rework her into a top lane juggernaut.
If they allowed her to be viable as a solo laner then I would love to try her out.


honestly she's probably still really bad as a top laner since she has no sustain and she's still gonna be pretty bad at 1v1

like trundle will eat her up


sealed with a kiss
so kindred gets her heal removed, her cooldowns nerfed, her damage nerfed, and now her armor gutted... how is she supposed to be a threat now that anyone can look at her and sneeze and she'll die?


Are either of you looking at the same statistics I am? Because I see a mechanically intensive champion with a ~53% win rate. How in the hell is that weak? Just because she dropped significantly in the last patch doesn't have any bearing on whether or not she's still strong.

Also, love the change to her W slowing monsters. Very inspired, though it might be a touch overturned.

Not a fan of the Tahm changes. Until they make him less frustrating to play against when he W saves an ally he'll continue to have balance issues.


sealed with a kiss
Are either of you looking at the same statistics I am? Because I see a mechanically intensive champion with a ~53% win rate. How in the hell is that weak?

it's not excessively strong either now, which is the point. The nerfs lined up on pbe would gut her.
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