Played Graves and it was a fucking disaster, and that one is 100% on me. I was completely clueless. We won but I had nothing to do with it...well, mostly. I unintentionally soaked a decent amount of damage and the team won a few key fights off of my lifeless corpse. But that's ok because...
I did it. I finally found my carry jungler. She is Quinn, and she is wonderful. How the fuck is she so under the radar right now. Her initial clear is a touch worse than Kindred or Graves, but she scales very well and that post-6 map pressure is to die for. Nice utility in Q and W, and she has both burst and sustained damage.
I am 100% honestly looking for feedback and criticism on my latest video. I would like to know your opinions on Kog'Maw DE-rework.
You're very well spoken and sure of yourself, so that's definitely a plus for me. It sounds like you did lots of good prep work. Didn't pay attention to much of the content though because we're still midway through the 6.19 PBE cycle and there might be more changes on the way. Not sure if you did that for practice or not, but I'm not sure I'd bother to do a video like this until a day or two before the supposed patch drops.
As far as things to improve on, a better opening fanfare for your content is a must to get attention and the visual presentation when you show the champs, etc. needs some work.
I might just start spamming mundo top. Gonna see how well he fares in the jungle.
Or, you can pick either Zac or Tahm in the jungle, deal the same damage while soaking the same amount of damage as Mundo, and you'd actually bring something some additional bonuses to your team.
Jesus Christ thank God people are picking up on how bullshit Zac is right now. 37% ban rate and climbing, saw him banned in both matches today.