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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


sealed with a kiss
Ez is fun because everyone just expects you to stand back and spam q so if you know how to be more aggressive you can catch people off guard with your damage, and he's a pretty safe ADC in really any situation
The biggest advice I can give for Ezreal is that you have to E forward to do damage on him. W doesn't do much dmg, but it's worth using just because it's part of your combo. Triforce does more dmg, but gauntlet lets you play more aggressive.

Don't try to group too much unless your tear is stacked. Try to back as early as possible, it's okay to lose a little CS in exchange for a tear. Don't fall under the trap of sitting under tower with no mana and only a doran's blade. Ezreal is a shitty pusher, so you're prob gonna have to miss CS against heavy pushers like Sivir and Cait if you want to back for tear.

Also remember, you can always E in to burst someone quickly and use flash to get out fast. Honestly, for getting used to Ezreal I would recommend getting Gauntlet over tear. You do like 50% less damage, but it's easier to land your stuff and plays you make become less risky.

Gauntlet over tear? Don't you generally go both?

Most common I see is tear into sheen then straight to IBG. Finish up manamune get ionian in between then just go last whisper, BorK, GA/BT/ Mercurial in no particular order depending on who you're up against.

The other build is just trinity instead of IBG but getting frozen mallet as well for utility but mostly the same as the previous build.

The 1st build is generally safer.

No, I mean Gauntlet over triforce.

Don't ever build frozen mallet on Ezreal.

The key to ezreal is not giving a single fuck. Learn his limits and be aggressive without shifting into 5 champs

An ezreal that sits back and just throws Qs in teamfights is completely useless. Make use of that passive and drop them bork autos
Thanks everybody, so for build I go with tear --> manamune, IBG, BOTKR and stuff? Cooldown shoes or atk spd?
Also, any particular rune settings?
You should never use your E aggressively if you are going to get punished for it. It's about timing and awareness, same as Vayne tumbling forward, for example.



cmon rito

get ur act together

damn that's sweet

i get it from that trailer thingie he can create brush, that's very cool

also i feel like he shouldn't be a jungler considering he's like protecting the wolves?

i wonder if they'll try and make a champion that heavily interacts with the jungle without being an actual jungler, that'd be pretty interesting


Gonna have to start dodging when I see stupid shit on my team like Lee Mid with No AP on our side and when I'm vs something BS like Draven top.

Feel like my Illaoi coulda did well in that lane ... if the Xin Jg didn't fed him a kill at level 3. From what I could tell he was just feeding kills to all lanes until they were all fed :/


damn that's sweet

i get it from that trailer thingie he can create brush, that's very cool

also i feel like he shouldn't be a jungler considering he's like protecting the wolves?

i wonder if they'll try and make a champion that heavily interacts with the jungle without being an actual jungler, that'd be pretty interesting

Still think he's a jungler suited torwards counter jungling

My personal guess: A jungler with a mechanic that involves getting the buffs without killing the creeps.


Gimme Ivern.

I'm not sure he creates brush. While these little vignettes usually give some info about the champion (like Braum blocking arrows for the lil' poro with his shield in his vignette) I just don't see how this would work taken at face value. Everyone knows where the "fixed" brush is on the map. Seeing blots of brush here and there just screams "throw in a skill shot or a ward, this is maybe a trap".

Something related to brush sure, I'm just not sure he can create it.


I still don't think he's a JG.
He cares too much for the critters.

I say he's ... support. :/

Also, I just had a game where we almost lost because the Liss mid fed the Sona Mid Main a ton and then started doing stupid tower dives. Thankfully their Darius was AFK for a few mins so he was basically worthless late game.

Also, 3 wind Drakes feels fucking AMAZING!!! We got 3 in a row cause their JG had to go top so often.


Tragic victim of fan death
Well, can officially confirm that I'll be at all Worlds stops this year covering the tournament for EU Lolesports.

If you're in San Francisco, Chicago, New York or LA hit me up :) would be especially awesome to do a LoLGAF meet-up in LA before the final if possible!

We got a crew of 12 gaffers rolling in LA for ya, lol.

I'll be there as well. We should actually set up a What's App or something like that for communication.


sealed with a kiss
Even if he's not cute I'm really curious to see what rito does with the new champ, the teasers make him sound really unique
So he's a treant, just like I said.

Gonna make wild claims-
One of Ivans skills will root enemies from a distance.
When he is in the jungle, he creates bush all around it that creates a fog of war
He will be able to 'charm' pets into following him


In low/high tiers you get the people that want to move up but aren't able to because they suck, so they just lash out.

The good part of Gold is around G4 when you just play with Gold people.

I'm like the definition of stuck in gold. I like to think it's because I switch roles so often, but it's also because I just suck at the game:p That said, I'm pretty comfy in mid gold area. I only rage when someone is a dick to me first. I have encountered very toxic people at all levels of bronze up through gold 1, and even in arams. not sure I believe there is a correlation with raging and rank. It's interesting to think about though.
Speaking of, is it just me or is Ekko's default skin his best one? It captures all of his lore, experiences and struggles in a single skin.

Actually for that reason I prefer his schoolboy outfit

See being a schoolboy is hard in school. I understand what Ekko went through. He was probably turned down from dates. He probably struggled to get good grades. He's a hard worker, and it really shows.
The academy one is the best, the color scheme on it is fantastic.

Actually for that reason I prefer his schoolboy outfit

See being a schoolboy is hard in school. I understand what Ekko went through. He was probably turned down from dates. He probably struggled to get good grades. He's a hard worker, and it really shows.

it is quite nice, but


just makes the raggedy default skin so much more meaningful.
I really hate when people say "I'm tilted" as an excuse for doing bad.

Sometimes they are tilted. Characterized by general impatience in all things (lack of patience last-hitting, lack of patience with teammates, lack of patience with everything going on in the game), generally being out of sync with the team or what's going on in the game, inability to focus well, increased tendency for frustration.

It's a real thing. Not all the time of course, but it is a real thing.
I really hate when people say "I'm tilted" as an excuse for doing bad.

I never say "I'm tilted" as an excuse for doing bad, but every now and then I'll say that to justify something that I do that could be considered questionable/ unnecessary.

i.e- If I botch a level 6 Rengar gank and the enemy ADC gets away with like 2HP, the next time I go for him, and he's safely protected by his tower, I might flash in and go all out regardless if I get the kill. if I get it and make it out alive, it's all good, but if my team's like "wtf was that?" I'll just be like "idk, I'm tilted that I didn't get him the first time."


gotta say i love how hard riot has been going lately for the whimsical side of league

champions like bard, aurelion sol, tahm kench, kled and even taliyah and the taric rework all are pretty light hearted and fun and feel like they belong to a world that's just magical and cool

and somehow you can have nu yorick and he still looks like he fits

i really want league to expand this universe
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