The biggest advice I can give for Ezreal is that you have to E forward to do damage on him. W doesn't do much dmg, but it's worth using just because it's part of your combo. Triforce does more dmg, but gauntlet lets you play more aggressive.
Don't try to group too much unless your tear is stacked. Try to back as early as possible, it's okay to lose a little CS in exchange for a tear. Don't fall under the trap of sitting under tower with no mana and only a doran's blade. Ezreal is a shitty pusher, so you're prob gonna have to miss CS against heavy pushers like Sivir and Cait if you want to back for tear.
Also remember, you can always E in to burst someone quickly and use flash to get out fast. Honestly, for getting used to Ezreal I would recommend getting Gauntlet over tear. You do like 50% less damage, but it's easier to land your stuff and plays you make become less risky.
Gauntlet over tear? Don't you generally go both?
Most common I see is tear into sheen then straight to IBG. Finish up manamune get ionian in between then just go last whisper, BorK, GA/BT/ Mercurial in no particular order depending on who you're up against.
The other build is just trinity instead of IBG but getting frozen mallet as well for utility but mostly the same as the previous build.
The 1st build is generally safer.
No, I mean Gauntlet over triforce.
Don't ever build frozen mallet on Ezreal.
Thanks everybody, so for build I go with tear --> manamune, IBG, BOTKR and stuff? Cooldown shoes or atk spd?The key to ezreal is not giving a single fuck. Learn his limits and be aggressive without shifting into 5 champs
An ezreal that sits back and just throws Qs in teamfights is completely useless. Make use of that passive and drop them bork autos
No, you go tear into triforce or IBG.
We got a crew of 12 gaffers rolling in LA for ya, lol.
You know when you can criticise your own country or group of friends but you can't stand when people from outside do it? That's me in gaming League threads.
oh man, let's definitely organise a meet-up. I'll be there from the 23rd to the 30th of October.
Nah, it's 11am.oh man, it's almost 6 PM
huh. intersting.
Its 10am now.oh man, it's almost 6 PM
huh. intersting.
damn that's sweet
i get it from that trailer thingie he can create brush, that's very cool
also i feel like he shouldn't be a jungler considering he's like protecting the wolves?
i wonder if they'll try and make a champion that heavily interacts with the jungle without being an actual jungler, that'd be pretty interesting
Still think he's a jungler suited torwards counter jungling
Well, can officially confirm that I'll be at all Worlds stops this year covering the tournament for EU Lolesports.
If you're in San Francisco, Chicago, New York or LA hit me upwould be especially awesome to do a LoLGAF meet-up in LA before the final if possible!
We got a crew of 12 gaffers rolling in LA for ya, lol.
Only if he has his own smite because I don't want a jungler that can't contest/secure objectives lolWhat if Ivern is a smiteless jungle?
I think he also has some form of silence. His root glows after he tells the guy to stfu.
In low/high tiers you get the people that want to move up but aren't able to because they suck, so they just lash out.
The good part of Gold is around G4 when you just play with Gold people.
Ez is a pretty meta pick, I'm not a perfect Ez player but I can probably upload a VOD.
Speaking of, is it just me or is Ekko's default skin his best one? It captures all of his lore, experiences and struggles in a single skin.
Speaking of, is it just me or is Ekko's default skin his best one? It captures all of his lore, experiences and struggles in a single skin.
The academy one is the best, the color scheme on it is fantastic.
Actually for that reason I prefer his schoolboy outfit
See being a schoolboy is hard in school. I understand what Ekko went through. He was probably turned down from dates. He probably struggled to get good grades. He's a hard worker, and it really shows.
it is quite nice, but
just makes the raggedy default skin so much more meaningful.
Too bad you can't say the same for his kitSpeaking of, is it just me or is Ekko's default skin his best one? It captures all of his lore, experiences and struggles in a single skin.
I really hate when people say "I'm tilted" as an excuse for doing bad.
I really hate when people say "I'm tilted" as an excuse for doing bad.