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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Tragic victim of fan death
it's 3000 range, which is a decent distance. If you get caught, ult then Zhonya's and you're away

alternatively, do what I did. Ult and Zhonya's onto the enemy fountain for BM just as the Nexus explodes

and it's not about how often it is, it's that it's a possibility. Ryze ult is so versatile. People haven't even come close to discovering what it can be used for and where.

You know what I can imagine. I can imagine Ryze in a One for All just teleport chaining to a random as fucking place. Or someone just casting teleport and everyone just zhonya's out for the lulz.

On this topic what about timing a Teleport Ryz with Fiddle Ult. Or some other crazy shenanigans like pulling someone with Blitz Grab as you're getting teleported away. I want to see the possibilities.


I just... Damn. So good.

Bruam: Dude we're down 20 kills and their team is fed as fuck. Just surrender.

Me (Garen): Fuck that shit.

-15 min later-

Victory. :D


Played a game over the weekend and got a Rengar that went full hard tilt after the split push strat didn't work out. Pretty much started to call our team nigger and faggot. I instantly reported that sucker and logged out cuz I was done for the day. Logged on today and saw the ban notification. Sweet fucking justice. Thanks Riot.

been looking for my own justice for so long

Ryze is really fun, and I think much better designed now. He has to make meaningful tradeoffs (e.g. lower damage for shield/increased root) and the ult is really versatile. There's no de facto rotation he needs to use, you actually have to use your brain in the moment and pick the right spell combo for the right moment. He also can't build as tanky as he used to.

Cool champion, really enjoying playing him. Hard to master though. His skill ceiling is insane.
i like new ryze a lot better (have i been saying for years that he needed a real non-steroid ult or what?)

my biggest problem with him is that you have to track so many things when playing against him and also how he kind of still "turns on" and murders you despite not doing much else the rest of the time

it just drives me to play passive against him cos i don't want to have to deal with all his shit lol

This seems just... impratical. I can't imagine this type of play being used very often. Unless you're like the sole survivor trying to get out. Also can't the enemy seee where your porting to since the distance isn't far? Sounds like they can just trap you.
it's a good escape i guess, but yeah not terribly useful


Of course after winning that incredibly hard game. The next game the Jayce (whom got fed off my team, not me), carried their sucky team to victory. All of them were losing their lanes, their jungler died over 12 times. They only fucking won cause Jayce could literally 4 shot our entire team.


Fucking made no progress today. Was one- ONE match away from getting into my series and that just got flush down the drain. Now I'm 3 matches away- maybe. My MMR dropped from the 2 loses (went from losing 16 to 17), so it's very likely I'll only be getting 19 and thus 4 matches... Fuck.


What rune sets does everyone have?

I think im going to buy magic and armor penetration
ap mid essential is ap quints, mpen reds, hp/lvl yellows, 3 ap/lvl blues, 6 cdr/lvl blues. i'll go flat armor yellows against zed and co. instead

got a few exceptions for like azir (i think i got attack speed blues on him? i forget) and for varus i got ad quints, ad reds, hp/lvl yellows and 3 mr/lvl and 6 cdr/lvl blues

Are you supposed to sell your boots when you have full build and a ton of gold.

maybe on some adcs idk

games rarely get to 6 items in this season i think


You know what I can imagine. I can imagine Ryze in a One for All just teleport chaining to a random as fucking place. Or someone just casting teleport and everyone just zhonya's out for the lulz.

On this topic what about timing a Teleport Ryz with Fiddle Ult. Or some other crazy shenanigans like pulling someone with Blitz Grab as you're getting teleported away. I want to see the possibilities.

There was a video on reddit a week ago where ap nunu channels his ult and ryze tp's into people and one shots them.


guess who this is


hint: it's not the very-acceptably-overpowered-at-worlds-according-to-rito malzahar


guess who this is


hint: it's not the very-acceptably-overpowered-at-worlds-according-to-rito malzahar

I just don't get why they do things like slowly chip away at rek sai, which is slow but probably the best way to approach it, then knee jerks double nerf tali in one patch.



good guess but yasuo was so stupid broken he managed to still remain at almost 52% winrate lol

I just don't get why they do things like slowly chip away at rek sai, which is slow but probably the best way to approach it, then knee jerks double nerf tali in one patch.
yup, specially when champions like malzahar or ekko are left unchecked

would it have been so bad to just nerf her minion dmg to 20% instead of 50% like scarra said?

Yup that's Yorick alright

After his rework his win rate just tanked to 40's. rito give us control of the maiden.
yorick has higher winrate than taliyah now

she's now in winrate olafing hell with her new best buds azir, vladimir and ryze


Does double IP bought from Riot points stack with free double IP weekends? :/

If I don't get more than that's kind of a rip off.
newt all ur solo q games go horribly wrong and ur stuck playing a tear based adc with 0 dmg until 20 minutes. thats the definition of masochism.


