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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

gotta say i love how hard riot has been going lately for the whimsical side of league

champions like bard, aurelion sol, tahm kench, kled and even taliyah and the taric rework all are pretty light hearted and fun and feel like they belong to a world that's just magical and cool

and somehow you can have nu yorick and he still looks like he fits

i really want league to expand this universe

I agree, but I'd take Kled off of that list. Light-hearted and whimsical are the last things I'd use to describe that champion haha


I love Kled's whole character but I ended up not liking him :( a shame.

Poppy for me encapsulates the "go HAM all the time" gameplay a lot better.


I love Kled's whole character but I ended up not liking him :( a shame.

Poppy for me encapsulates the "go HAM all the time" gameplay a lot better.

I like the risk/reward aspect of kled, you can risk it going ham when you're the most vulnerable as your opponent thinks they got you and BAMF! Skaarl is back and now you've a massive advantage.

Of course this might lead sometimes to your death one frame from remounting.

well he might be loud and mean but he's pretty cartoonish compared to the edgelord days of zed, syndra, darius and elise and co.

Agreed, he's pretty much the caricature of psychotic redneck/hillbilly.
well he might be loud and mean but he's pretty cartoonish compared to the edgelord days of zed, syndra, darius and elise and co.
Yeah, he's a crazy old man and it shows in his animations. His dismounted running animation when going torwards champions is hilarious.
So he's a treant, just like I said.

Gonna make wild claims-
One of Ivans skills will root enemies from a distance.
When he is in the jungle, he creates bush all around it that creates a fog of war
He will be able to 'charm' pets into following him

Agree on the first two.

I believe he will root, silence and create bush around an area denying vision to enemies outside of it. So yeah, walls for vision, lol.


Was wondering if I should try to pick up TF so I looked up some info on him.

Wondering why he has so much AD scaling if he's played ap ..


i mean, yorick is pretty edgy so rito's far from running out of it, but as long as it's not all edgy i'm cool

i want a vibrant, colorful world that can also support dark undertones and scary shit

that's the whole point of the league universe, that it's so loosely defined that it can be just about anything



i don't get those subtitles lol


Was wondering if I should try to pick up TF so I looked up some info on him.

Wondering why he has so much AD scaling if he's played ap ..

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the AD scaling on his W is just indicating that his total AD is being converted to magic damage. So really he doesn't have any AD scaling at all since it's just an attack modifier
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the AD scaling on his W is just indicating that his total AD is being converted to magic damage. So really he doesn't have any AD scaling at all since it's just an attack modifier
Yeah, that's correct. That's just the skill's way of saying "you're going to do the normal auto attack damage as well"


Was wondering if I should try to pick up TF so I looked up some info on him.

Wondering why he has so much AD scaling if he's played ap ..

Quite a few old champs have AD and AP scaling. In some instances it was to give those particular champions more variety in their builds. It ended up being problematic and Riot dumped the concept of hybrid scaling champions quite a few years ago.

EDIT: in the case of TF it's definitely what jerd said.


So just lost two horrible games.

First was my team was just... holy crap.

20-1 by twenty minutes in (I was 1/1/0, everyone else was either 0/3/0 or 0/4/0)

Second match... failed jungle invasion, then botline dies and so our Blitz, only five minutes in, declares that he's done and proceeds to screw us over hard.

From one win away from G2 yesterday, to G3 6LP now...
I'm done with ranked for a bit I think.


I'd love if the new champ were a support, but with the title "Friend of the Forest" and his comments about every single jungle creature, I feel like I'd be setting myself up for disappointment.

Speaking of disappointment, I haven't played ranked in several days due to dropping from Promos into G5 (and 1 win) all the way down to 0LP Silver 2 in about 4 days. Feels bad man.


skarner's nearing top pick now, huh? master/challenger pickrate is rising

Skarner's early game is ridiculously good. He does his full jungle clear at full health, and his gankss are simple if you can land his E since you have the movement buff from W.


Gold Member
Skarner has always been good. The problem is how he gets to mid game especially when he gets his trinity. TIming is important. Get that too late and you lose his mid game power spike. He had always been plagued with the earlier meta champs being far too strong in the early game. Now he can just sit back and farm and have a few ganks here and there and he'll reach his optimal mid game spike.

iirc last patches he had the highest win rate around 20 mins or something but gets lower if he gets the trinity late.


I've begun to ban Graves in every game I'm in. I really don't want that shit on my team, it feels really hard to carry.


I should learn to follow my instinct and dodge more often. Got destroyed when bot lane chose Leblanc and Teemo with no one picking up exhaust. I was hoping that they were smurfs just messing around in a silver game.
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