Played Graves and it was a fucking disaster, and that one is 100% on me. I was completely clueless. We won but I had nothing to do with it...well, mostly. I unintentionally soaked a decent amount of damage and the team won a few key fights off of my lifeless corpse. But that's ok because...

I did it. I finally found my carry jungler. She is Quinn, and she is wonderful. How the fuck is she so under the radar right now. Her initial clear is a touch worse than Kindred or Graves, but she scales very well and that post-6 map pressure is to die for. Nice utility in Q and W, and she has both burst and sustained damage.

I am 100% honestly looking for feedback and criticism on my latest video. I would like to know your opinions on Kog'Maw DE-rework.


You're very well spoken and sure of yourself, so that's definitely a plus for me. It sounds like you did lots of good prep work. Didn't pay attention to much of the content though because we're still midway through the 6.19 PBE cycle and there might be more changes on the way. Not sure if you did that for practice or not, but I'm not sure I'd bother to do a video like this until a day or two before the supposed patch drops.

As far as things to improve on, a better opening fanfare for your content is a must to get attention and the visual presentation when you show the champs, etc. needs some work.

I might just start spamming mundo top. Gonna see how well he fares in the jungle.

Or, you can pick either Zac or Tahm in the jungle, deal the same damage while soaking the same amount of damage as Mundo, and you'd actually bring something some additional bonuses to your team.

Jesus Christ thank God people are picking up on how bullshit Zac is right now. 37% ban rate and climbing, saw him banned in both matches today.
Soraka is just an unhealthy playstyle pattern in League of Legends because there isn't really a way to hard-punish grouping unless you're super far ahead. Soraka based deathballs aren't going away because of a few seconds off of her W; what's honestly more problematic for her is the massive global heal she has access to and the ridiculous amount of healing buffs she can get from masteries and items means that her gameplay goes from annoying to infuriating fast.

Twitch is weird because his laning phase should theoretically be absolute trash, but so many lane bully adcs are either gutter tier or just not very strong that Twitch can safely farm up one item and begin to roam.
Ignoring soraka is heresy, leaving her with a small HP and going for another enemy is dumb because soraka safety heal her teammate, spam her Q to self heal and keep healing everyone while silence you with her E.

Your team have to snowball bot lane or Soraka will make bot lane a torture until their jungle comes or her ADC overcomes bot lane and roam.
Ignoring soraka is heresy, leaving her with a small HP and going for another enemy is dumb because soraka safety heal her teammate, spam her Q to self heal and keep healing everyone while silence you with her E.

Your team have to snowball bot lane or Soraka will make bot lante a torture until their jungle comes or her ADC overcomes bot lane and roam.

Now what if they remade Sona to have a huge heal, but it was over time, a heal over time if you will

and a snare that grew over time

And her ultimate caused a silence in a huge area around her

Bam, you have another viable support
Now what if they remade Sona to have a huge heal, but it was over time, a heal over time if you will

and a snare that grew over time

And her ultimate caused a silence in a huge area around her

Bam, you have another viable support

A slow heal that starts as long you stay in the aura would be interesting and grants a shield when the aura expires, boom

Riot changed her E to be useful to leave and enter combat, was too useful they had to nerf her E to make it useless, again.

Or making her grants a permanent passive MR , Passive attack or a Passive speed boost while you are near to her according to her active aura . But it was too passive they said.


i so wish lvl 6's and 7's weren't gated by ip

making it require s ranks was great, making it a grind is very much not fun, specially when u can't like bank emblems for ur next level

i love league but honestly i'd say everything that's outside of the game itself is superficial at best and an incomprehensible convoluted mess at worst

and usually it's the latter
nah, big problem is windspeakers. theres no reason why such a massive amount of armor and mr should be so spammable. lets not even get into its synergy with locket, mikaels and ardent censor
i so wish lvl 6's and 7's weren't gated by ip

I was thinking about this just last night. 6's and 7's being gated by essentially by heavy time or money commitments are sketchy as fuck and it devalues what they should have represented. If they wanted 6's and 7's to feel special while not looking like fucking weasels, they could have simply gated 6 behind 6 S- scores and 7 behind 7 S scores. Then you'd know people with 7 are legit. Or at least more legit. And it'd feel more meaningful. At this point, I just play champs that I have champ shards for because those are at least fast 6's. I'm not interested in dropping essence for 7's and i have 1400 of the stuff. But I have 8 champs ready to go to 6. Why does this system make sense.
nah, big problem is windspeakers. theres no reason why such a massive amount of armor and mr should be so spammable. lets not even get into its synergy with locket, mikaels and ardent censor

remove masteries

remove runes

start balance of champions for being champions and not having to take into consideration of masteries and shit, which is just useless fluff that is more harmful to the game than not


There's no reason to avoid ranked on champs you aren't as familiar with. It's the best tryhard experience you can get in soloqueue and you'll ideally be playing against people on top of their game. Nothing is gonna make you learn faster than getting your teeth kicked in and avoiding ranked for most champs only holds off the inevitable. Part of learning a champ is just grinding the matchups and playing against people who aren't taking the game seriously or are gimping themselves similarly only tells you a false narrative.

The points come and go. What's important is that you take those games as opportunities to learn, not as a metric to pat yourself on the back.

Oh, I know. I just like having a basic understanding of a champ before taking them to ranked. I feel like that's not only a good thing for me to figure out how that champ works but it's also a courtesy to my team that I know at least a bit about the champ

Like Cass. I have literally only played her twice... 2nd time went much better but I was still clearly being carried. Until I feel like I "know" the champ a decent bit I don't see a reason to take it to ranked. It's like being tossed into a boxing ring without ever learning the basics.

Also ...
"It's the best tryhard experience you can get in soloqueue and you'll ideally be playing against people on top of their game."

Let me show you something ...
My last Promo game

Pay special attention to that Annie ...
Fucker sold all his items and went ADC Annie for the final 7 mins of the game. In the lobby they waited til the last min to swap out smite. Did the least amount of DMG in the game. This kinda trolly shit is why I stopped rank for so long.

The thing about it is that this is Bronze. Sure, sometimes everyone's on the right page and trying to tryhard their best. But many people see it as a "I got nothing to lose, we're already at the bottom of the shit pile :p" and just do this type of shit to troll. That's why I think you do need a bit of luck along with some good amount of determination (not only to to raise up but also to improve yourself) to get through this elo, this game coulda been a fail in so many ways but thankfully I was about to get fed.



worlds crafting stuff

i really hope we don't get a compendium

you know what's not cool

being a blood sucking parasite to your players

(late night pbe patch)

remove masteries

remove runes

start balance of champions for being champions and not having to take into consideration of masteries and shit, which is just useless fluff that is more harmful to the game than not


it just doesn't work, it took them like 6 months to balance keystones to the point that they're exactly as mindless and uninteresting as before

runes are a joke

just remove this shit already, this is not fun or engaging in any way


I like the customization in runes. I'm aware that few champs actually use multiple rune pages though, so it wouldn't be completely unreasonable to see them go.

Masteries can go though, they've been kinda bad this season.
Riot can take away runes, but I think the mastery trees should stay. I like being able to make the decision to run with Thunderlords on Rengar during one game, and switch it up to Fervor the next. Or being able to take SotA on Lee when going tanky or TLD when I just want to body fools.
I like the customization in runes. I'm aware that few champs actually use multiple rune pages though, so it wouldn't be completely unreasonable to see them go.

Masteries can go though, they've been kinda bad this season.

The rune customization is completely shallow and encourages min/maxing for a role, and that's toxic in the long run.

Just remove it completely.


I like the customization in runes. I'm aware that few champs actually use multiple rune pages though, so it wouldn't be completely unreasonable to see them go.

Masteries can go though, they've been kinda bad this season.

the customization isn't there tho

most people never change their runes and the best runesets have been solved over and over again to the point that it just doesn't make any sense for them to be customizable

add to that that it's an insane ip sink (those cdr/lvl blues are like 820 each ffs)

it's just a really bad system

Riot can take away runes, but I think the mastery trees should stay. I like being able to make the decision to run with Thunderlords on Rengar during one game, and switch it up to Fervor the next. Or being able to take SotA on Lee when going tanky or TLD when I just want to body fools.
that's probably an exception, there are very few champions that can afford to do that

i appreciate some things keystones do that are kind of interesting, like thunderlords and grasp sort of dictating trading patterns is pretty good for the game, but again those things could fit very well into early game items without need to have a system that's really difficult to balance and best case scenario has still been mix maxed into irrelevance


I like the way you can personalize the runes.

I just think they should be replaced with a stat sheet system where you don't have to buy shit. You can dick around with it all you want at day one.


The rune customization is completely shallow and encourages min/maxing for a role, and that's toxic in the long run.

Just remove it completely.

the customization isn't there tho

most people never change their runes and the best runesets have been solved over and over again to the point that it just doesn't make any sense for them to be customizable

add to that that it's an insane ip sink (those cdr/lvl blues are like 820 each ffs)

it's just a really bad system

The customization is there, but for few champs, which I mentioned in the original post.

For example, playing Zyra in what is otherwise a full AD comp I will stack magic pen on my runes to achieve that dumb true damage. If there are other AP champs on the team I'll go for less mpen and more ap, and adjust my build ingame accordingly.

I recognize that there are very few champs that can actually customize their rune page in a good way, but I still enjoy it on the ones I actually do get to use the customization for, if that makes sense. I wouldn't be against removing runes, but I enjoy the customization I can do.

IP sink is whatever though, runes should be free if they exist.


Gold Member
Masteries suck but runes should stay.

There's tons of customization especially if you're a OTP like me on Riven because I use her on mid and top lane and even on some other champs. Basically it's match up dependent. I even have full armor rune page for riven just for surviving panth or renek.
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